The Effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver to Boost Immunity of People Affected by COVID-19 with Comorbidities of Diabetes Mellitus

COVID-19 virus has spread almost all over the world, including Indonesia until now. COVID-19 in people with diabetes mellitus have a risk of exacerbating symptoms. Diabetes is a disease caused by high blood sugar levels. Nanogold has a very strong anti-oxidant capability, while nanosilver has anti-bacterial properties. In this research, nanogold-nanosilver was presented in the form of health drinking water packaged in 1 L bottles and could be consumed directly. This research aimed to determine the effect of nanogold-nanosilver to boost the immunity of people affected by COVID-19 with comorbidities of diabetes mellitus on Jl. Merr Surabaya to Juanda highway, Surabaya City. The method in this research was the lecture method at the beginning of the activity. Health Drinking Water Materials were distributed once a week, namely on Friday, July 31 to August 28, 2020. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with a total sample of 100. Interviews recording medical conditions were collected and analysed. The results obtained were a decrease in blood sugar levels to normal in patients with diabetes mellitus and the immunity of the participant volunteers was well maintained in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The age group under 39 years had the greatest decrease in blood sugar levels. In accordance with the research results, Nanogold-Nanosilver Health Drinking Water has succeeded in increasing and maintaining the immunity of participants who have comorbidities with diabetes mellitus and are affected by COVID-19. Besides, the participant survived not to be affected to COVID-19 during activities.