Effect of Vermiwash and Vermicompost on the Growth of Fenugreek (Trigonella Sp.)

Vermicomposting is a useful and completely environmentally friendly technology that changes biodegradable waste into nutrient rich organic matter. This technology can also be used for obtaining vermiwash, nutrient rich bio liquid. It is a liquid extract, which is both useful and environmentally friendly. Vermicompost enriches the soil with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, while vermiwash can provide a nutrient boost directly to the plant. The present study was done to assess the effect of different concentration of vermiwash and vermicompost on growth of Fenugreek through vermiponics and pot method respectively. The 25% vermiwash showed increase in shoot length as compared to control whereas 50% of vermiwash was found to be phytotoxic to the growth of Fenugreek plant as compared to control.  Similar trend was observed in pot method using different concentrations of vermicompost. 25% vermicompost was found to increase the shoot length as compared to 50% and 75% vermicompost. Both vermicompost and vermiwash can be valuable addition to fenugreek cultivation. It is essential to use these products (vermiwash and vermicompost) in moderation i.e. 25% for maximizing the growth during cultivation.

Effectiveness of Android-Based Application (Nosting) for Early Detection of Stunting and Growth and Development Screening in Children Aged 12-24 Months

In general, data from height and weight measurements are manually entered into a growth chart, where this process takes time and can result in stunting cases being missed during the data entry process. Therefore, an early detection system was developed by utilizing the sophistication of Android which is currently widely used by the community. The purpose of this research is to build an innovative application for early detection of stunting and growth and development screening in children aged 12-24 months so that it can make it easier to monitor their growth and development based on Z-Score and KPSP. This research method is R&D. The research model used is ADDIE. This study used 43 respondents and 3 expert respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The results of the study based on the assessment of 3 experts get a value of 79.67% with a category worth using and based on a small scale trial on 43 respondents on the assessment of the effectiveness of the application getting a value of 89% so that it can be categorized as very effective. It can be concluded that the application of early detection of stunting and growth and development screening is feasible and very effective to use.

A Prospective Study of Future Jobs and Skills Considering the Requirements of Security Work Systems

Modern security work systems will depend on advanced methods of successful institutional performance through the availability of a set of basic requirements, the most important of which are forward-looking studies of the jobs and skills necessary for future security cadres in accordance with the requirements of security work. Therefore, the importance of the field of forward-looking studies based on data analysis based on reality and trends of future events has increased.

In light of this, the prospective study, as a scientific field, aims to anticipate the requirements of security work systems in terms of future jobs and skills necessary to keep pace with the continuous changes as a result of rapid technological developments and modern technologies, by enhancing lifelong learning programs for the national workforce and designing skills development programs to be proactive in acquiring future skills. The study relied on the forward-looking approach by applying future research tools using the (Mini Delphi) method to obtain correct and profound conclusions about future developments and scenarios in accordance with the requirements of security work systems with the aim of identifying future job skills, which depend entirely on technology, smart transformation, and automation of security services and systems.

Exploring the Characteristics and Population Trends of Pote Goats in the Lowland Region of Madura Island

This research aims to examine the productivity characteristics, structure, and dynamics of the Pote Goat population, a local Indonesian breed in Bangkalan Regency, Madura Island, East Java Province. The study was conducted on smallholder farms from September 2022 to January 2023. The study encompassed 139 respondents who participated as research subjects, contributing a total of 867 female and male Pote Goats of varying ages. To capture a comprehensive understanding, descriptive methods involving surveys and interviews were employed. The data collection process utilized the purposive sampling technique. The research findings indicate that the Pote Goat population consists of 65.17% females and 34.83% males. The adult male to female ratio is 1:12.20. The annual natality rate is 131.61% (70.78% females, 60.83% males). The kids mortality rate is 8.07% per year (5.77% females, 2.31% males). The mortality rate for goats of various ages is 9.34% (6.57% females, 2.77% males). The NI is 122.27% per year (64.20% females, 58.07% males). The migration rate is 37.37%, and the emigration rate is 12.34%. The average litter size ranges from 1.76±0.54 to 1.98±0.47 head per birth, increasing with the age of the doe. The types of births include twin births (73.48%), single births (14.70%), triplet births (10.39%), and quadruplet births (1.43%). The DPI values range from 30.14 to 33.91 kg per year, increasing with the age of the doe. The kids harvest rate is 291.15% per year.

Histopathologic Diagnosis of Diffuse Placental Chorangiosis in a Patient WHO Presented with Preeclampsia and Inevitable Abortion

Reported cases of chorangiosis in the literature are few and its etiopathogenesis is not still not completely understood [1]. However, most cases are caused by prolonged placental under-perfusion and chronic hypoxia [1]. Chorangiosis is also referred to as “extreme villous hyper-vascularity”; it is diagnosed by “the presence of more than 10 capillaries in more than 10 terminal chorionic villi in several areas of the placenta”, usually in three or more microscopic high power fields [1]. Cases of chorangiosis are reportedly seen in up to 5–7% of examined placentas from infants admitted to newborn intensive care units for various reasons, with an attendant increase in neonatal morbidity and mortality [1]. One of the well-documented causes of chorangiosis is Preeclampsia [1], which is a known cause of placental hypoxia and hypoperfusion as seen in this index case.

Development E-Assessment Literacy Oriented Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on Thematic Learning to Measure Critical Thinking Skills of Primary School Students

This research aims to develop E-Assessment Literacy Oriented Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) which is expected to be able to measure students’ critical thinking skills. This research uses research methods according to ADDIE with five stages, namely Analisys, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. The sampling technique used in this research is saturated sampling, the population of this study was class V students at SDN Berundung. The sample in this research was class V A students at SDN Berundung. The research results include the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of the product. Product feasibility seen from the product validation results is classified as very valid, the language aspect shows an average of 0.800. The media aspect shows an average of 0.875. The test instrument was also validated by the validator as the research product showed an average of 0.650. The practicality of the product can be seen from the average percentage of educators’ responses of 90% with very practical interpretations, while student responses were 90% with very practical interpretations. The effectiveness of the product can be seen based on trial data carried out in class V of SDN Berundung. The research results prove that class V A is at stage post-test has the highest value of 90 and the lowest value of 80 with an average value of 84.58, and a standard deviation of 2.93. This shows that there is a significant influence on measuring critical thinking skills using E-Assessment literacy oriented HOTS.

Analysis of Stunting Incidents in Toddlers during the Covid-19 Pandemic at Community Health Centers Located in Banjarbaru, Indonesia

Based on data from the Banjarbaru City electronic Nutrition Reporting Recording application, the highest cases of stunting toddlers at the Landasan Ulin Community Health Center were 131 people (19.8%) while children aged 0-23 months who were stunted were 72 people (19.7%) which still did not reach the national target of 14%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors associated with stunting incidence in terms of age, sex, Early Breastfeeding Initiation and exclusive breastfeeding. This research at the Landasan Ulin Community Health Center in Banjarbaru City used a cross sectional design. The population of this study was children aged 0-23 months. Determination of samples using systematic random sampling with a total of 165 children. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square and multivariate assays using multiple logistic regression tests. Based on the results of the analysis, children aged 0-23 months exposed to stunting amounted to 19.4%. The results of the Chi-Square test showed three variables that had a significant relationship with the incidence of child stunting, Early Breastfeeding Initiation and exclusive breastfeeding. The results of multiple logistic regression tests show that the most dominant factor related to the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-23 months is Early Breastfeeding Initiation. It is expected that there will be a regular increase in health promotion to breastfeeding mothers, direct visits to homes and socialization of the early initiation of breastfeeding procedures to relevant officers and the community.

Integer Solutions to Sextic Equation with Five Unknowns xy(x+y)=4(z+R)w^5

This paper deals with the problem of finding non-zero distinct integer solutions to the non-homogeneous sextic equation with five  unknowns given by . xy(x+y)=4(z+R)w^5


The Role of Digital Marketing and New Students’ Trust to Opt for Darma Agung University

This research aims to discuss the influence of digital marketing and the new students’s trust in the decision to opt for Darma Agung University (UDA) both directly and indirectly. The target population is new students class of 2023, with a sample of 290 people taken randomly. The primary data analysis technique applies a structural equation model (SEM) with the lisrel application program supported. The SEM uses the weight least squares estimation method. Digital marketing has a stronger influence on trust than on decisions to opt for. Trust influences decisions to opt. Trust mediates the influence of digital marketing on decisions to choose, but it’s partial. The Darma Agung University’s leaders should pay attention to social media.

Gas Compressibility Factor Prediction Using Machining Learning Algorithmic Protocol for Niger – Delta Gas Reservoir

The gas compressibility factor also known as Z-factor plays an important role in obtaining thermodynamic properties of natural gas reservoir fluid property. Typically, empirical correlations and complex equation of state have been applied to determine this parameter in absence of laboratory measurements. However, high cost of running experimental measurement, poor performance and some limitations associated with these existing correlations have made the researchers to use intelligent models instead. Therefore, this study aimed at adopting support vector machine algorithm to forecast gas compressibility factor and to validate its performance with predictions from Artificial Neural network (ANN) and some existing correlations using statistical and performance plot analysis. A total of 519 data sets from Niger Delta was used in developing the model, out of it, 70 percent was used for training, 20 percent for testing and 10 percent for validation using MATLAB tool. From the statistical analysis result, it was observed that the new developed model did better than other existing methods with numerical value of 0.1997 rank, 0.0009 mean absolute error and 0.98 of coefficient of correlation using the test data. The cross plot of the support vector machine model gave the tightest cloud along 45o reference line. The residual (error) associated with the performance was impressive which was done to observe the distribution and the interval at which the error is minimal.