
Canva-Aided Project-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Writing Achievement

This research aims to investigate the significant difference in the students’ writing achievement and explore their perceptions on the project-based learning aided by Canva. The study employed a quantitative experimental method that the data were taken from pre-test and post-test of writing and students’ perception questionnaire. The design of this research used one group pre-test and post-test design and the sample was taken randomly. The number of samples was 29 in one grade eleven class of Vocational School in Lampung Province, Indonesia. The data were analyzed statistically by using a paired sample test.

The results demonstrated that the integration of Canva in project-based learning positively impacted students’ writing achievement. The mean score of the pre-test was 63.62 and the post-test was 76.28. The gain between the mean score of pre-test and post-test was 12.655. In addition, the significance level was 0.000 < 0.05. It means there was a significant difference between students’ writing achievement in the pre-test and post-test. Besides that, the researcher also compared the t-value with the t-table. In this research, the t-value was 19.716 > 2.048. It means that the implementation of Canva-aided project-based learning could improve the students’ writing achievement. Regarding the students’ perceptions,  the use of Canva in language learning was dominantly positive, with many responses that Canva facilitated their expression of ideas and enhanced motivation in language learning.

In conclusion, this research highlights the potential benefits of using appropriate technology, such as Canva, to foster learning achievements in language education. Implementing Canva-aided project-based learning provided visually appealing support and encouraged students’ creativity in expressing their ideas. The researcher suggests further integrating this technology into the language learning process to improve students’ writing skills and overall learning motivation.

The Peculiarities of the Development of the Composition and Technology of the “Sedtab” Tablet

Today, neurological diseases occupy one of the leading places in terms of prevalence among all diseases. According to the World Health Organization, over the past 65 years, the number of neurological diseases in the world has increased more than 20 times and amounts to approximately 40%. Despite the relatively wide availability of means for the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases, the development and implementation of new, more effective and safe means remains relevant. In this regard, preparations from medicinal plants deserve special attention, since they are closer to the human body than synthetic drugs, easily enter into metabolic processes, practically do not cause side effects and often reduce negative consequences.

The main goal of this work is to develop a new composition and technology for “Sedtab” tablets based on local plant materials, i.e. stinging nettle, lemon balm and motherwort, as well as the study of technological properties based on scientific criteria for the creation of medicinal products.

The Importance of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Media Education Technologies in Institutions of Higher Education

This scientific work provides information about the importance of artificial intelligence in modern media education technologies in institutions of higher education. Artificial intelligence in media education in Uzbekistan offers unique opportunities for students and educators. Initially, artificial intelligence (AI) is employed for personalizing the educational process by adapting learning materials to the individual needs of each student. This contributes to more effective comprehension of the material and improved academic performance.

Primary School Teachers’ Views on Integrating Technology in English Language Instruction in Rural School Contexts in the Lubombo Region of Eswatini

The realization that traditional methods of teaching have become inadequate hence can no longer be exclusively used when teaching, has seen technology being integrated in instruction for all curricula.  This study intended to explore the views of primary school teachers on the integration of technology when teaching English language in rural school contexts in the Lubombo region of Eswatini. The study was based on the following research questions: What are the views of primary school English language teachers on the integration of technology in English language instruction in rural school contexts? What are the benefits of integrating technology in English language instruction in rural school contexts? How do primary school teachers integrate technology in English Language instruction in rural school contexts? What challenges do primary school English language teachers encounter when integrating technology in English language instruction in rural school contexts? The study adopted the interpretivist research paradigm which was used with the qualitative research approach and the case study research design. While the simple random sampling technique was used to select four (4) schools that took part in the study, purposive sampling was used to select eight (8) teachers that took part in the study (two teachers from each school). Data were gathered using an interview guide where teachers were interviewed on a one on one. The data were analyzed using Thematic Content Analysis. The study found that some teachers had a misconception about technology integration in instruction as they view it as the teaching of basic computer skills. Another finding was that integrating technology in English language instruction was viewed as very beneficial as it resulted in optimum lesson delivery since learners generally have a big interest in technology. Challenges that teachers encountered when integrating technology in instruction included lack of training and unavailability of technological gadgets as well as poor internet connections. The study therefore recommends that The Ministry of Education, through the In-service department should train the teachers on how they can integrate technology in their teaching. Another recommendation is that Headteachers should organize teachers from other schools who are known to be effectively using the approach to come and assist teachers in rural schools.

Considerations in the Adoption of Solar Home System Technology in Indonesia

The high potential for solar energy in Indonesia has prompted the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia to aim for solar energy utilization. Unfortunately, since it was planned in 2010, the target has not been achieved due to the low interest of society to purchase and use solar home systems.

Using the Technology-Personal-Environment (TPE) framework, this study aims to identify the factors that are being considered in the adoption of solar home system technology and understand the interest of the Indonesian people in repurchasing it. The data for the study were obtained through in-depth interviews with eight participants.

The study found that most participants do not consider perceived simplicity, but they consider perceived compatibility, regulations, technology support providers, performance expectations, and personal innovation. It was found that trust is also considered by participants. Additionally, they consider Regulations, Need/Urgency, Price, Technology Specifications, and Maintenance in repurchasing solar home systems. A new model proposed which exchange the perceived simplicity from technology context by trust in personal context.

It is recommended that renewable energy companies disseminate information about solar home systems through targeted websites, social media, and advertisements. Moreover, it is recommended that the government enact regulations that can support the use of solar home systems, such as providing incentives, subsidizing its materials, and building domestic factories that can produce the materials. Finally, it is recommended that further studies use other research methods, test new variables, and us the proposed models.

Technology in Training Delivery of Education Management: AI in ELT Approach

The aim of this research is to describe availability of tablet computers, personal computers, mobile devices and the other technologies offers such as using virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence can be used in practical English classroom in good strategies for lecturers and to share the knowledge with their students or some trainers. The research employed a descriptive qualitative method on with the communicative approach collaborating AI in ELT. The results show that technology can take offer several existing jobs and could create opportunities which offer new ways to learn, communicate, share, create and collaborate with human beings. Using these technologies, training design and understanding human being preferences are important steps in seeing on technology in training such as e-learning: online training, simulations and games and mobile learning. Computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data. In classroom that can be used technology as digital tools for the implications for language classroom. It can be improve the learning with using four skills (reading, listening, speaking, writing) using AI for English language teaching. Here are some recommendations for teachers and lecturers to use the technology and to improve teaching method in English classroom. These technologies as smart machines that think like human with the ability to stimulate intelligence through a process by using computers, smartphones etc. such as Kuki, Elsa, Quillionz, Readlang and many more AI will help students.

The Impact of Airline Responds to Service Failure towards Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Airline Industry

This study explores the relationship between airline responses to service failures and customer’s satisfaction and loyalty in the airline industry. Using a framework that includes various airline response categories derived from a service blueprint such as overbooking, flight delays, cancellations, lost or damaged luggage, in-flight service issues, customer service failures, and security issues, this study investigates the relationship between these factors and customer satisfaction, as well as the resulting impact on customer loyalty. A qualitative approach has been used alongside by using non-probability sampling that will be use in this study includes snowball sampling and convenience sampling. Upon collected data through survey, the result is then being regressed linearly in SPSS. The analysis of data reveals that effective and timely handling of service failures, as well as considerate handling of complaints, play a significant role in determining customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty positively, highlighting the significance of service recovery in nurturing long-term customer relationships. The findings emphasize the need for airlines to prioritize efficient service recovery processes, such as transparent communication and adequate compensation for service failures. Future research recommendations include investigating the role of technology in service recovery efforts and other service failure scenarios. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on service recovery in the airline industry and offers insights for marketing strategies to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Analysis of Simpeldesa Application Acceptance Using the UTAUT 2 Modification Method in Cibiru Wetan and Pangandaran Villages

This study aims to analyse the effect of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, habit, and trust on behavioral intention and the effect of facilitating conditions, behavioral intention, and habit on adoption behavior in using Simpeldesa. This variable is a variable derived from the Modified UTAUT 2 Model. Simpeldesa is a digital platform the village government uses with digitization features covering governance, social governance, and commerce processes.

This study uses quantitative research methods with conclusive or causal research types. This research survey used questionnaires with 268 respondents from early adopter users of the Simpeldesa application from the Cibiru Wetan and Pangandaran villages.

The findings from this study are that effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and habits significantly affect behavioral intention. Facilitating conditions, habits, and behavioral intentions significantly affect the Simpeldesa application’s adoption behavior. The independent variable with the most significant influence is facilitating condition on behavioral intention, with a t-statistic value of 5.203 and a p-value of 0.000.