
Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Learning Pronunciation

The objectives of this research are to analyze the students’ perceptions of the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in pronunciation learning and to analyze the problems faced by the students regarding the use of the MALL in pronunciation. Additionally, this research was conducted using a mixed method design. The data for this research were taken from 15 students in the English Education Study Program, at Tadulako University. In collecting the data for this research, the researcher used questionnaires and interviews with the students. The questionnaire was in the form of a statement and it included five degrees of answer options. The interview, on the other hand, was in the form of semi-structured and included 10 items. Then, after analyzing the data obtained, it was concluded that the general perception of the students is that the perception of the students on the use of MALL in pronunciation is positive as they perceive that MALL is effective and beneficial for their pronunciation learning. Further, the students explained that there is one major problem they face regarding the use of MALL in pronunciation that deals with internet connectivity. However, as can be inferred from the students’ explanation, there are three more problems that cause difficulties to students. They are the students’ phones performance; the possibility of the students being redirected; and the students’ familiarity with using mobile phones for learning.

The Relationship between Age Groups and Perception of Online Learning

The Coronavirus has disrupted teachings in many schools as they change from on-site learning to online learning. Although this has caused many difficulties, due to safety concerns of parents and multiple lockdown procedures, online learning is still being implemented. This led to a question of how students in different age groups perceive the benefits of online learning differently from each other. The main purpose of this study is to identify whether there is a relationship between age groups to establish direction for an opportunity to conduct future studies into the individual problems with online learning. To test this relationship, a google form was sent out as part of a cross-sectional study to online platforms, in which 253 participants from the age of 13 and above were randomly selected. To analyze the results, Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 26 was used. The One-way ANOVA table was calculated, where it did not show any statistically significant difference between age groups in their perception of online learning (p=0.82).

Perception of University of Tripoli, Faculty of Nursing Students on the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Curriculum

The study aimed to determine the perception of University of Tripoli, Faculty of Nursing Students on the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum. Specifically, this study answered the following questions:   1) What are the Students’ perception on the Basis of Curriculum Construction? 2) What are the Students’ perception on the Basis of Curriculum Content? 3) What are the Students’ perception on the Basis of Strategies?

The findings that the researcher was able to extract from the study were: 1) that the overall mean shows 3.92 which has a verbal interpretation of “Agree”. The students should demonstrate a commitment to civic engagement, an understanding of various cultures, and the ability to apply ethical reasoning.

2) that the overall mean of 3.90 shows that most of the respondents had a verbal interpretation of “Agree” on the basis of curricular content from sequence to relevance in the nursing profession.  3) Most of the respondents with an overall mean of 3.69 and has a verbal interpretation of “Agree” on the basis of Teaching Strategies shows a wide range of instructional activities to facilitate learning. Based on these findings, the researcher was able to conclude that the University of Tripoli – Faculty of Nursing incorporated the principle on curriculum construction on its existing curriculum. However, All of the indicators on each component of the curriculum showed a verbal interpretation of “Agree”, which allows for further enhancement of the curriculum.

The Colour Perception – In an Indoor & Outdoor Architectural Environment

Colour is considered an integral element for an indoor and outdoor environment. It is an essential element of our environmental experience and visual perception. It is often connected to, stimulated by, light in the natural or human design environment and accompanies us in different visible ways. They are the substance of how we experience the surroundings, as humans are the centre of concern in designing the architectural environment. It affects individuals differently based upon their age, gender, culture and other biological factors. Colour is a universal visual language appreciated by all. The aim is to utilise colour as an expressive component to emphasise the building character and create unity and harmony.