Scan Chain Stitching based on Logic Topology for Test-Power Reduction under Routing Constraint

Scan architecture is a widely used design modification for testability in ASICs to obtain good test coverage. But during the process of scan testing, power consumption is much higher than in functional mode of operation, as all the flops in the design switch during scan shift operations (shift-in and shift-out). The heat generated from high power dissipation can destroy the chip, cause reliability problems, or induce noise. Sometimes the problem of wrong response due to overheating may arise, causing yield loss. For these reasons, test power reduction is a topic for research. Though there are several scan shift power optimization techniques used in practice, scan chain stitching techniques based on logic topology proposed in the recent years address both shift-in and shift-out powers. Conceptually, the techniques likely cause routing congestion and therefore applying the techniques under a routing constraint could be an optimal solution is the proposal presented in this paper.