The Epitome of Ethnic Integration: The Formation and Development of Hui Nationality

In this paper, the origin of the Hui people in China is researched, the formation history of the Hui people is stated in detail, the development and evolution of the Hui people are described in detail, and the origin, formation, development and evolution history of the Hui people are divided into six stages, and the characteristics of each stage are analyzed in detail. It is pointed out that the origin of Hui nationality originates from the opening of China’s Silk Road, the needs of Sino-foreign economic and trade development, and China’s political integrity, economic prosperity, cultural prosperity, national prosperity and people’s security are closely related. The formation of Hui in China has the great attraction of Sui, Tang and Song dynasties, and is closely related to the expansion, wars and killings of Islam in the Arab Empire and the plunder, capture and recruitment of soldiers in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties. The formation of the Hui people and the essence of its development and growth are the fundamental way for the eastern Muslims to settle and grow in China and absorb the blood of Han Chinese, Mongolians, Uyghurs, Jews and other ethnic groups.

A Comparative Analysis of the Nutritional and Chemical composition of six West African Medicinal Fruits

Background: Many nations can no longer afford the ever rising cost of healthcare, governments across the world are in search of alternative and affordable ways of disease control. Clinical studies are revealing hope from herbs.

Objectives: A comparative analysis of the nutritional and chemical composition of six fruits used for treating many diseases in West Africa; to examine the composition, concentration and education for easy choice of suitable fruits based on peculiar situations as well as to provide easy access of consensus evidence to busy healthcare practitioners. Also, clinical evidence of plant medicine is not as much as modern medicine and education is necessary.

Methods: A systematic review investigation. Theory is a Community approach to intervention services. Search engines were Google scholar, Firefox and Google.

Results: Macro and micronutrients were present in the plants. Moisture was high in all but, Tetrapleura tetraptera. Anacardium occidentale, 86.00g/100 g/dry weight showed highest carbohydrates concentration, Annona muricata was lowest, 14.63%. Crude protein was generally low in all the plants, Chrysophyllum albidum scored highest, 7.00%, Annona muricata scored lowest, 1.00%. Fat was generally low in all, highest fat, 4.00% occurred in Tetrapleura tetraptera and least, 0.88% in Annona muricata. Fibre concentration ranges from low to high. The highest fibre occurred in Tetrapleura tetraptera, 45.00% and the least in Mangifera indica, 1.80%. Ash was excessively high, 60.00% in Annona muricata, Mangifera indica came last with a score of 1.95%. Outcome will be beneficial to users.

Conclusion: The fruits were rich in nutrients with nutraceutical and pharmacological properties, justifying its use as native medicine.

Development of LKPD Based on ExCluSiVE Learning Model to Improve Creative Thinking Skills in Mathematics Learning in Grade IV Elementary School

This study aims to develop LKPD based on the ExCluSiVE learning model that is feasible, practical and effective to improve creative thinking skills in mathematics subjects in grade IV elementary schools. The type of research and development used refers to the theory of Research and Development (R&D) Borg and Gall. The population in this study was 36 students in grade IV UPTD SD Negeri 5 Metro Timur. The samples in this study were class IVA as an experimental class and class IVB as a control class. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use qualitative descriptive analysis with data review and quantitative descriptive analysis using expert data, product practicality, validity, reliability, difficulty level, N-gain, normality, homogeneity, and effectiveness. The results showed an average expert test of 89.78% with feasible criteria, an average practicality test of 87.50% with very practical criteria; validity test V Aiken LKPD for material of 0.66, media of 0.67, language of 0.65 with valid criteria; reliability test of Cronbach’s Alpha material 0.817, medium 0.720, language 0.796 with high category; the average increase in students’ creative thinking ability before and after the study was 26.20%; the average N-Gain value is 0.83 in the high category; Test the effectiveness of independent sample t-test: 1) tCalculate value is 5.469 and tTable (df-34, α=5%) is 1.690, then tCalculate ≥ tTable, α=5%, 2) Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.000 < 0.05. The results of the study can be concluded LKPD based on the ExCluSiVE learning model to improve creative thinking skills in mathematics learning in grade IV SD Negeri 5 Metro Timur on feasible, practical and effective flat building materials.

Laboratory Investigation on Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Local Alkaline –Polymer for Niger – Delta Region

Approximately sixty percent of crude oil still lay trapped in the reservoir even after primary and secondary recovery processes have been completed, hence the need for a method that further improves recovery. To increase oil recovery and encourage utilization of local content, locally source alkaline and polymer materials were used to improve oil recovery in this study. The local alkaline and polymer used are plantain peel ash and corn starch respectively. The efficiency of the plantain peel ash and corn starch solution were tested using different seven core samples. The core samples were individually flooded with brine (salt and water) for secondary recovery process and different concentrations of plantain peel ash and corn starch both in stand-alone and in combined form were used for tertiary recovery. The results obtained from the experimental work showed that sample-B5 with 0.2g of plantain peel ash and 0.2g of corn starch in 100ml of brine gave the highest cumulative recovery of 86% as to compare to samples B1 and B2 which has the cumulative recovery of 70% and 78% respectively. Sample-B7 which has the highest concentration of corn starch (0.4g/100ml) gave the lowest recovery of 65% due to polymer adsorption on the rock surfaces which alters the rock wettability. The assessment of formation damage was done by evaluating and determining the permeability change after tertiary flooding. The concentrations with plantain peel ash have reduced permeability change. These locally sourced materials can replace synthetic enhanced oil recovery (EOR) chemical when properly modified and refined, and they are also cheap and environmentally friendly.


A Review of Analytical Methods on Carbamazepine an Antiepileptic Drug

Carbamazepine is used to control and treat bipolar 1 disorder’s acute manic and mixed episodes, trigeminal neuralgia, and epilepsy. Generalized tonic seizures (grand mal), mixed seizure patterns, and partial seizures with complicated sympatomatology (psychomotor, temporal lobe) are the only indications for epilepsy. Trigeminal neuralgia or tic douloureux are first-line conditions for which carbamazepine is FDA-recommended. In individuals with acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 mania, a comprehensive evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of carbamazepine extended release. Carbamazepine is contraindicated in patients with bone marrow depression and hypersensitivity to this drug or tricyclic compounds such as amitriptyline. Dizziness, sleepiness, ataxia, nausea, and vomiting are some of the most typical adverse effects of carbamazepine. With the ability to penetrate the placenta and pass through breast milk in nursing infants, carbamazepine necessitates a choice between stopping the medication in the mother or stopping nursing. Different analytical techniques developed and validated as per ICH guidelines for the determination of carbamazepine, including High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC), mass spectrometric, Liquid chromatography-Mass spectroscopy (LC-MS), and UV-Spectrophotometry has been explained in this article as it is important to analyze the drug content and % purity  in bulk and Pharmaceutical formulations for quality control purpose.

The Effect of Service Quality and Student Satisfaction on Word of Mouth: Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen IMMI Jakarta

This research aims to examine the influence of service quality and student satisfaction on word of mouth. The research population is all Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IMMI students actively studying in the even semester of the 2022–2023 academic year. The research sample size was 357 students and was taken using the convenience sampling method. Primary data collection uses a Google Form questionnaire. The path analysis model was used to test three research hypothesis formulations. The research results prove: (a) service quality has a strong and significant positive effect on word of mouth; (b) service quality has a very strong and significant positive effect on student satisfaction; and (c) student satisfaction has a weak and significant positive effect on word of mouth. In the structure of the multiple linear regression model, with word of mouth as the dependent variable, the coefficient of determination (R2) is 58.30%.

The Interrelationship between Economic Growth and Tax Revenues in Cambodia

The relationship between economic growth and the growth rate of tax revenues on goods and services, tax revenue on income, profit, and capital gain, and tax revenue on international trade and transaction was analyzed using a VAR model. All variables in this study were found to be integrated of order one, therefore the model was run using first differences. The lag length of the model was determined to be optimal at lag-two based on the information criterion. The estimated results of the model successfully passed all diagnostic tests, including tests for residual normality, serial correlation, and heteroscedasticity. Since all the inverse roots of the AR characteristic polynomial were within the unit circle, the model was deemed stable. The empirical findings from the VAR model indicated that the growth rate of tax revenue on income, profit, and capital had the most significant impact on economic growth, ranging from 2.3505% to 2.7155%. This was followed by tax revenue on goods and services, ranging from 0.5776% to 0.5954%, and tax revenue on international trade and transaction, ranging from 0.2747% to 0.5930%. Furthermore, the response of the growth rate of all tax revenues to changes in the economic growth rate exhibited a cyclical pattern around its mean.

The Effects of Case Study Teaching on Learners’ Critical Thinking Skills in Physical Sciences Classrooms

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of case study teaching on learners’ critical thinking skills in Grade 10 Physical Sciences classrooms. A non-equivalent (pre-test and post-test) control-group quasi-experimental design was adopted for the purposes of this study. The sample consisted of 122 learners from four schools (70 learners from two rural – 29 for experimental group and 41 for control group) and 52 from two urban schools (30 experimental group and 22 control group). A multistep sampling process was implemented in selecting the participating schools. Two schools were treated as the experimental groups and the other two as control groups. The intervention in the experimental group was case study teaching, while in the control group the traditional lecture method was implemented. The results of this study indicated that case study teaching improved learners’ critical thinking skills and that the urban learners’ critical thinking skills improved three times more than that of their rural counterparts. The results also indicate that there is no significant difference in the way case study teaching improved the critical thinking of the female participants compared to how it improved that of their male counterparts.

Comparing Solar Heater Designs: Evacuated Tube Vs. Flat-Plate Collectors

In terms of solar heater designs, this study compares the characteristics of collectors made from evacuated tubes (ETCs) as well as collectors with flat plates (FPCs). Due to their reduced heat loss, ETCs—which have individual tubes made of glass with a sealed under-vacuum double-wall design—perform exceptionally well in colder climates. FPCs, in comparison, are more affordable but less effective since they include a simpler absorbent plate that fits inside of a flat panel. These designs can be implemented using the SolidWorks software, which permits precise 3D modeling as well as simulations. According to research, ETCs are appropriate for colder locations since their vacuum insulation reduces heat loss along maintains greater temperatures. Even while radiation losses make FPCs less efficient, they are still excellent at collecting daylight energy, specifically in warmer climates. Decision-makers looking for sustainable cooling solutions might benefit from analysis that takes into account technical characteristics, financial viability, and geographical compatibility.

Social Support to Increase Adherence of People Living with HIV in Antiretroviral Treatment (Literature Review)

Antiretroviral medication (ART) therapy is the primary method of managing HIV-positive patients. The primary factor leading to therapeutic failure is nonadherence to ART therapy. Personal traits (predisposition), availability to health information, and social support, can be linked to adherence throughout ART therapy. Through a review of the literature, we hope to learn more about how social support can improve People Living With HIV (PLHIV) patients’ compliance with ART treatment. The literature review method is employed in this research strategy. The search for articles turned up 14 articles from 2019 to 2023 that were relevant to the issue. Various sources can be used to provide social assistance. Social support from friends, family, and medical professionals has a significant impact on PLHIV compliance with taking ART. Peer Support Groups (KDS) play a function in preserving adherence to ART treatment in PLHIV in addition to family support. Peer support groups offer assistance in the form of knowledge about sickness and treatment as well as inspiration to continue taking antiretrovirals religiously in order to survive. Numerous journals demonstrate a link between different types of social support and medication adherence. There is something, nevertheless, that is inversely related to the study. Social support will, nevertheless, have a favorable effect on treatment adherence. It is impossible to increase social support from a single source. However, if it can work in concert with social support, it will be ideal. To get the best outcomes, namely treatment adherence to antiretroviral therapy, it is vital to develop positive relationships amongst sources of support. Medication adherence is also influenced by internal variables, such as knowledge and the desire to preserve health, in addition to external support factors.