Influence of Dividend Payout Rate on Financial Performance of Selected Listed Companies

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dividend payout on financial performance of selected companies listed on the NSE, Kenya. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: Establish the effect of dividend payout rate on financial performance, determine the effect of dividend per share on financial performance, examine the effect of dividend yield on financial performance and determine the moderating effect of company size on financial performance of selected companies listed on Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study used longitudinal research design targeting 57 companies listed on NSE as at 31st December 2020. Purposive sampling technique was used on the target population, whereby 18 least performing companies as at 31st December 2020 were selected. A total of 90 observations were included in the dataset. Secondary data was collected mainly from NSE Handbook 2020-2021 and annual reports of the companies over five years from 2016 to 2020. The analysis involved both descriptive and inferential statistics. An empirical estimation was then carried out involving testing for stationarity of the variables, cointegration and estimating the cointegrating relation. It was expected that the output of this study provided a basis for Board of Directors and managers of companies in Kenya, Investors, Government agencies and regulatory bodies to make an informed decision and develop policies for investments. The study came with findings, made conclusions and appropriate recommendations. Based on the findings, the study concluded that dividend payout rate led to an increase in ROA of selected companies listed on Nairobi’s Securities Exchange. Therefore, dividend payout rate had a positive and significant effect on financial performance of selected companies listed on Nairobi’s Securities Exchange. When companies enhance dividend payout, there is a likelihood of improved financial performance of selected companies listed on NSE, Kenya. The study recommended that companies listed at NSE should ensure that the dividend payout rate is aligned with the company’s long-term strategic objectives. For instance, a mature, stable company may prioritize regular dividends to reward shareholders, while a growth-oriented company may reinvest profits for expansion. Furthermore, the study recommends that the government should support companies by ensuring that there are sound decision practices on dividend payout policy for the sustainability of companies. This study should be used by academicians to understand how well management allocates profits between reinvestment and shareholders returns. Dividend payout rate can be used to tell a company’s financial health and examine key financial metrices. Suggestions for further studies to be carried out in the entire East Africa Region to assess the establishment of companies in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and Rwanda, and then compare the results of those listed companies in the region. Also, more studies should be carried out in the future to investigate the effect that dividend policy contain on the expansion of the economy.

Green Accounting, Financial Performance, and Company Value: A Bibliometric Study

This research aims to examine the interconnection between green accounting, financial performance, and company value. This study employs a bibliometric approach utilizing bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence analysis, identifying 119 relevant articles on Scopus. The results reveal two prominent clusters, namely sustainability and sustainable development. Green accounting not only influences financial performance and company value but also has the potential to impact sustainability and sustainable development. For companies to thrive, it is crucial to consider corporate interests and environmental sustainability. This research will benefit researchers and academics exploring the relationship between green accounting, financial performance, and company value.


Predictive Modeling in Remote Sensing Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Predictive modeling in remote sensing using machine learning (ML) algorithms has emerged as a powerful approach for addressing various environmental and climatic challenges. This paper explores the integration of advanced ML techniques with remote sensing data to enhance predictive capabilities for applications such as land cover classification, crop yield prediction, climate change monitoring, and disaster management. We review related works and existing systems, highlighting platforms like Google Earth Engine (GEE), NASA Earth Exchange (NEX), and Sentinel Hub, which leverage cloud computing to handle large-scale data processing and model deployment. The proposed system incorporates data acquisition, preprocessing, feature extraction, model selection and training, and prediction and visualization to provide accurate and timely predictions. Future enhancements, including deep learning integration, real-time data processing, enhanced user interfaces, and collaboration with Internet of Things (IoT) devices, are discussed to further strengthen the system’s capabilities. The paper concludes by emphasizing the potential of ML algorithms in transforming remote sensing applications, supporting informed decision-making, and improving the management of Earth’s resources.

Analysis of Factors in Reducing the Incidence of Anemia in Adolescent Girls at Ummi Kulsum Banjaran SMP Bandung District

Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood. In Indonesia, around 90% of women menstruate every month, but the onset of menstruation can cause anemia for teenagers who experience it. This is caused by several things, of course because there is irregular bleeding, this is caused by the teenager’s age itself. , parental factors, including education and work, each person’s food intake/nutritional status, and also the menstrual cycle/length of menstruation experienced each month. This research aims to determine the factors associated with the occurrence of anemia in adolescent girls at Umi Kulsum Banjaran Middle School in 2022. The research method used is a quantitative analytical approach research design with a cross sectional research design. The research population was all 120 female students and the sample used was 55 people using the random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews and direct examination of respondents. Data analysis went through three stages, univariate (frequency distribution), bivariate (chi square) and multivariate analysis (Logistic Regression). The results of the research show that there are factors that are associated with the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls, including age, nutritional status and length of menstruation with a p-value <0.05. It is recommended that students increase their knowledge about reproductive health, especially those related to enstruation, educational institutions can optimize education about adolescent reproductive health by collaborating with health workers in the surrounding environment.

Indonesian Diplomatic Strategy Management in Addressing the South China Sea Issues

This research evaluates the geopolitical and environmental conditions of the South China Sea and proposes strategies for Indonesia in managing potential conflicts and resources in the region. Using qualitative methods that include literature reviews from official sources and academic studies, this research highlights the importance of active diplomacy, modernization of maritime defence, and sustainable management of natural resources. The results show that Indonesia must strengthen multilateral cooperation through ASEAN, increase naval capacity, and implement the blue economy. Recommendations also include developing maritime surveillance technology, improving infrastructure, and active participation in international forums such as the UN and implementing UNCLOS. Domestic efforts to increase public awareness and research collaboration are also considered essential for maintaining regional sovereignty and security.

The Influence of Company Growth, Capital Structure, and Business Risk on Company Value with Company Size as a Moderating Variable in Property and Real Estate Sector Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

This research aims to analyze the influence of company growth, capital structure, and business risk on company value. This research also aims to analyze company size in moderating the relationship between company growth, capital structure and business risk on company value. The population in this study were property and real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2018 to 2022. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, so the sample obtained were 33 companies. The analysis technique used in this research uses panel data regression analysis using EViews 13 as a data processing tool. The results of this research prove that capital structure has a positive effect on company value, while company growth and business risk have a negative effect on company value. Company size is not able to moderate the relationship between company growth, capital structure, and business risk on company value.

Code Switching and Code Mixing in Modern Public Communication (Indonesian Sociolinguistic Analysis)

This study seeks to examine how language is used in the social interactions of contemporary Indonesian society. The language use in question is an example of how modern culture in Indonesia interacts through code switching and code mixing. Using a qualitative descriptive research design, this type of research was conducted. The information referred to in this study is communication between contemporary Indonesians that demonstrates code switching and code mixing in modern culture. The speech in question takes the shape of a dialogue and includes words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that operate both as code switches and code mixers as well as having parts of both. Sources of data in this study came from the internet, namely previous research data, outstanding issues, and social media. Data analysis techniques were carried out with all utterances that show the occurrence of code- switching and code-mixing in the interactions of modern society in Indonesia. Furthermore, the classification and categories of the entire data are carried out. The data were analyzed by selecting and sorting out the forms and functions of code switching and code mixing in the interactions of modern society in Indonesia. After being analyzed and classified, the data is described and translated to find out the nature and applications of code switching and interference in contemporary Indonesian social interactions.

Agile Establishment of ERP System Roll Out in Maintaining Production Sustainability during the PSC Transition & Liquidation Phase Case Study a Site Acquisition in the Oil & Gas Industry

In the dynamic landscape of the Oil & Gas Industry, Information Technology (IT) emerges not only as an enabler but as the central driving force reshaping business operational paradigms. This paper delves into the transformative power of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, with a spotlight on the agile approach unveils the critical role of the Software as a Service (SaaS) Systems establishment of the Applications, and Products in Data Processing (SAP), in providing a means to mitigate the business process gaps anticipates the indefinite time of Gazettal issuance, streamlining operations, and accelerate business deployment to maintain the oil production sustainability during liquidation and transition phase for a new Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in the case study of a site acquisition in Oil & Gas Industry.

The primary data collection is gathered through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with key stakeholders, including the Company’s Management, Subholding Upstream, and Holding’s task force team consisting of SAP Consultants, and Business Process Owners (Subject Matter Experts) who are well-versed in the business requirements and current surrounding issues. Combining the literature review for secondary data collection for broader context and insights into best practices and lessons learned in similar cases.

The data analysis focuses on the External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) is conducted using PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and the Competitor Analysis to gain a competitive landscape, while the Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) with the VRIO framework, assessing a firm’s internal resources and capabilities to maintain a competitive edge over the long term, summarizes the key external & internal factors for the SWOT analysis resulting the alternative strategies. The ultimate best alternative strategy utilizes the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) method by analyzing attractiveness scores to the factors & enhances the probability of selecting the best strategic options.

Through real-world case studies on a site acquisition and Oil & Gas Industry insights, the paper underscores how SAP SaaS Roll-Out with an established Shared Service Centre as a support organization could revolutionize the Oil & Gas sector, paving the way for enhanced efficiency, sustainability, and strategic decision-making would benefit in the Liquidation and Transition phase of a PSC. Ultimately, this research illuminates the indispensable nature of the SAP applications, as the linchpin driving the industry’s progression towards a more agile, competitive, and ready-to-use landscape as it opens further feasibility study of SAP SaaS “packaged-solution” deployment for the benefit of next block acquisition.

A Study of Communication Strategies used by English Teachers and its Implication in Teaching English as a Foreign Language

The objective of this research was to analyze the English teachers’ communication strategies and their perception during the teaching learning process.  The writer analyzed the data gained through the questionnaire by describing the English teachers’ perception about the communication strategies usually used during the teaching learning process.  She also analyzed the teachers’ communication strategies into the fourteen strategies based on to some experts, there are several types of communication strategies that can be used to solve problems in communication (Dornyei 1995, Littlewood 1984, Tarone 1980). (Tarone (1980) presents five types of communication strategies, including: paraphrase, transfer, appeal for assistance, mime, avoidance. Littlewood (1984) describes eight types of communication strategies: they are avoidable communication, adjust the message, use paraphrase, use approximation, create new words, switch to the native language, use non-linguistic resources, seek for help. Meanwhile, Dornyei (1995) stated that the three main types of communication strategies, namely: topic avoidance strategies (topic avoidance and message abandonment), compensatory strategies (approximation, word coinage, circumlocution, literal translation, code-switching, appeal for help, used all-purpose words, non-linguistic signal, foreignizing), and stalling or time gaining strategies (use of fillers/hesitation devices). The design of this research is qualitative research. The writer described the data in order to have a clear and complete description of the research result.  The researcher used the result of the English teachers’ questionnaire as the data. The sample of this research was the English teacher who lives and teach in Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2022/2023.

A Guided Writing Technique based on Project-Based Learning to Improve Students’ Descriptive Text Writing

This study aims to find out whether the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based Learning could improve the students’ descriptive text writing. The research was a quantitative research. The design was one-group pretest-posttest design where there was only one group as the experimental class. The study was done in SMPN 1 Dente Teladas Grade VII, consisting of 32 students. There was a total of six meetings, which were 1 meeting for pretest, 4 meetings for the treatment, and 1 meeting for the posttest. The data was collected from a writing test and analyzed using SPSS v.25. The result shows that the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based learning could improve the students’ descriptive text writing. In conclusion, the use of Guided Writing technique is maximized when it is used based on Project-based learning, and applying the Guided Writing technique based on Project-based Learning is able to cover the weakness that the Guided Writing technique has.