Discovery Learning: Learning Modules to Improve the Critical Thinking Skills of Grade IV Elementary School Students

This research aims to develop discovery-based learning modules on Natural Sciences and Social Sciences (IPAS) subjects in elementary schools. Research and development uses the Brog and Gall (2003) model which consists of 3 main steps of research and development. In product development, researchers use the ADDIE development model to develop prototypes of learning modules. This research was conducted in the central part of Lampung Province, precisely at SD Negeri 5 Lempuyangan Regency, Bandar Way Pengubuan. The sampling technique uses random sampling by assigning 2 classes as subjets, namely the experimental class and the control class consisting of 25 students in each class. The results of this study showed that the average score of the experimental class was 77.83 and the control class was 69.43. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the experimental class was superior to the control class and had a significance value obtained through the t-test before 0.000, which means that there is a significant average difference. The results are then continued on the effect size test to see the magnitude of the influence of the product used. The effect size test result is 0.83 with a very high interpretation. Based on the results of research conducted in class IV, it can be concluded that discovery-based learning modules are effective in improving students’ critical thinking skills.

Work-Family Conflict among Police Personnel’s Job Satisfaction in Special Region of Yogyakarta with Gender as a Moderating Variable (Study in Police Administrative Unit at the County Level)

Research has shown that both men and women experience work-family conflict, but the nature of the conflict differs based on gender. Women often face conflicting demands between their work and family roles, which can lead to role overload and stress. Men, on the other hand, may experience conflict when their work responsibilities interfere with their family responsibilities, but they may also experience pressure to prioritize work over family due to traditional gender norms and expectations. It is important to recognize and address these gender differences in work-family conflict in order to promote greater work-life balance and job satisfaction for all individuals.

This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of work-family conflict among police personnel’s job satisfaction in Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially at police administrative unit at county level. Moreover, this study focuses on exploring the moderating effect of gender on relationship of work-family conflict with job satisfaction. This quantitative study designed to test the hypothesis. The data for the present study were primary cross-sectional data collected from total of 193 police personnel in Yogyakarta. The result of the study show that work family-conflict have a significant negative effect on job satisfaction. Moreover, gender has no impact significantly on the relationship between work-family conflict with job satisfaction.

The Rite of Passage of Pregnancy: Illustration of the Learning Process of Islamic Religious Education Strengthening Multiculturalism

The purpose of this paper is to describe, analyze, and interpret Islamic religious education learning practices that strengthen multiculturalism. This is done by looking at the rite of passage of pregnancy at Bangunjiwo DIY.  Finally, this paper produced several answers. The practice of Islamic religious education learning that strengthens multiculturalism in the rite of passage of pregnancy, is held in two types of rites, namely great rites and little rites. The learning of Islamic religious education in the great rite takes place at the mitoni event. While in small rites occur at ngapati events. The learning practice is held intensively and gradually, starting from preparation, implementation, and closing. Its implementation involves various elements of society, including rite organizer, religious leaders, government figures, and community members regardless of background.

The Effect of Trust, Knowledge Sharing, on Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable in Shipping Companies in Surabaya

Organizations strive to achieve success because the business environment is very competitive. Regardless of the size of the company and the company’s market share, every organization strives to manage employees so that they are able to work well. The company will manage its employees so that they run in line with the company’s goals, because one of the things that must be paid attention to in the company is the performance of its employees. Good employee performance can be seen from quality work results, producing quantities according to company standards, being on time, having high attendance, and being able to work together with fellow employees (Mathis and Jackson, in Damayanti et al., 2018). According to Mahmudi (2015:21), employee performance can be influenced by various factors, one of which is personal factors such as commitment. Based on Zehir et al. (2012), organizational commitment is a driver of organizational success, having the desire to fight for the organization, and belief in the goals and values ​​of the organization. Organizational commitment is a variable that is influenced by several factors. One factor that can influence organizational commitment is trust (Redha et al., 2022). Aziz and Abadiyah (2022) confirmed that there is a real influence of organizational commitment on employee performance, whereas Kertabudi and Aripin (2014) proved that there is no influence of organizational commitment on employee performance. Mukri et al. (2017), Hardiani and Prasetya (2018) prove the influence of trust on employee performance, however, research by Prasetyo et al. (2018) proves the opposite, namely that trust has no effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, trust has been proven to have no effect on employee performance with organizational commitment as an intervening variable by Aziz and Abadiyah (2022). Referring to the background described previously, it can be seen that there are still inconsistent research results regarding the influence of Trust, Knowledge Sharing, on Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable.

Study to Assess the Prevalence of Risk Factor of Chronic Kidney Disease among Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertensive Client at Karambakkam

Aim: The present study aims to assess the prevalence of risk factor of chronic kidney disease among diabetes mellitus and hypertensive client at karambakkam.

Methods and Materials: A Non-experimental descriptive research design was used for the present study. A total 200 samples were collected using purposive sampling technique. The demographic of diabetes mellitus and level of knowledge of risk factor of chronic kidney diseases was assessed using structured questioner and, followed by that data was gathered and analyzed.

Results: The results the study revealed that there is a significant association with the level of knowledge on risk factor of chronic kidney diseases among diabetes mellitus and hypertensive client at p<0.001.

Conclusion: Thus, the present study concluded that majority of the clients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension had inadequate knowledge and it is recommended that they should be educated on the risk factors of CKD.

Land And Building Tax (PBB), Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH), and the Remaining Budget Calculation (SiLPA), Network Capital Expenditure (BMJ) and Physical Special Allocation Funds (DAK) at the City Government in Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze the property tax, profit-sharing funds, excess budget calculations, network capital expenditures, and revenue from special physical allocation funds for municipal governments in Indonesia. This research is a descriptive quantitative research, namely by analyzing the Land and Building Tax (PBB), Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH), and the Remaining Budget Calculation (SiLPA), Network Capital Expenditure (BMJ) and Physical Special Allocation Funds (DAK) at the City Government. throughout Indonesia in 2018-2019. The results of this study indicate that PBB-P2 & City Government SiLPA revenues in Indonesia increase every year, the realization of SiLPA on income has increased in 2019 where in 2018 it increased 9.75% to 11.44%. City Government DBH receipts in Indonesia fluctuate every year where the highest DBH receipts are in 2018, the realization of DBH to the Balancing Fund has decreased in 2019 where in 2018 it was 12.33% down to 10.90%. The realization of BMJ for City Governments in Indonesia increases every year with the highest BMJ revenue in 2019, the contribution of BMJ to capital expenditure on average is still below 50%. City Government Physical DAK realization in Indonesia is decreasing every year where the highest Physical DAK revenue is in 2017, the Physical DAK realization to DAK has increased in 2019 where in 2018 it increased by 45.35% to 62.15%. This shows that the use of Physical DAK is greater than that of Non-Physical DAK.

Correlation of Time Management and Sleep Quality in Highschool Student in Bangkok

There are a lot of things students have to do in a day, which is why time management or lists of things to get done are important for them in order to have a good quality. Sleep is the time where they can recharge their energy for the next day. In order to get things done to their full potential, we need to have a good rest at night. It’s a sure thing that different people have different amounts of sleep or the time they go to bed each night. This also applies to secondary school students in Thailand, where they have varied amounts of sleep hours and may consequently affect their time management. Thus, our study aims to find out the correlation between sleep quality and time management of secondary school students in Bangkok. To determine the correlation of the factors, we conducted a cross-sectional survey. All data was collected by sending out a survey questionnaire about sleep quality and time management to secondary school students in Bangkok. The data from 216 participants was then analyzed. The outcomes from Pearson’s correlation test reveal a positive correlation between the assigned variables, which indicates that increasing sleep hours improve time management of the students. This study would put into picture that time management does affect students’ sleep quality and may potentially be put to use backing up potential changes that could be made to our country’s educational system.

Global Fear, Hopelessness and Media Overexposure of the Danger of COVID-19: A Cross-cultural Research

This study analyzes the role of mass media in inducing hopelessness and fear at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was conducted online in three Asian (China, India, and Indonesia) and three European (Bulgaria, Germany, and Hungary) countries. A total of 2617 participants, between 18 and 80 years, completed an online version of the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and an additional questionnaire including multiple demographic characteristics. Data obtained show that Asians, compared to Europeans, demonstrated a higher level of hopelessness at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both gender and age have been found to influence levels of hopelessness, but their impact varies across cultures. In addition, data show that some demographic factors such as education, marital status, and established religiosity influence the degree of pessimism and hopelessness. This influence varies in Asian and European cultural environments. For example, highly educated representatives of both cultures display low levels of hopelessness, while those with less education demonstrate extremely high levels of hopelessness. Regarding family status and religiosity, the trends are different. The hopelessness levels increase among single and divorced Europeans and decrease among the married and those cohabiting with a partner. Unlike Europeans, only married Asians demonstrate low levels of hopelessness. Regarding religiosity, the results show that religious individuals display low levels of hopelessness, while among atheists in both cultures, these levels are dramatically high. Findings suggest that media overexposure to the danger of COVID-19, leads to an increase in hopelessness and, in turn, increases in stress, anxiety, and depression.

The Importance of MSMEs for Poverty Alleviation: A Story from Indonesia

Objective: This study examines poverty in Indonesia from an economic approach and discusses the importance of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). It focused on the impact of these enterprises on poverty in the country.

Methodology: The analysis incorporated an autoregressive model wherein total workers in MSMEs and economic growth rate as explanatory variables. Annual time series data for the period of 2007-2019 has been used. The study also reviews the earlier empirical studies on the relationship between the growth of MSMEs and poverty alleviation in many other countries/regions. It represents the descriptive analysis of the explanatory variables and trends in poverty and MSMEs’ workforce. The poverty-reducing impact of the increase in MSMEs’ workers has been examined.

Findings: The result is significant which implies that MSMEs can play a very important role in poverty alleviation in Indonesia. The results of the study imply that a strong MSME base is required for the development of the economy and poverty alleviation in the country.

Noverlty: There are many studies regarding MSMEs in Indonesia. However, empirical research regarding the impact of the growth of employment opportunities in MSMEs on poverty levels in Indonesia is still very rare. Therefore, this research fills this gap and at the same time stimulates further research.