Can Technology Initiate The Enhancement of Digital Literacy in Early Childhood? Evidence From Indonesia

This research aims to investigate the impact of technology, parental involvement, and educator support on the digital literacy enhancement of young children in Indonesia. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining surveys, interviews, and document reviews. The research confirmed several key findings: effective use of technology significantly influences digital literacy in early childhood; parental involvement and educator support play pivotal roles in shaping a supportive digital learning environment. Furthermore, the study revealed that access to technology moderates the relationships between these factors and digital literacy enhancement, emphasizing the need for equitable technology access. This study contributes to our understanding of how technology, family involvement, and educator guidance collectively shape young children’s digital literacy. It underscores the importance of fostering effective digital learning environments and ensuring inclusive access to technology. The findings have practical implications for educators, parents, and policymakers in their efforts to promote responsible and safe technology use in early childhood education.

The Study on Exercise as a Boost for the Health Promotion of the Elderly in Selected Urban Area in Porur

Aim: the present study aims to exercise as a boost for the health promotion of the elderly in selected area in pour.

Methods and Materials: A quasi experimental research design was used for this present study. Total 60samples were collected using non probability sampling technique. The demographic variable and pre posttest level of health status elderly was assessed using structured questionaries’ and, followed by that data was gathered and analyzed. descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: the results the study shows significant association with health of elderly in posttest p<0.01.

Conclusion: The study concludes that there was a relationship between the effect of exercise on elderly to accomplish to improve the health of elderly.

The Study to Assess the Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia and Associated Risk Factors among Women

Aim: The present study aims to assess the Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia and Associated Risk factors among women at SMCH.

Methods and Materials: A descriptive research design was used for the present study. A total 50 samples were collected using quota sampling technique. The demographic variable and level of prevalence of iron deficiency was assessed using structured questioner and, followed by that data was gathered and analyzed.

Results: The results the study revealed that there is a significant association with level of prevalence of iron anemia and associate risk factors among women at p<0.05.

Conclusion: Thus, the present study assessed the prevalence of iron anemia and associate risk factors among women and it was evident there is a lack of awareness and knowledge.

Product and Pricing Strategy in the Virtual Space Platform: A Case Study of “Vuturist”

Navigating through the dynamic landscape of Virtual Platforms, this study delves into the intricacies of Market Trends and strategic positioning, with a focus on Vuturist, a participant in this competitive sector. The background of the study is anchored in the swift technological progress and shifts in consumer preferences. The research stages involve an in-depth analysis of the market, Vuturist’s offerings, and the strategic implications of emerging trends. TThe primary objective is to furnish strategic recommendations that fortify Vuturist’s sustained growth and relevance in the market.

The methodology encompasses a comprehensive review of market trends, the competitive landscape, and Vuturist’s internal capabilities. The research unveils insights into the demand for customizable virtual spaces and the necessity for Technological Integration. The findings spotlight avenues for Vuturist to enhance its Product Strategy and adapt its Pricing Models to align with market expectations.

This study’s scientific contribution is manifested in its in-depth analysis and strategic recommendations tailored for the virtual platform domain. By addressing the research problem and objectives, and clearly outlining the contributions to the scientific community, the research offers a holistic perspective beneficial not only for Vuturist but also for other stakeholders in the industry.

The Influence of Job Stress and Work Environment on Employee Performance at PT Majuperkasa Indonesia in Bati-Bati, Tanah Laut Regency

Employee performance is the most important part in supporting every company performance activity, so every employee needs to be aware that they have a responsibility to the company for the results of their work. This research aims to examine the influence of work stress and the work environment partially and simultaneously on employee performance and to look for variables that dominantly influence the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees in Bati-bati, Tanah Laut Regency. This type of research is quantitative, the population in this sample are employees of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia. Determining the number of samples used the Slovin method with a sample size of 74 respondents. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and distribution of questionnaires. The instrument used was a Likert scale model questionnaire with the data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this research indicate that work stress does not have a significant effect on the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees, while the work environment has a significant effect on the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees. Work stress and the work environment simultaneously influence the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees. The work environment has a dominant influence on the performance of PT Majuperkasa Indonesia employees.

Analysis and Prediction of Bollinger Bands to Predict Stock Prices in Determining Investment Strategies

It is critical for stock investors to be able to forecast future stock values in order to determine potential gains or losses. A technical analysis approach can be used to anticipate stock prices in the realm of stock investment. A technical analysis approach was used to construct the Bollinger bands detecting application system. Technical analysis is a means of observing price variations over a specific time period by employing historical data and indicators. The goal of this research is to predict Bollinger bands and define the circumstances for buying and selling stocks in technical analysis. The object of this study is the closing price of BBRI.JK, BBCA.JK and BMRI.JK during 2022. Data is analyzed using Bollinger Bands and decision to buy the right stock is when the actual price of the stock intersects with the lower band because at that time the stock price is increasing, while the decision to sell the right is when the actual price of the stock intersects with the upper band because at that time the stock price will decrease. In addition, the results of the Bollinger bands prediction for n + 1 from the last day of the sample, December 30, are respectively the upper and lower Bollinger bands on January 2, 2023, which are 5.012,948 and 4.775,052 for BBRI.JK shares, 8.755,919 and 8.446,581 for BBCA.JK shares, and 5.321,991 and 4.764,259 for BMRI.JK shares.

The Dietary Patterns of High School Students in Medan City are Influenced by Perceptions of Stunting

Introduction: Data from WHO shows that Indonesia ranks third in the highest prevalence of stunting in Southeast Asia with an average prevalence of 36.4%. This study aims to explore the relationship between perceptions of stunting and dietary patterns of high school students in Medan city, Indonesia.

Methods: This research is a non-experimental descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional design by observing primary data through questionnaires and then analyzing using Chi-Square.

Results: The results of this study from 110 samples found that there were significant results (P=0.031) between the relationship between perceptions of stunting and female diet patterns. The result above shows that 77 high school youth (70%) have a poor perception of stunting in Medan City, and 33 people (30%) are good. Meanwhile, the dietary patterns of high school adolescents in Medan City who were classified as poor were 76 people (69.1%), and as good were 34 people (30.9%). All samples were tested with purposive sampling of 110 students.

Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between perceptions of stunting and diet patterns of high school students in Medan City.

From an ‘Imagined Landscape’ to Iconic Destination: Bollywood Film and Its Impact on Tourism

Tourism destinations are a product of the ‘brand personality’ of the space and depend on the cultural influence and collective consciousness. The tourists look for the emotional connection with the destination and re-imagine the self as part of larger community. Thus people’s choice of travelling gets influenced by the representation of the landscape on the screen enveloped in symbolic connotation, narrative emotion and cultural nostalgia. Being one of the biggest film industries all over the world Bollywood, has its own impact over the audience of India and also cater to the global market with specific agenda. The constant construction, reconstruction and representation of space in Bollywood films through its production promote ideology of consumption. With its ever growing market Bollywood film makes an impact over Indian Diaspora. The search for root and identity inspire the NRIs to travel back to the ‘Homeland’. Their journey back to new modern India is a voyage from West to East, Modern to Tradition, ‘Others’ to ‘Self’. Each space on screen put forward interpretations, specific to the character, local and identity. Travelling to a geographical landscape gets attached with the process of self discovery. The onscreen emotion engages in a conversation with the off screen domain as tourist destination. The Bollywood stars become the face of tourism industry. This paper critically examines the impact of film on tourism.  How the Bollywood promotes tourism, plays a huge role in constructing the collective identity and influence the economic and social development.

Herbal Interventions as Promising Therapeutic for Alleviating Depression: A Comprehensive Review

Depression is a global mental health challenge with significant social and economic burdens. While conventional pharmacological treatments have been the cornerstone in depression management, there is a growing interest in exploring alternative and complementary herbal therapies. Herbal interventions have emerged as promising therapeutic approaches for depression treatment. Both clinical and preclinical research has shown that individuals with depression often experience simultaneous activation of neuro-inflammatory response within immune system and heightened activity in hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of  neuroendocrine system. These two systems interact with each other bidirectionally through neural, immunological and humoral mechanisms. This review article provides an outline of the current progress of research on herbal interventions, emphasizing their potential as emerging therapeutics for depression. It discusses the mechanisms of action, safety profiles, and evidence from clinical studies supporting the use of various herbal remedies. Herbal interventions and traditional Chinese formulations hold promise as a valuable adjunct or alternative to conventional treatments, offering new avenues for the comprehensive care of individuals with depression.

The Effect of Human Resource Training and Development on Increasing Employee Performance with Work Motivation as an Intervening Variable

This research aims to determine the effect of training and human resource development on improving employee performance with work motivation as an intervening variable at CIMB Niaga Kediri Branch. This research uses quantitative research methods because the research data is in the form of numbers and analyzed using statistics and meets scientific principles, namely concrete, objective, measurable, rational and systematic. The population in this study were 200 employees who worked at the financial institution CIMB Niaga Kediri Branch. Meanwhile, the sample was 67 respondents. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis method is descriptive analysis and Partial Least Square (PLS). From the results of this research it can be concluded that: (1) Based on data processing carried out by researchers through the bootstrapping method, training has a significant positive effect on employee performance. (2) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between human resource development variables on improving the quality of employee performance. (3) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between training and motivation. (4) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between human resource development variables on motivation. (5) Based on data processing carried out by researchers using the bootstrapping method, there is a significant positive influence between motivation variables on performance. employee. (6) The relationship between training and improving the quality of employee performance is mediated by the motivation variable with a significant positive effect. (7) The relationship between human resource development and improving the quality of employee performance is mediated by the motivation variable with a significant positive effect.