Creating Joyful Experiences for Enhancing Meaningful Learning and Integrating 21st Century Skills

As the twentieth century gives way to the twenty-first, the world is undergoing a profound transformation that may be described as a paradigm shift on a global scale. The way we view student learning has evolved. As a result of this shift in perspective, many countries have revised their curricula to become more learner-centered, incorporating elements of formal, non-formal, and informal instruction. Teaching and learning strategies that emphasize the three types of skills—learning skills, literacy skills, and life skills—are the most effective way to give students a head start on the 21st-century abilities they’ll need to succeed in school and in the workplace. Meaningful learning will result when learners engage in knowledge construction conversation, articulation, collaboration, and reflection. The students learn meaningfully when they are will-fully engaged in a joyful task. Joyful Learning enables the learners to improve their 21stcentury skills as it helps students feel like they’re making progress as they’re studying, which is reassuring for a child. In the present research, the investigator has engaged learners (primary class students) in ‘Classroom shows’ related to subject-oriented presentations. Teacher instructor created a joyful learning environment for the learners to perform in a plethora of activities in the form of role plays, stories, songs, dance, recitation, games, puzzles etc. The Performance of learners was based on the assigned task integrating-communication, collaboration, critical-thinking and creativity skills. All the approaches be it Activity oriented, Experiential learning, Art Integrated learning were showcased. In the process, a student acquires the skills necessary for success in the real world through learning or some other method. The joyful experience leads to better understanding and engagement of learners. The intrinsic force is the joy which makes learning a joyful experience.

Sector Rotation Investment Strategy by Implementing Piotroski F-Score and Markowitz Portfolio Theory for Portfolio Construction: Indonesia Stock Market 2020 to 2022

IHSG or IDX Composite Index crash during 2020 where the index fell 37.5% since beginning of 2020 until mid march to the level points of 3,938, recovered and marking up in 2021 where the index reaching the peak in November to the level points of 6,723, and then consolidating at the year of 2022 where the index move in a ranging movements of up and down within the level points of 6,500 to 7,300. The different cycles of stock market movement are happening because of changes and different economic factors, making investors presented with a different opportunities and risks at the stock market. In order to capitalize these changes at the market, investors need to analyzed their portfolio periodically for evaluation and assessment. These research were conducted to examines what are the best portfolio for each year of 2020, 2021, and 2022 using sector rotation investment strategy by implementing sector comparison analysis and Piotroski F-score for stock screening method, while using Markowitz portfolio optimization theory for portfolio construction.

The Effect of Managing Cognitive Functions in Detecting Criminal Behavior among a Sample of Addicts

The effect of managing cognitive functions in detecting criminal behaviour among a sample of addicts. The study aimed to identify the effect of managing cognitive functions in detecting criminal behaviour among a sample of addicted users and non-users of drugs (heroin). 1.37 The criminal behaviour scale and the Wisconsin Card Sorting and Classification Test were applied to measure cognitive functions.

Assessment of the Forms of Peer Counselling Providing Psychosocial Support for Mental Wellness of Students in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya

There is a widespread concern among stakeholders and the ministry about the mental wellness of learners in secondary schools. The role of peer counselling in the helping processes of their fellow students cannot be under rated in the modern life for their proper growth and development. The study therefore focused on Assessment of the Forms of Peer Counselling in Providing Psychosocial Support to Students in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Kericho County, Kenya. The study objective was to explore the forms of peer counselling providing psychosocial support for mental wellness of students in boarding secondary schools. Social Cognitive theory by Albert Bandura and Social Development theory by Lev Vygotsky guided the study. Data was generated from 12 schools, among 398 students and 48 peer counsellors selected by simple random sampling. Additionally, 12 heads of guidance and counselling and principals were included. The study adopted pragmatic paradigm, used mixed method research approach. The data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules and focus group discussion. The results of the study revealed that the forms of peer counselling in boarding secondary schools use the roles of befriending (74.0%), mediation (72.8%), mentoring (72.8%), tutoring (72.6%) and educators (72.3%) in their helping process. The study concludes that the forms of peer counselling in public boarding secondary schools has a positive influence in providing psychosocial support to the students. The study therefore recommended that schools should use peer counselling for the psychosocial support of the learners. Sensitization of principals, teachers and heads of guidance and counselling on the benefits of Peer counselling on students’ psychosocial support is essential.

Business Strategy for Clothing Brand in Indonesia

The growth of the fashion industry was able to contribute about 18.01%, or IDR 116 trillion. The fashion industry’s revenue is anticipated to reach $9.30 billion in 2022, according to recent data. By taking advantage of this chance, Good News is a Christian and Catholic spiritual clothing company. In Indonesia, Good News aims a market of 28.88 million Christians and Catholics. with 1,401,771 potential customers in Jakarta, where Good News is based. Three products were eventually released by Good News, but sales haven’t yet surpassed expectations. Additionally, based on the market potential previously mentioned, Good News sales are unable to reach the 1,401,771-person potential market in Jakarta as a whole.

Qualitative research techniques are used in this study. Owners of Good News businesses are interviewed for internal data sources. External sources can be found by reviewing published sources of information for pertinent political, governmental, legal, technological, and competitive trends and events. Before analyzing Good News’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the author first collects external business factors. The data is then converted into an IFE and EFE matrix, which can be used to determine rankings and weights. A matching IE matrix is created after the data analysis.

Good News The total weighted scores for the IFE matrix and EFE matrix are 2.54 and 2.86, respectively. The Hold and Maintain strategy fits the Good News based on the IE Matrix. Good News can change its strategy by working on product development and market penetration. Additionally, starting in January 2023, the author developed an implementation plan, timeline, and budget plan to track strategies to keep the business on course.

Business Workforce Planning in PT X to Support the Company Target Achievement

Global business conditions and rupiah exchange rate fluctuations have also contributed to the oil and gas market decline since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic in Indonesia in the first quarter of 2020. In addition, the existing state of oil and gas, which generally experiences periodic declines, is a challenge for the company to maintain the company’s business. Oil and gas companies, like other businesses, need people to carry out their activities and meet their production targets. The oil and gas business, by its very nature, requires sufficient human resources in terms of numbers and skills. If this is not regulated, it can lead to understaffing affecting goal achievement or over-employment, which can reduce company productivity. This study therefore aims to ensure adequate worker availability through workforce planning. Based on current personnel analysis and personnel planning strategy, PT. X has many flaws in its workforce planning/strategy, including its productivity, unstable headcount, lack of talent development and leadership skills The strategic manpower framework for the internal labor market will be implemented by filling out the main activities excluded from internal resources and open core activities over the next five years from external recruitment to enhance the core functionality. It is proposed to set up a skills development program to improve technical and managerial skills to ensure the use of temporary workers and their readiness for current and future positions.

Increasing Employee Performance through Digital Culture, Compensation, Career Development and Employee Resilience in PT. Janji Mulya Executive Learning

PT Janji Mulya Executive Learning (PT Janji Mulya) was a business unit within Janji Mulya Business School foundation and became an independent business entity as a limited liability company (Perseroan Terbatas) in January 2020. When Covid-19 happened, the company’s revenue dropped to only 30% in the first year (2020) after the spin-off. In the next year (2021) the revenue increased almost one hundred percent despite the fact that it was still forty percent below the 2019 performance. The company expect that the trend will keep going up to the 2022 fiscal year, however the fact says the contrary: the revenue in 2022 was slightly going down. Besides, the majority of individual performance decreased by 45.9% of employees. These problems in the postpandemic condition that is differed from expectation, has raised concern of PT Janji Mulya management. Further information were obtained that several factors could be the cause of low employee performance, namely digital culture, compensation, career development, and employee resilience. Based on these problems, this research was conducted to know and analyze the relationship of digital culture, compensation, career development, and employee resilience, with employee performance, as well as to propose solution regarding the four factors that could increase employee performance.

To that end, this study was conducted with two objectives, namely descriptive and verification purpose. To analyse the hypotheses, this study employs multiple regression. Data collection was done by census to the population of PT Janji Mulya employees (N=60). Questionnaire was distributed at one-shot time horizon method and cross-sectional data.

The findings revealed that there is a significant simultaneous influence of the four independent variables on employee performance. The test of partial effect showed that each variable of digital culture, compensation, career development, and employee resilience, have a positive and significant relationship with employee performance.

Based on the results of the analysis that combines the results of hypothesis testing and the results of interviews with research informants, the business solutions for developing employee performance at PT Janji Mulya are arranged in the form of priorities based on the correlation values of the four variables on employee performance. Besides there are several insights that might influence employee performance, namely: a clear business strategy that is communicated effectively from the top management to the lowest level in the organization, Availability of resources that affect the performance of a department, and Strategic Foresight Analysis training to equip employees to be skillful at analyzing conditions, predicting changes that may occur, and managing response preparation and implementation plans, so that employees become more resilient.

The Determinant Factors for Employees to Leave (A Case Study in a Paint Chain Retailer)

High turnover is one of the problems faced by companies, especially small and medium enterprises. PT Fakta Asia Jaya, or Fakta Retail or Fakta Group, is one of the oldest semi-modern paint chain retailers and experiences a high turnover rate, more than the average industry. The company services depended on employee knowledge and support. The higher turnover rate becomes the real problem with the cost of hiring, training, sales, and services, which might affect profitability in the long run. Many factors, such as age (generational differences), gender, length of work, marital status, job satisfaction, compensation satisfaction, and organizational culture, influence employees’ decision to leave the company.

This research uses qualitative methodology through an in-depth interview approach with questions about job satisfaction, compensation satisfaction, and organizational culture conducts information collected. This approach was chosen to understand whether those factors significantly influence their decision. This study proposes a recommendation for the business situation and to retain the current employee, especially the millennial generation.

Based on the result of the study, it was suggested that the factors related to the employee leaving are mainly personal reasons and related to job satisfaction and compensation benefit. The other aspect emphasized by millennials is looking for career advancement and work-life balance between the family. Also, it is found that the higher risk of the job tends to look at a higher salary or to be financially incentivized; the importance of being valued and communicating in every variable makes all generations feel satisfied and fulfilled.

The Effect of Apparatus Commitment on the Relationship of Budget Participation and Internal Control with the Performance of Government Apparatus in the Government of Aceh

This study aims to examine the effect of apparatus commitment on the relationship of budget participation and internal control with the performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh. The population of this research were all Head of Institution, Head of Program Sub-division, and Financial Administration Officer in The Aceh Work Unit which the sampling technique uses non probability sampling with census method. The data source in this study uses primary data that is the acquisition of questionnaires from respondents. Data analysis method used is Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with the help of SPSS 25. The result of this research shows that (1) budget participation and internal control has an effect on performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, (2) budget participation has an effect on performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, (3) internal control has an effect on performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, (4) apparatus commitment has an effect on the relationship between budget participation with performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, and (5) apparatus commitment has an effect on the relationship between internal control with performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh.