Risk Identification and Risk Prioritization Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Case Study: Human Capital Management, Procurement, and General Affairs of Holding Company PT. ABC)

Every company will face the fact that there are events that can be predicted or some that cannot be predicted. Companies to deal with these problems need to manage those risk well. According to ISO 31000, the definition of risk management is part of governance and leadership and is the basis for managing the organization at all levels.

Holding company PT. ABC is a non-manufacturing company that is part of one of the largest telecommunications group companies in Indonesia. This company is engaged in strategic investment and holding where the company’s business activities include network development, multimedia services, and investment in other similar companies. This company only has a special unit to manage risk management, the unit was only formed in 2021. Because the formation of risk management in this company is still new, in its implementation it still has shortcomings, which include that they are still lacking in communication with each unit to identify the risks faced and they do not pay enough attention to details such as seeing the score of each of those risks and determining which ones are the most important need to be prioritized.

This research was conducted using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a process of identifying possible risks that may occur and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain risk priorities from each of the same risks. There are 11 risks that occur with 4 risks that have the same score at the High level, and 3 risks that have the same score at the Medium level. Priority weighting using AHP obtains a priority sequence for each risk that has a score at the same level.