Higher Order Thinking Skill of IX Grade Students in Solving Mathematics Problems Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy

The purpose of this study is to describe and find out the high-level thinking skills of IX grade students in solving PISA mathematical problems based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The subjects in this study were 58 students drawn from several junior high schools and MTs in Banyuwangi district. The instrument used was a PISA test item that was loaded into the Indonesian PISA Center. The sampling technique is purposive random sampling with descriptive qualitative research methods. The data were analyzed using data collection techniques with the method of documentation, tests and interviews. The results of a high-level thinking study of class IX students in solving PISA mathematical problems based on Bloom’s Taxonomy found 1) the existence of subjects with moderate abilities that meet the analysis and evaluation stages and subjects with high abilities that meet the stages of analysis , evaluation and creation, 2) the existence of a hierarchical relationship between the abilities of analysis, evaluation, and creation means students can be said to be highly capable if they can complete and fulfill all three stages in a sequence.