Enhancing the Competency Development Program for New Recruits: A Case Study at Internal Audit & Risk Management Function

The pandemic created unsettling vulnerability as organization accelerated the shift to digital operations. One bright spot is that asset misappropriation, while still a top category of fraud, was down in the last 24 months perhaps due to more employees working remotely, with limited access to company assets. At the same time, remote working increased risks beyond just digital security. Hence, it is important to have effective internal controls to identify and prevent any kind of fraud. The increasing need for recruiting strong internal audit and risk management functions especially in public company is due to several factors, including increased regulatory scrutiny, greater stakeholder demands for transparency and accountability, and the growing complexity of business operations. With the increasing number of public companies, there is a greater need for effective internal controls and risk management systems to ensure financial reporting accuracy, prevent fraud, and meet regulatory requirements. Internal audit and risk management improve governance, decision-making, and identify risks for organizations. Strong functions require adequate manpower, trained personnel, and resources for effective performance. Group Audit and Risk Management (GARM) in one of public company, working on Internal Audit and Risk Management (IARM). To ensure GARM fulfils its responsibilities as a corporate center, they define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are reviewed semi-annually by the Board of Directors (BOD). Unfortunately, one of the KPIs related to advisory and supporting roles, namely supporting the fulfilment of Group IARM manpower requirements, has not been met since 2013. The purpose of this study is to identify the root cause of the decrease in new recruit manpower fulfilment requests from Internal Audit and Risk Management functions in subsidiaries company and enhance the existing competency program in order to increase participation from Internal Audit and Risk Management functions. Using design thinking method and conducting in depth interview author may determine framework to enhance the programs that are more relevant to the competency needs.

Valuation of Software Agency for Pre IPO Using DCF and Relative Valuation Method (Study Case: PT XYZ)

An Initial Public Offering (IPO) is a pivotal moment in a company’s life cycle. It’s a process where a private company offers its shares to the public in the capital market to raise funds. The move from private to public affecting the company to prepare for many changes, including increased supervision and the responsibility of delivering value to shareholders. However, before stepping on this significant IPO step, the company needs a clear understanding of various factors, which includes macroeconomic conditions, the dynamics of the market it operates in, and the company’s internal conditions. The company, PT XYZ, specializes in creating software solutions, a sector that is currently needed by a lot of company due to digitalization era. Fair share price for PT XYZ must be calculated when it goes public. In addition to understanding the macroeconomic condition, the Porter’s Five Forces framework is described to assess the competitive aspect in the market and potential opportunities. After analysing the external factors, the next step is doing in-depth internal analysis. This involved a SWOT analysis by identifying PT XYZ’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and an evaluation of the company’s financial health. The business solution proceeded to the valuation stage, using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method with Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE). This process involved making growth projections for the next decade. It anticipates that the company’s growth rate would eventually align with Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), serving as the long-term growth rate. To ensure a holistic evaluation, there must be a complementary valuation method, Relative Valuation. Three similar companies in the software sector were picked and their EV/EBITDA was used as a multiplier ratio. The two separate valuation methodologies led to two distinct results. Thus the average of these two methods can be proposed. Overvalued or undervalued share pricing can significantly affect investor decisions and the amount of funds raised from the IPO.

The Research Review of the Association between 2 Types of Carbohydrates (Natural and Refined Carbohydrates) and Sleep Quality in Humans

The rising prevalence of insomnia has inspired this research on identifying the best food for improving sleep quality in humans. However, there is still no direct evidence to conclude specific food recommendations for sleep. Therefore, this study’s objective is to unravel the relationship between diets, particularly carbohydrate foods, and sleep.

Following PRISMA guidelines, a search was conducted on PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, which focuses mainly on the effects of natural and refined carbohydrates on sleep in order to avoid redundancy with previous reviews.

The findings suggest that diets rich in natural carbohydrates, such as kiwi fruits, tart cherries, rice, and milk, enhance sleep quality. White rice, with its complex carbohydrate structure, increases REM sleep and reduces SWS. On the contrary, processed carbohydrates found in noodles, confectionery, carbonated drinks, and processed foods are positively associated with sleep disruptions due to greater insulin response and reduced tryptophan availability.

In conclusion, natural carbohydrates have a positive impact on sleep, while refined carbohydrates and specific carbohydrate-containing foods may have negative effects. However, the multifaceted roles of sleep-inducing hormones and their crucial contribution to the circadian rhythm should also be considered aside from the mechanism of carbohydrates in sleep.


Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales (Study Case: Ouromatica Fragrance)

Nowadays, Indonesian local brands are expanding quickly and the quality of the products is able to compete with other worldrenowned brands. Most local brands have their own uniqueness and variety of choices that differentiate one from another. One of the local products that is currently on the rise is perfume. The emergence of new local brand perfumes also resulted in fierce competition for entrepreneurs to create and develop new fragrances in order to attract the market. Ouromatica Fragrance is a new unisex local brand perfume that was established in 2022 and as a newcomer, Ouromatica Fragrance is experiencing a problem in the sales performance. According to the internal data of sales performance, it shows that Ouromatica Fragrance has not reached its target sales from December 2022 to March 2023. The purpose of this research is to identify the marketing strategy that can be used by Ouromatica Fragrance in order to increase sales. In this research, the author uses the external and internal analysis. For the external analysis, it uses PESTEL analysis, Competitor analysis, and Customer analysis. As for the internal analysis, this research uses Resource-Based View (RBV) and Porter’s Value Chain. After analyzing the external and internal factors of Ouromatica Fragrance, the author uses SWOT analysis to evaluate the company and then proceeds to conduct an analysis for the business solution using STP (Segmenting, Targeting, and Position), Marketing Mix 4P and proposed a marketing program using the AIDA model to help to turn the potential customers into buyers of Ouromatica Fragrance through social media.

Collaborative B2B Business Development with Regulator and Universities: A Case Study of Glodon Indonesia

Implementation Building Information Modeling (BIM) is aimed to create an effective, efficient and accountable construction process through the application of digital construction technology. This thesis takes PT Glodon Technical Indonesia as a case study, which indicates an empirical study of a company that provides a BIM technology for construction services industry in Indonesia. This study analyzes the role of regulators and universities in the business development of a technology company with B2B (Business to Business) products. This paper discusses the company’s situation, marketing methods, strategic collaboration and market coverage. Then analyzed through the impact of government regulations, strategic cooperation with regulators and capacity building with universities. Lastly, based on an analysis of the goals and options of corporate strategic planning, this study puts forward the strategic direction of business development collaboration with regulators and universities.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales for Home Bedding Business (Case Study: Beddo Chingu)

The overall consumption of mattresses in Indonesia has experienced a positive growth rate from 2012. The development of digital businesses in Indonesia has also increased, and it is undeniable that competition in the bedding industry is becoming more intense as more offline bedding sellers shift to online. The increasing competition of the bedding industry can be felt by one of home bedding industry brands, namely Beddo Chingu. Beddo Chingu is a home bedding business that mainly offers bed linen and was established in December 2021. Beddo Chingu uses e-commerce and social media to sell the products. There are promotions that have been applied such as advertising in Shopee, flash sales, discount, post content and paid promotion in Twitter. These promotions didn’t last long and Beddo Chingu faced fluctuating sales. This research aims to identify current internal and external conditions of Beddo Chingu, to identify root cause of Beddo Chingu sales issue, and to propose a suitable marketing strategy for Beddo Chingu. This research method uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to create suitable marketing strategies. The analysis tools that will be used in internal analysis are such as STP, Marketing Mix 4P, and VRIO, while for external analysis are PESTEL, Five Forces Model, customer analysis, and competitor analysis. Questionnaires survey with 124 respondents of current customers of Beddo Chingu have been conducted to gain insight from the customer’s point of view regarding the marketing mix. In addition, interviews with customers and potential customers were also conducted to obtain more detailed insights from preliminary surveys. From the analysis that has been conducted by researcher, there will be an internal strength and weakness, and external opportunity and threat result that can be called SWOT. Root causes of Beddo Chingu issue are low frequency of promotion, lack of value delivery in content, limited distribution channels, Lack of pattern design variations, limited product Stock Availability due to the long production process, and limited manpower. Based on the TOWS matrix, suitable marketing strategies classified into the marketing mix 4p will be proposed to increase sales of Beddo Chingu.

Parental Conflict as Predictor of Drug Abuse and PTSD among Secondary School Students in Rivers State

Parental conflict is a scourge that has ravaged society in so many forms. Many homes experience parental conflict at varying degrees and intervals. In some cases, partners have been burned with iron or hot metals, experienced fractured bones or skulls, broken teeth, bruises, sprains, abrasions, loss of consciousness, and, in some severe cases, a form of deformity or the ultimate: death. The children who see these nasty occurrences as well may have trouble sleeping because they keep having memories of these events that have occurred or are occurring. Children who live in homes where violent forms of parental conflict take place go on to become abusers of drugs and experience PTSD due to the recurring nature of the violence from childhood into adulthood. The study investigated parental conflict as a predictor of drug abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among secondary school students in Rivers State. A sample of 800 secondary students in Rivers State participated in the study. The study measured Parental Conflict using the Parental Conflict Scale (PCS), drug abuse using the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10), and PTSD using the PTSD Checklist (PCL-5). The data was analysed using linear and multiple regression. The outcomes of the study revealed that parental conflict significantly predicts drug abuse and PTSD. It is recommended that parents be taught about the impact their conflicts have on their children and about better conflict resolution methods. Also, parents who have anger problems should be taught anger management. Adolescents who have been identified as being dependent on substances and having symptoms of PTSD need to be retrained and restored.

The Effect of Community Empowerment on the Sustainability of Ecotourism Based Tourism through Moderation of Local Wisdom Variables in Bongkasa Village, Abiansemal District

This research aims to understand the role of local wisdom in mediating the relationship between community empowerment and sustainable tourism development. The study was conducted in Bongkasa Tourism Village, using a sample of 100 participants selected through stratified random sampling. The research employed the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach with a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation model. The findings of this study indicate that local wisdom has a positive influence on sustainable tourism development. Community empowerment also has a positive influence on sustainable tourism development. Furthermore, the local wisdom of the community mediates the relationship between community empowerment and sustainable tourism development. The results of this research can serve as a reference for understanding and making decisions regarding the enhancement of the uniqueness of tourism villages in Bali and Indonesia as a whole.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Sales Increase for PT Aino Indonesia

Tourism is one of the key drivers of the Indonesian economy, and the B2B (business-to-business) segment is a critical component of the tourism industry. A 2019 report by Indonesia Investments summarized that President Joko Widodo of Indonesia emphasized that the tourism industry should become the biggest industry in Indonesia in terms of foreign exchange earnings at the time. Indonesia with its huge number of islands (more than 17.000 islands) has so much potential ranging from beautiful beaches and countryside, flora & fauna, diving spots, wildlife, culture, culinary, historic relics as well as vibrant city life. Its inability to be able to realize its full potential and exploit it is the challenge for Indonesia to grow.

Aino Indonesia is a B2B company focusing on internet technology and creates solutions for different industries, one of which is the tourism ticketing system. Aino as an innovation technology company realizes that the world’s challenges during pandemic are getting higher, therefore always creates the latest innovation to provide the best value for clients. Currently, Aino has not achieved its annual revenue target. With the case in mind, Aino needs a marketing strategy to increase its sales revenue. The investors of the company are expecting Aino to reach its promised revenue projections as there will be a huge change of the government and political structure in future years that might be a huge obstacle.

The results of the study show Aino Indonesia require the development of the right strategy to maximize all internal and external aspects. On internal factors, Aino Indonesia has advantages ranging from customized product development, multi apps linked environment, university network, multiple offices, salespeople with personal connections, product team experiences, and payment gateway license from Bank Indoensia. While in the external factors, Aino Indonesia has a great opportunity by looking at the increase in tourism trends in Indonesia, increase of spending ability of local people, increase in ability of using technology and ticketing system, supporting legal influences from the government, and little impact to the environment due to less paper being used to create a ticketing gateway. Therefore, Aino Indonesia needs the right strategy to increase its sales.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Dairy-Free Coffee Shop in Jakarta (Case Study: Mad For Coffee)

The coffee industry in Jakarta is a thriving and dynamic market, with a large number of coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants serving various types of coffee and snacks. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the plant-based lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular in Jakarta. More and more people in Jakarta are choosing to adopt a plant-based lifestyle, either for ethical, health, or environmental reasons. Along with that, the market opportunity for dairy-free coffee shops in Jakarta is significant and growing. Many consumers in Jakarta are looking for healthier, more sustainable, and ethical food options, and dairy-free coffee shops cater to these needs. Mad for Coffee is one of the players in the coffee shop business, with their unique selling proposition as a dairy-free coffee shop. It is owned by one of the famous influencers in Indonesia, who is a vegetarian and also has a vegan community. With a huge number of competitors, Mad for Coffee needs to increase their market awareness and sales to make the business sustain for a long period of time. Based on the external analysis, the author found the coffee industry has intense competition. Competitors not only come from other dairy-free coffee shops, but also from regular coffee shops because they also provide a variety of dairy-free milk options. Moreover, from the internal factor, Mad for Coffee are not utilizing the power of their famous owner and their friends to help promote or to build partnerships or to collaborate with their coffee shop. From internal and external analysis in Mad for Coffee, then the author obtained SWOT analysis. From SWOT analysis, the author found that Mad for Coffee lacks marketing programs such as special discounts or loyalty programs to retain customers. Also, their social media contents are not really exposing their products and their strong branding as a dairy-free coffee shop. From matrix TOWS analysis, the author proposed several alternative marketing strategies that can be implemented by Mad for Coffee. Those alternatives are improving promotion by representing several strong points on Mad for Coffee and ads placement in social media, collaborating with influencers, community and media, developing loyalty programs and product promotion, and improving facilities and human resources in Mad for Coffee.