Strategy Development for Survival & Growth of MRO Company during & Post Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study: GMF Aeroasia)

Indonesian Aviation Market 2020 was predicted to grow around 7.0% compared to 2019. It gave Indonesian MRO industry an optimism at first, at least in the beginning of the year, before WHO declared COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has a dire impact on the aviation & MRO industry. As of July 2021, flights still haven’t reached 50% compared to pre-COVID era. Many MRO companies, including GMF AeroAsia, must face an unprecedented situation that caused the market to shrink significantly, and enter the financial distress zone. Several initiatives have been taken by the company. However, with the protracted pandemic conditions and the uncertainty of Indonesian Aviation Market recovery, further strategies are needed to survive and growth. This study aims to analyze the company and develop a strategy based on 2 stages, namely the retrenchment phase and the recovery phase. The retrenchment phase will focus on the survival strategy, while the recovery phase will focus on the growth strategy using scenario planning because the future is still uncertain. From the analysis and interviews, several initiatives and strategies for survival and growth were developed. Several initiatives for survival include headcount cuts, operational efficiency, product elimination, liquidation & divestment, equity for debt swaps, and renegotiate with lenders. While the growth strategy was developed based on 4 scenarios, namely Flying Through Thunderstorm, Flying with Engine Failure, Flying with Broken Wings, and Flying Zig-Zag.

List of Species and Conservation Status of Avifauna and Small mammal around Bade Segment Area of River Yobe, Yobe State, Nigeria

The study was carried out to assess a Checklist of avifauna and small mammal species along Bade catchment area of Yobe State, Nigeria. Preliminary survey was conducted around the river, three (3) habitat types were identified; (river bank, farm lands and flood plain). The line transect was 8 km in length. Two (2) transects were established per habitat type, making a total of six (6) transects. The transects were 100 m apart to the left or right in order to avoid double counting of species. A distance of 200m was maintained between each habitat. The data obtained were analyses using descriptive statistics (Frequency tables and Charts were used to portrayed the findings. The result of the study; showed that a total of 50 bird species in 28 families were recorded. RB had the highest individuals of Fifty (50) species while FP has the lowest with ten (10) species. The Bird family Columbidae has the highest number with six (6) of species, while the lowest were Ardeidae, Sturnidae and Tytonidae with one species in each of the habitat types. However, checklist of small mammal species also indicated that a total of 6 species of small mammals belonging to 4 families were identified. The result of the study shows that the family Muridae has 3 species which was the highest number of per family identified in the study area, this is due to the fact that Muridae family are the most common small mammals in the study area. And both bird small species fell under least concern (LC) category except Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus which felled under near threatened (NT) species. However, awareness campaign should also be organize for the residents around the study area on the presence, distribution of bird and small mammal species and also disturbing effect of their activities on bird and small mammal around the segment area of river Yobe.

Creative Destruction – An Inevitable Reality for the Financial Services Sector in Zambia?

The financial services sector in Zambia has become increasingly exposed to the ever-growing challenges posed by mobile network operators (MNOs). The introduction of mobile money by MNOs has witnessed increased usage of mobile money services. During the same period, there has been a noticeable decline in the usage of digital banking services. The research study therefore sought to establish whether there was a correlation between increased usage of mobile money services and usage of digital banking services in Zambia. The study was quantitative in nature and was based on secondary data sources. Data from 19 of the 21 digital financial services providers in Zambia were analysed using times series trend analysis and simple linear regression analysis. In order to establish whether a correlation existed between increased usage of mobile money services and usage of digital banking services in Zambia, a t- test was conducted. This acted as a guide to the decision as to whether or not to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The study failed to reject the null hypothesis and therefore concluded that no correlation existed between increased usage of mobile money services and usage of digital banking services. However, the study expounded the research results in terms of Schumpeter, Christensen and Foster’s ideas on disruptive innovation.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Practices to Achieve Long Term and Sustainable Organization’s Goals: Case of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Every choice made in the pursuit of objectives has its risks. From day-to-day operational decisions to the fundamental trade-offs in the boardroom, dealing with uncertainty in these choices is a part of the organizational lives. A strategy is nothing more than a commitment to a set of coherent, mutually reinforcing policies or behaviours aimed at achieving a specific competitive goal. In order to ensure the implementation of efforts and the allocation of resources to achieve strategic goals, top management should conduct integrated risk management practices to all activities/initiatives of the organization’s management, both individually and collectively. Risk management is an intrinsic part of business planning and decision making. No direction is taken without looking at the potential risks and comparing them against the organization’s risk appetite.
This paper aims to research in general the practice of enterprise risk management within Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) as a well-known and public-state-owned university in Indonesia. This research concludes that the enterprise risk management implementation is not fully implemented yet within ITB as an enterprise. Almost all respondents agree that the implementation of enterprise risk management has a positive and significant influence on the organization’s objectives achievement. Improving university performance overall will require an effective enterprise risk management practice. Author highly recommends ITB to adopt risk management practice based on ISO-31000 standard, and it can be combined with other risk management standards available nowadays if necessary. ITB needs to start the implementation at the soonest as possible, in order to maintain its strategic position as a top university in Indonesia, increase its competitive advantages to compete in the global scale, and at the same time achieving its vision and mission in a long-term and sustainable manner.

Proposed Business Strategy for PT Futura Land (Real Estate Developer) to Compete and Grow Successfully in the Future

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Improving Student’s Communication Skills in Social Science Learning Through a Scientific Approach

The goal of this study is to see if using a scientific approach might help students enhance their communication abilities in social studies classes. A one-group pretest-posttest research design was adopted in this research. The research participants were students from SMP Negeri 46 Kerinci, with a total population of 95 students and a sample of 30 students from class VIII. The sampling approach used in this research was a random sample technique. Observation sheets and a communication skills assessment were used to collect data. IBM SPSS version 25 software was used to statistically analyze the research data. The findings imply that teaching social studies using a scientific approach has a significant influence on students’ communication skills. This is confirmed by the difference in average scores between the pretest and posttest tests. Also suggestive is a t-test significance value of 0.000 or less than 0.05.

The Concentrations of Cholesterol and Reproduction Hormones in Serum of Rabbits Doe That Consumed Moringa oleifera Leaf Extracts

This study was conducted to examine the effect of various kinds of Moringa leaf extracts on cholesterol, estradiol, FSH, LH levels and litter size in rabbit does. The extracts used were hexane fraction extract (HeEF), ethanol fraction extract (EtEF) and ethanol rough extract (EtCE) from moringa leaf flour. Seven treatments were administered including extracts in pellets at a dose of 0, 0.13% HeEF, 0.26% HeEF, 0.37 EtEF, 0.74% EtEF, 0.54% EtCE and 1.08% EtCE. Each treatment was reduplicated on 4 rabbits. Cholesterol levels, estradiol, LH and FSH blood serum, mating readiness and litter size were measured, which results showed that the treatment significantly (P <5%) lowered the cholesterol level and increased the estradiol level in blood serum. On the other hand, the treatment had no significant effect on FSH, LH and litter size levels except at LH levels 2 hours after mating.

Application of Scientific Guided Inquiry Assisted Video Analysis Tracker to Improve Science Generic Skills

The study was done to identify the generic science skill improvement through guided scientific inquiry method video tracker analysis based. The method used in this study was quantitative pretest-posttest control group design. The samples of this were 52 students of the Physics Education Program of STKIP SoE. The instrument used in this study was a generic science skill test instrument on kinetic learning materials. The data analysis technique used was a t-test independent sample. The result of the study showed that students who learned guided scientific inquiry method video tracker analysis based were better than those who learned using the conventional method. This happened because the students were allowed to do the experiment that make the student freely understands generic science skill, thus making the learning process more interesting and meaningful. Therefore, it was suggested to use this method (guided scientific Inquiry method video tracker analysis based) in the process of learning in the classroom.

Implementation of Full Day School in Basic Schools in Forming Student’s Character

The importance of implementing full day school in character building in elementary school students makes the writer interested in making a literature review. Character education is important to be developed and internalized immediately, because it has a noble enough purpose for the provision of students’ lives so that they are always ready to respond to all the dynamics of life with full responsibility. The research method used is literature study. The purpose of this literature review is to obtain a theoretical basis that can support problem solving regarding the application of full day school in character building for elementary school students. The results of this research shows that full day school gives positive impact for the children’s growth especially on establishing the character values since the early stage started from the elementary school.

A Review on the Different Types of Honeypots in Information Security

Honeypotting has evolved into a crucial tool in information security analysis, despite the fact that the concept of enticing enemies in order to watch their activities is not new. Honeynets, honeytokens, and adaptive honeypots are examples of recent advancements in network intrusion detection. This article will look at modern applications, as well as the technical issues that go into developing honeypot solutions for dynamically blocking emerging attack vectors and exploitation of sophisticated persistent threats.