The Effectiveness of a Differentiated Learning Model Based on Identification, Reflection and Improvement to Improve the Reading Ability of Early Grade Students in Elementary School

This study investigates the effectiveness of a differentiated learning model based on identification, reflection and improvement to improve the reading ability of early grade students in elementary school. Using a quasi-experimental design involving 5 elementary schools. The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference in the improvement of reading ability of early grade students between the experimental class and the control class. The differentiated learning model based on identification, reflection and improvement has high effectiveness in improving the reading ability of early grade students. This means that the differentiated learning model based on identification, reflection and improvement has a positive impact and allows teachers to identify student needs at the beginning of learning, then teachers reflect on the learning process and results carried out, then make improvements (improve) to the learning strategy, especially adjusted to the student’s learning readiness. The results of this study reveal that the differentiated learning model based on identification, reflection and improvement is effective in improving the reading ability of early grade students, so that it can be a solution to overcome the difficulty or low ability of students in reading and recommends to develop a more effective and innovative learning model in the early grade.

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