
Long-Term Effects of Taking Refractive Surgery (LASIK) on Thai People

Nowadays, the number of people who have a visual impairment tends to increase moderately because they spend much more time using smartphones for both work and personal use. The monitors of phones, tablets, and computers have blue light, which directly affects the eyes. Thus, many people need to wear glasses or contact lenses, but not everyone is appropriate to do so. If patients ignore it, their visual impairment might be worse. So, having refractive surgery is one of the popular solutions to grappling with this sight problem. Nevertheless, LASIK may also have negative consequences, such as dry eyes and itchy eyes. Therefore, understanding the risks and being aware of the effects of refractive surgery would greatly impact a person’s choice for eye correction. Consequently, we conducted this survey research using questionnaires in order to determine the long-term effects and satisfaction of taking refractive surgery for Thai patients. Our results show that there are various side effects and different levels of side effects on each person. Therefore, this study will provide guidelines for making the decision to undergo refractive surgery or not.

A Review Study on Ocular Posterior Segments & Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and its Management Options

To describe the various types of ocular posterior segment and neuro-ophthalmic manifestation associated with Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) infection. And also describe the management or preventive measures associated with it. In all cases of ocular disease due to HIV, there is only one reason i.e. immune system.
A Descriptive study was done to review the articles available on PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Publon, Orcid, Healthstar, Science Open, Cochrane Library, Paperity and others related to the ocular complications associated with HIV infections. Peer-reviewed articles/ studies were referred to ascertain the available screening tests, preventive measures, hygiene, neuro-ophthalmic manifestation and management options for HIV patients. Some authors suggest that ocular posterior segment & neuro-ophthalmic manifestation due to HIV infection is not recovered, but few authors suggest that it can be recovered with the help of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in combination with some preventive measures and hygiene.
The Eye-care professional’s responsibility is to spread awareness about the complications related to the eye and their management or preventive measures. Ocular complications are very diverse and relatively frequent in the case of HIV infection. Commonly it is associated with a concurrent diagnosis of depression, anxiety, panic, attack and psychiatric disorders, etc. There are various management or preventive measures like regular eye examinations, follow-up of the HIV patients, following the preventive measures strategies, taking therapy properly, preventing to spread of the infection, etc.