
Development of the Marketing Strategy to Boost Wedang Sirih Rempah Product Market Share

Wedang Sirih Rempah, is a herbal beverage prepared from herbal spices produced by one herbal beverages company in Central Java Province, Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to identify internal and external elements as well as alternative and priority strategies for marketing the new product Wedang Sirih Rempah. This study used descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches and was conducted from January to June 2023. CV Mamigus Restu Bagus was used as the company case study. Purposive sampling was employed to identify study locations, and purposive sampling was also utilized to pick respondents. Primary data and secondary data were utilized as supporting data. The data collected through observation and direct interviews with the company’s key informants were then described using a qualitative descriptive method. While the data acquired through surveys with key informants and supporting informants were examined quantitatively using SWOT analysis and QSPM. The findings of the interviews and observations yielded the factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The findings of data analysis suggested that the priority strategy in marketing Wedang Sirih Rempah was to perform and increase offline and online promotions through social media and marketplaces, with the maximum TAS score of 6.54. That was, this strategy then be proposed to the corporation for use in the marketing of Wedang Sirih Rempah in order to increase the market share of the company.

Business Escalation Strategy Using Time Series Forecasting for Hotel X in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is one of the cities attracting significant foreign and local tourist attention with its beautiful city, culture, education, and traditional cuisine which prospered the hospitality industry in the city. However, since the pandemic Covid-19 hit the global economy in 2020, Hotel X Yogyakarta was also affected. The total occupancy room per year fell ten times lower than usual during the pandemic which jeopardized the business stability. Starting from preliminary interviews and SWOT analysis, this research aims to figure out what strategy needs to be implemented in Hotel X Yogyakarta to escalate the business and stabilize the occupancy room by using a quantitative methodology from a marketing and business analytic perspective. All data provided in this research is based on the internal data and information from the hotel, systematically calculated with Time Series Forecasting Theory using ARMA and ARIMA to provide a comprehensive forecasting result for business escalation strategy that is proposed to be implemented in Hotel X Yogyakarta.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Coffee Shop in Jakarta

Most Indonesian people, especially the millennial generation, has adopted hanging out and drinking coffee into their way of life as a way to support their daily activities. coffee consumption hit 3,3 million bags @60kg, and the end of the year of 2021 it reached 5 millions of bags. Sicangkir Coffee is a coffee shop that placed in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta which following the trend since 2018. After Pandemic covid-19 hit indonesia in 2020, sicangkir sales decline a lot and trying to regain the sales they used to have. Sicangkir have challenges due to proliferation of coffee shops in Jakarta.

Finding an appropriate marketing strategy to improve Sicangkir Coffee sales is the goal of this study. Internal and External analysis is carried out to understand business problem broadly and deeply. Analysis of the internal focus on STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) and Marketing Mix (7P), while the external analysis focus on PEST analysis, Porter Five Forces and Competitor Analysis. In this research both primary and secondary data were collected for analysis. All the analysis result are summarized in SWOT framework (Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunitites and Threats) and further analyzed using TOWS matrix to generate several strategies proposals.

Proposed Green Retailing Concept for Maintaining the Sustainability in the Company

Retail business is a fast growing business in Indonesia. This is indicated by the number of retail businesses that have emerged both on a local and national scale. One of the companies engaged in the retail sector is ‘Berkah’ Swalayan. ‘Berkah’ Swalayan is a local retail company in Lampung and Central Java Provinces. This research aims to identify the internal and external conditions of ‘Berkah’ Swalayan which will then be given strategic recommendations related to green retailing. The topic of green retailing was chosen because this strategy is closely related to sustainable development goals which are currently a big focus and have a good impact on many sectors. Identification and analysis in this study used a mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative methods. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from in-depth interviews with Berkah Swalayan and a survey of 101 respondents to Berkah Swalayan customers. Determination of the number of respondents using the Slovin formula. Secondary data obtained from literature review. Company analysis using the SWOT tool (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). On the other hand, in this study variable validation was also carried out using SmartPLS 4. It was found that decision making related to green retailing was influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of company values. External factors consist of the influence of social organizations, customers and government. Meanwhile, green retailing can improve cost efficiency. This is because companies can reduce their budget costs for environmentally friendly company needs, for example reducing costs in the supply of plastic and the use of energy-friendly electronic devices. In this study the results obtained in the form of identification of internal and external company conditions. that green retailing is a strategy that can improve cost efficiency. In addition, the concept of green retailing also provides opportunities for companies to develop their business. Therefore, green retailing is a strategy that is recommended to be implemented for retail businesses. Several strategic recommendations are given in the implementation of green retailing. Recommendations for some of these strategies are implementing a ‘bring your own shopping container’ system which will be regulated by a point system, using environmentally friendly electronic devices, creating special eco-friendly angles, optimizing social media, and collaborating with the government, communities and businesses that focus on environmental issues.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Increase Sale of PT. Biops Agrotkekno Indonesia

The objectives of this research are to evaluate the market segmentation of PT. BIOPS Agrotekno Indonesia and looking for opportunities to increase sales by reaching potential markets with new segmentation, targeting and positioning in the form existing business and to propose a new marketing strategy for PT BIOPS Agriculture to continue to grow without spending additional investment capital, but by utilizing existing assets to increase sales of PT BIOPS agriculture Indonesia. The author collects primary data by conducting interviews. As part of the preliminary research, the author interviews 10 individuals who have an interest in agriculture. The author employs a qualitative research methodology, utilizing in-depth interviews with the owner, management, and potential customers of PT. BIOPS Agrotekno Indonesia to explore the proposed solution. Additionally, the author conducts interviews with individuals in the hospitality industry to obtain relevant answers to the research questions at hand. The analysis conducted in this research consist of external analysis (Porter 5 forces, PESTEL analysis, competitor analysis, consumer analysis), internal analysis (STP, marketing mix, VRIO analysis, value chains analysis, BMC), SWOT analysis, TOWS analysis and QSPM. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the sale of precision agricultural products for PT. BIOPS Agrotekno Indonesia is influenced by factors such as trust, service quality, and product quality. To enhance the marketing strategy and boost the sales of precision agricultural products, the company can implement the following strategies in the Case Study of PT. BIOPS Agrotekno Indonesia: (1) maximize promotional channels to reach untapped potential market segments, (2) leverage Encomotion awards and political support for specialized training targeting millennials interested in agricultural technology, and (3) improve promotion channels to deal with increasing competition in the market.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales for Home Bedding Business (Case Study: Beddo Chingu)

The overall consumption of mattresses in Indonesia has experienced a positive growth rate from 2012. The development of digital businesses in Indonesia has also increased, and it is undeniable that competition in the bedding industry is becoming more intense as more offline bedding sellers shift to online. The increasing competition of the bedding industry can be felt by one of home bedding industry brands, namely Beddo Chingu. Beddo Chingu is a home bedding business that mainly offers bed linen and was established in December 2021. Beddo Chingu uses e-commerce and social media to sell the products. There are promotions that have been applied such as advertising in Shopee, flash sales, discount, post content and paid promotion in Twitter. These promotions didn’t last long and Beddo Chingu faced fluctuating sales. This research aims to identify current internal and external conditions of Beddo Chingu, to identify root cause of Beddo Chingu sales issue, and to propose a suitable marketing strategy for Beddo Chingu. This research method uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to create suitable marketing strategies. The analysis tools that will be used in internal analysis are such as STP, Marketing Mix 4P, and VRIO, while for external analysis are PESTEL, Five Forces Model, customer analysis, and competitor analysis. Questionnaires survey with 124 respondents of current customers of Beddo Chingu have been conducted to gain insight from the customer’s point of view regarding the marketing mix. In addition, interviews with customers and potential customers were also conducted to obtain more detailed insights from preliminary surveys. From the analysis that has been conducted by researcher, there will be an internal strength and weakness, and external opportunity and threat result that can be called SWOT. Root causes of Beddo Chingu issue are low frequency of promotion, lack of value delivery in content, limited distribution channels, Lack of pattern design variations, limited product Stock Availability due to the long production process, and limited manpower. Based on the TOWS matrix, suitable marketing strategies classified into the marketing mix 4p will be proposed to increase sales of Beddo Chingu.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Sales Increase for PT Aino Indonesia

Tourism is one of the key drivers of the Indonesian economy, and the B2B (business-to-business) segment is a critical component of the tourism industry. A 2019 report by Indonesia Investments summarized that President Joko Widodo of Indonesia emphasized that the tourism industry should become the biggest industry in Indonesia in terms of foreign exchange earnings at the time. Indonesia with its huge number of islands (more than 17.000 islands) has so much potential ranging from beautiful beaches and countryside, flora & fauna, diving spots, wildlife, culture, culinary, historic relics as well as vibrant city life. Its inability to be able to realize its full potential and exploit it is the challenge for Indonesia to grow.

Aino Indonesia is a B2B company focusing on internet technology and creates solutions for different industries, one of which is the tourism ticketing system. Aino as an innovation technology company realizes that the world’s challenges during pandemic are getting higher, therefore always creates the latest innovation to provide the best value for clients. Currently, Aino has not achieved its annual revenue target. With the case in mind, Aino needs a marketing strategy to increase its sales revenue. The investors of the company are expecting Aino to reach its promised revenue projections as there will be a huge change of the government and political structure in future years that might be a huge obstacle.

The results of the study show Aino Indonesia require the development of the right strategy to maximize all internal and external aspects. On internal factors, Aino Indonesia has advantages ranging from customized product development, multi apps linked environment, university network, multiple offices, salespeople with personal connections, product team experiences, and payment gateway license from Bank Indoensia. While in the external factors, Aino Indonesia has a great opportunity by looking at the increase in tourism trends in Indonesia, increase of spending ability of local people, increase in ability of using technology and ticketing system, supporting legal influences from the government, and little impact to the environment due to less paper being used to create a ticketing gateway. Therefore, Aino Indonesia needs the right strategy to increase its sales.

Propose New Marketing Strategy for the New Branch of Café Kopi Madi

In 2019, Covid-19 that hit Indonesia greatly affected all segments. The decline in sales and revenue received by the company has made some businesses unable to withstand this pandemic. However, in 2022, Indonesia has begun to be free from the Covid-19 pandemic, little by little. Kopi Madi is a coffee shop that was built in 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic was still hitting Indonesia. But Kopi Madi has survived until now because of the products offered and requests from customers that continue to increase every year. And in 2023, Madi Coffee has expanded its wings and opened its first branch in the Tebet area, South Jakarta. Seeing the increase in income derived from Kopi Madi, the owners opened branches to expand their market. However, from the sales results for the first and second months, Kopi Madi (Tebet) is very far from being successful. Therefore, this research was also conducted to find out what strategies are suitable for Kopi Madi (Tebet) in increasing its sales.

This study aims to investigate effective marketing strategies to increase sales at Kopi Madi (Tebet). In a competitive industry like coffee shops, it is important for business owners to develop and implement the right marketing strategy to attract customers and increase revenue. The analysis used is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the internal and external data of Kopi Madi (Tebet). And the results obtained from processing the data will be formulated using the SWOT Analysis and TOWS Matrix to find a suitable strategy. And after getting the strategy to be implemented, a plan is needed to implement the strategy at Kopi Madi (Tebet).

Development of Sustainable Tourism Potential in Belitung

Belitung Island is a district that has unique tourism potential. Currently it has been designated as Belitong UNESCO Global Geopark which has Spectacular Granite Views in Southeast Asia’s Tin Belt. “Belitong” is the traditional name of Belitung Island, a tin-rich island with fascinating history, spectacular geology, and beautiful landscape. The formulation of a strategy to improve the quality of Belitung tourist destinations is prepared by conducting a mix method. The strategy to improve quality is prepared based on the results of the SWOT analysis. Belitung has the potential for marine tourism which has high competitiveness with the main strength of its uniqueness and diversity of marine tourism attractions. The priority strategy is to improve quality by carrying out an aggressive strategy, namely utilizing strengths to take advantage of existing opportunities by supporting aggressive growth policies based on sustainable tourism.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Initiation Development and Increase Sales Performance of CV Jonifer Embroidery

Textile activities continue to expand their role along with the times and technology, not only for the purposes of art-culture and clothing needs in a limited environment, but this activity already be used as a source of income. One of the businesses engaged in the field of Textiles and Textile Products is Jonifer Embrodiery Convetion. This company is one of the pioneers in the convection business in Padang and has been operating for 12 years. The problem the company is currently experiencing is a decline in sales from 2021 to 2022. Therefore, this research will focus on finding the main problems related to Jonifer Embroidery’s internal and external conditions to create a marketing strategy using the SWOT Matrix which is then formulated through the TOWS Matrix and produce a new marketing strategy for the Jonifer Embroidery. The proposed marketing strategy consists of cooperating with companies or communities, providing product guarantees to maintain customer trust, optimizing business websites for promotional media, product innovation, marketing using social media, creating customer loyalty programs, making attractive banners, offering several promotions sales, and selecting Key Opinion Leaders (KOL).