
The Influence of Augmented Reality on Purchase Intentions through Consumers of Madame Gie Products

Beauty products are needed by every individual, with various types of products offered, including quality, price, brand, and packaging. Therefore, the Purchase intentions of beauty products are very diverse. Madame Gie is one of the beauty product brands that has plunged into the use of Augmented Reality to make it easier for consumers to choose product variances. This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Augmented Reality experiences on the purchase intention of Madame Gie products in Bandung, with Consumers’ Control as an intervening variable. This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire through Google Form of 385 samples and analyzed by the Smart-PLS statistical program based on this research, the AR experience positively influences consumer Purchase Intention toward Madame Gie products. Consumer’s Control also plays a crucial role in the relationship between AR experience and Purchase Intention. Therefore, companies need to consider the importance of giving control to consumers in AR technology usage to maximize its impact on consumer purchase intention and enhance the performance of their beauty product marketing.

The Impact of Brand Awareness, and Product Attributes to Increase Purchase Intention (Study Case: Transvision)

In the dynamic landscape of the Indonesian television industry, the rise of over-the-top (OTT) services poses a major challenge to traditional pay-TV providers such as Transvision. Intense competition from emerging OTT providers in Indonesia requires innovative strategies to secure customer acquisition. Indonesia is one of the fastest growing pay-TV markets, with a predicted CAGR of 5% and revenue projections of $633 million by 2025. The demographic differences between OTT and pay TV users, highlight the need for a customized marketing approach. In detail, Transvision, which offers pay TV services through Android TV box devices, faces hurdles in terms of market penetration and brand recognition. This study aims to propose an effective transvision marketing strategy while considering the complex dynamics of the evolving television landscape in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, the research conducted an examination of customers and hypothesis testing, administering surveys to android TV box users in the Jabodetabek area. The data, processed through SEM-PLS, indicated that social media marketing and electronic word of mouth positively impact brand awareness. Furthermore, significant product attributes, including variety of content and additional features, subscription package price, and payment method options, were found to influence purchase intention. The study concludes that both brand awareness and product attributes play pivotal roles in shaping purchase intention.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of SAMI RAOS

Ready-to-cook food has become more popular since post-pandemic.  Remote work and government regulations to avoid crowds have shaped mealtime routines, making convenience a priority. Ready-to-cook foods are in demand because people want quick, easy meals without disrupting their work schedules.  This shift in consumer behaviour favours the ready-to-cook food industry because consumers want fast, convenient meals. Given the ready-to-cook industry’s remarkable progress and resilience in difficult pandemic circumstances, MSMEs are competing to produce products with diverse culinary options to gain an edge in the market. The ready-to-cook food industry offers international, traditional, and health-focused options.   SAMI RAOS is a MSME that sells a variety of ready-to-cook foods. The company has been recognized for preserving and promoting Indonesian and Sundanese cuisine, such as baso aci, cuankie, and mie yamin in ready-to-cook form. The objective of this study is to identify the determinants that impact and improve the sales of SAMI RAOS products. This study employed quantitative methods, including consumer analysis, with a sample size of 227 individuals. The questionnaires were distributed online and utilised the Likert scale for measurement. The author employed both internal and external analysis techniques to conduct a comprehensive descriptive analysis of the company. The research employed internal analysis techniques such as Marketing Mix, STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning), Value Chain Analysis, and VRIO Analysis. The research incorporated various external analysis techniques, including PESTEL analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, competitor analysis, and customer analysis. The data obtained from these analyses will be used to generate a SWOT and TOWS analysis, which will serve as the basis for developing a business solution and implementation plan. According to the research findings, SAMI RAOS needs to make various improvements to its promotional activities and revamp certain management activities in order to strengthen its position in the market, optimize company resources and capabilities, and mitigate external risks.

Indicators to Measure the Influence of Celebrity Personality and Humor Ads on Consumer Purchasing Intentions

Humorous advertising is considered the most effective marketing tool. However, on the other hand, consumers still identify the credibility of celebrities who star in advertisements. Companies need to determine which aspects of these two things are effective in increasing consumer purchasing intentions according to the type of product and target market. Apart from that, this research also measures endorsed brand credibility, transfer of brand image, attitude toward ads and e-word of mouth. This measuring tool was tested on a sample of 30 women who had seen a funny endorsement video from a famous comedian digital in Indonesia. The data was processed using IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The test results showed that the measuring instrument consisting of 7 constructs and 49 items met the validity and reliability criteria. Therefore, this particular measurement instrument was prepared for use in further research purposes.

The Impact of Perceived Value and Attitude towards Purchase Intention at Sambel Branding Restaurant

Sambal is a traditional Indonesian spice that has been an essential component of Indonesian cuisine for centuries. Today, it is considered a staple spice in all Indonesian dishes. The popularity of sambal has attracted many new restaurants of varying scales to enter the spicy food market and utilize the “Sambel” brand as their restaurant attraction. Jakarta, which is one of the eight primary cities in Indonesia, ranks fourth with the most restaurant dine-in visits in 2022. As per the data provided by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there are 6,780 restaurant units in Indonesia of medium to large scale. Jakarta secures the top spot as the province with the most medium-scale restaurants in Indonesia, with 3,062 units in 2021. Sambel Korek DNO is one of the dining places in Jakarta with the Sambel, the central outlet is located in Sumur Batu Kemayoran. This establishment is the highest contributor to the sales of Sambel Korek DNO as compared to other establishments. The significant consumption levels of Jakartans and their fondness for spicy cuisine drive new entries to launch their street food stalls, small establishments, and restaurants under the Sambel brand, causing an increase in competition. However, the sales of DNO Korek Sambal did not meet the target this year due to a decline in the number of customers dining at this outlet. This could be attributed to low brand awareness, as many other eateries also use the “Sambel” branding. Additionally, customers’ perception of quality may be influenced by the similarity in offerings with other major players in the “Sambel” market, such as Waroeng SS and Sambal Bakar Indonesia. This research wants to analyze whether perceived value and attitude could mediate brand awareness and perceived quality toward purchase intention for potential customers and existing customers. This research is conducted using SPSS and PLS-SEM. Resulting that Attitude has no mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards purchase intention. However, perceived quality has mediating effects on brand awareness and perceived quality towards attitude, which has a significant influence on purchase intention.

Propose Marketing Strategies of Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, there was a rise in tourist visitors from different parts of Indonesia to Bandung, resulting in a direct boost in the occupancy rate of star hotels in the city. Because of this growth, numerous hotels developed, with the majority being 3-star establishments. The Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel is a three-star establishment in Bandung, offering a range of facilities and an ideal location. Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel in Bandung is now struggling with a lack of brand awareness, resulting in potential customers being unaware of the hotel’s existence and room occupancy rates. Consequently, this has led to a decline in the intention to make reservations. The objective of this study is to determine the variables that influence the level of brand awareness for Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel and develop effective marketing strategies to enhance the likelihood of customers choosing to stay at Oasis Siliwangi Sport Hotel. Data collection comes from primary data and secondary data. The primary data collection strategy is quantitative, utilizing a questionnaire for consumer analysis and hypothesis testing. Secondary data will be acquired from national and international scientific journals, previous research, book literature, government reports, and other reliable source of internet sites. The survey was disseminated to 217 potential target market participants with prior experience lodging at the hotel. The gathered data is analyzed using SMART PLS. The research findings indicate that Advertising and Social Media Marketing positively influence Brand Awareness. Furthermore, brand awareness, price, and facilities influence customer’s purchase intention. Based on these findings, several recommendations and strategies are made. These include create exciting bundling package and loyalty program, optimize promotion activities, utilize advertising to reach consumers, and strengthen hotel facility.

Analysis of Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions in Indonesia Using the Extension C-TAM-TPB Model

The success of electric vehicles is influenced by how they are accepted and adopted by society. Identifying driving factors can help stakeholders take appropriate steps to drive Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions. This study examined the driving variables of EV Purchase Intention using the C-TAM-TPB model approach and six extension variables in an emerging market context. This research is quantitative research. Data were collected from a questionnaire distributed to 385 people using a purposive sampling technique. PLS is used in the data analysis technique. Based on the research results, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use significantly and positively affects Attitudes Toward EV. Furthermore, Attitude Toward EVs, Price Value, and Cognitive Status significantly and positively affect EV Purchase Intention. Meanwhile, the Infrastructure Barrier significantly and negatively affect EV Purchase Intention. Meanwhile, Incentive Policy Perception, Functional Value, and Perceived Risk have no significant effect on EV Purchase Intention.

Considerations in the Adoption of Solar Home System Technology in Indonesia

The high potential for solar energy in Indonesia has prompted the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia to aim for solar energy utilization. Unfortunately, since it was planned in 2010, the target has not been achieved due to the low interest of society to purchase and use solar home systems.

Using the Technology-Personal-Environment (TPE) framework, this study aims to identify the factors that are being considered in the adoption of solar home system technology and understand the interest of the Indonesian people in repurchasing it. The data for the study were obtained through in-depth interviews with eight participants.

The study found that most participants do not consider perceived simplicity, but they consider perceived compatibility, regulations, technology support providers, performance expectations, and personal innovation. It was found that trust is also considered by participants. Additionally, they consider Regulations, Need/Urgency, Price, Technology Specifications, and Maintenance in repurchasing solar home systems. A new model proposed which exchange the perceived simplicity from technology context by trust in personal context.

It is recommended that renewable energy companies disseminate information about solar home systems through targeted websites, social media, and advertisements. Moreover, it is recommended that the government enact regulations that can support the use of solar home systems, such as providing incentives, subsidizing its materials, and building domestic factories that can produce the materials. Finally, it is recommended that further studies use other research methods, test new variables, and us the proposed models.

Proposed Marketing Strategies for Increase Sales by Increasing Purchase Intention for Vokraf Classes

Industry 4.0 may result in the loss of 35% of jobs over the next five years due to the greater utilisation of digitization, as stated by Monovatra Predy Rezky (2019). It is possible that this number will approach 75% within the next ten years. The replacement of human labour by automated technologies and ever-more complicated algorithms is happening at an alarming rate. Because of this, the production process will become more efficient, and there will be a lower need for people in the distribution phase. The transition of industries requires the teaching and retraining of human resources in order to be successful. The technologies of Industry 4.0 require a specific set of skills and areas of knowledge from its users. Vokraf solves these issues by offering lessons in creative sectors to solve individual issues, give possibilities for potential students, and improve online education systems. The purchase intention of Vokraf has been hampered by poor marketing and promotional efforts. It’s possible that the platform is not reaching its intended audience, which may discourage course enrollment. The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence purchase intent for this company and to recommend marketing strategies that will increase sales of Vokraf class. This study will include both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. As part of the quantitative techniques, a questionnaire will be sent to the respondent who could end up being a customer, the results of this survey questionnaire as supporting data for the author for the study, which was preceded by literature data and internal and external analysis. The result of this research Vokraf purchasing intention factors. Brand Awareness, Advertising, and Sales Promotion strongly affect purchasing intention. Vokraf’s online educational platform must leverage its knowledge to deliver courses that satisfy its target audience’s demands and interests for brand promotion. Vokraf’s online educational platform must meet its target audience’s needs for brand promotion. Vokraf may adjust its social media strategy to its brand, market, and advertising goals. Showcase Vokraf’s engaging personalised lessons. Vokraf may offer many payment and pricing tiers for different consumer groups and budgets to lessen customer financial strain for sales promotion. Vokraf sells personalised education via social media. Cost and payment options allow Vokraf to enrol more students. As internet infrastructure improved, Vokraf increased their online advertising reach. Affordability may diminish market competition. Specialists and customised training help Vokraf compete with other platform.

The Impact of Slow and Circular Fashion Concept on Consumers Purchase Intention

: Slow and circular fashion concept is a concept that used in fashion industry referring to company or brand that produced clothes in sustainable practices, including reducing waste, extending lifespan of products, and priority responsible manufacture. As the textile manufacture is one of the biggest industry that producing waste, many people start to aware of this problem, especially millennials and gen Z. Many fashion brand are starting to apply sustainability process on their manufacture, including applying slow and circular fashion concept. As a sustainability brand, they tend to use value-based pricing on their pricing strategy, so the price range is middle to high. The brand wanted the value they offer to the consumers is delivered well and they tried to encourage people to be responsible consumers. However, the one who have awareness of environment concern are millennials and gen Z who have middle to low purchasing power. This generation sees the value that sustainability brand’s offer is not appeal to them even though they know the brand mission and vision. This study aimed to identify factors that influence the consumers purchase intention on slow and circular fashion concept. This study using quantitative methods and descriptive statistic as data collection methods. The data were obtained from questionnaire that were distributed to 200 respondent.