
Analysis of the head of Madrasah Leadership Style, Teaching Methods, Teacher Competence, Learning Strategies Towards Student Quality in the Industry 4.0 Era Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan

The aim of this research is to analyze and prove the simultaneous and partial influence of the madrasa head’s leadership style, learning methods, teacher competence, learning strategies on student quality in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tapin Regency. The approach to this research is quantitative research, namely research that focuses on studying objective phenomena to be studied quantitatively. The sample taken in this study used a total sampling technique of 47 people consisting of 3 heads of Madrasah Aliyah in Tapin Regency, 44 certified civil servant teachers. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, documentation, interviews and observation. Validity and reliability tests were carried out on the research instruments. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with classical assumption tests. The results of the research show that simultaneously the leadership style of the madrasa head, learning methods, teacher competence, and learning strategies have a significant effect on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency. Partially, the leadership style of the madrasa head, teacher competency and learning strategies have no significant influence on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency, but learning methods have a significant influence on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency.

Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Special Need Students in State Special Need Schools Indonesia

This paper aims to investigate the strategy of Islamic religious education teaching to special needs students at a state special needs school in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to understanding the teaching strategies and their impact on special needs students with most of them being deaf, blind, and mentally retarded. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and written material. Data analysis was carried out using a thematic process through a reduction process, data presentation, and data verification of the validity of the data. The results of the study show that the implementation of Islamic religious education learning for disabled students has been carried out with innovative strategies such as using practicum and role model strategies. The teachers also use interesting media to make the disabled students interesting in learning Islamic religious education. As a result, disabled students are improved in cognitive, affective, and psychometric aspects relating to Islamic education.   This study contributes to academic and to practice that might be implemented in other special needs school contexts.