
The Influence of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement at PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi, Tbk. (Study of Mitratel Employees)

PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi, Tbk. (Mitratel) aims to foster strong collaboration within the organization. High employee engagement is essential for achieving this goal. However, recent internal surveys indicate a decline in employee engagement, potentially linked to leadership style and organizational culture. These factors, as supported by prior research, significantly impact employee engagement and should be addressed to improve overall organizational performance.

This research aims to examine the correlation and relationship between leadership style, organizational culture, and employee engagement as outcomes at Mitratel. The correlations will be linked to determine whether there is a relationship with the overall organizational performance level.

This quantitative study uses surveys to gather data and PLS analysis to examine the relationships between variables, even with moderate sample sizes and non-normal data.

This study found that both leadership style and organizational culture positively impact employee engagement, with organizational culture having a more significant influence. Higher levels of both factors lead to higher employee engagement.

In summary, the study confirms that a leadership style and the organizational culture have a significant impact on employees’ engagement in an organizational such as a telecommunication company like Mitratel.

Talent Management Strategies in Indonesia’s Digital Media and Entertainment Industry for Gen Z: The Role of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture

This study found that leadership style has a significant effect on talent management, with transformational leadership being more effective in retaining talent in the digital media and entertainment industry. However, the use of organizational culture as an intervening variable showed no significant effect on talent management. The study also highlights the challenges and opportunities in retaining Generation Z talent in the media and entertainment sector, emphasizing the importance of factors such as diversity, inclusion, technology, sustainability, and legal considerations in attracting and retaining top talent.The survey results show that different industries have different preferences regarding leadership styles, talent management strategies, and organizational culture. The music industry values community, the gaming industry prefers transformational leadership styles, the film industry emphasizes individual recognition, and the digital marketing industry prioritizes financial rewards. The analysis suggests that leadership style has a positive effect on organizational culture and talent management, and organizational culture also affects talent management. Validity and reliability tests confirmed the accuracy of the survey data.


Budget Transparency Nagan Raya Regency Government

This study aims to examine the effect of legislative oversight, regulation, technology utilization, and leadership style on budget transparency. This research was conducted based on information obtained from questionnaires distributed to respondents. This research sampling technique uses purposive sampling method. This research uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 132 local officials who work in the Regional Apparatus Organization of Nagan Raya Regency. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with analysis tools using SPSS 26 software. The results of this study indicate that legislative oversight and leadership style have a positive effect on budget transparency. While regulation and technology utilization have a negative effect on budget transparency.

The Role of Democratic Transformational Leadership Style in Supporting Clan Organizational Culture

Leadership plays a critical role in achieving organizational success and shaping its culture. This paper investigates the role of leadership in shaping organizational culture, specifically within a leading automotive dealership in Indonesia aiming to strengthen its clan culture. This paper aims to evaluate the existing leadership approach in the company and identify a style that would better support a clan culture. Primary data for the study was gathered through a quantitative survey of 324 employees, selected using Slovin’s formula. The questionnaire model that was employed is the Vannsimpco Leadership Survey (VLS). The tools that were used for analysis are descriptive analysis and gap analysis. Results show that the organization predominantly exhibits an Autocratic-Transformational leadership approach. In contrast, the expected leadership style that emerged from the results is Democratic-Transactional. Based on the findings, the company is advised to strategically realign its leadership to a Democratic-Transformational style, emphasizing participative decision-making, open communication, and collaborative, employee-focused approaches to foster a clan culture.

How Do Islamic University Prevent Fraud: Do Leadership Style and E-Procurement Matter

Internal control, and leadership style on fraud prevention at State Islamic Religious Universities in Indonesia. This study used the research subject, namely the Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) at 58 PTKIN throughout Indonesia. The data used is primary data with a questionnaire technique that is distributed in the form of online, namely by using a google form which is sent via whatsapp to SPI PTKIN throughout Indonesia. The distribution of the questionnaire was carried out in two stages of filling out, namely 1) The First Phase, starting on June 15, 2022 to June 25, 2022, and 2) Phase Two, starting on June 30, 2022 until July 14, 2022. So that 102 respondents were obtained from 52 PTKIN. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis which is processed using the SPSS version 25 program. Hypothesis testing is carried out simultaneously and partially, with the following results: (1) e-procurement implementation, internal control, and leadership style simultaneously affect fraud prevention, (2) e-procurement implementation has an effect on fraud prevention, (3) internal control has an effect on fraud prevention, and (4) leadership style has an effect on fraud prevention.

Analysis of the head of Madrasah Leadership Style, Teaching Methods, Teacher Competence, Learning Strategies Towards Student Quality in the Industry 4.0 Era Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan

The aim of this research is to analyze and prove the simultaneous and partial influence of the madrasa head’s leadership style, learning methods, teacher competence, learning strategies on student quality in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Tapin Regency. The approach to this research is quantitative research, namely research that focuses on studying objective phenomena to be studied quantitatively. The sample taken in this study used a total sampling technique of 47 people consisting of 3 heads of Madrasah Aliyah in Tapin Regency, 44 certified civil servant teachers. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, documentation, interviews and observation. Validity and reliability tests were carried out on the research instruments. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with classical assumption tests. The results of the research show that simultaneously the leadership style of the madrasa head, learning methods, teacher competence, and learning strategies have a significant effect on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency. Partially, the leadership style of the madrasa head, teacher competency and learning strategies have no significant influence on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency, but learning methods have a significant influence on the quality of students in the industrial era 4.0 at Madrasah Aliyah Tapin Regency.

The Influence of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Performance at The Education Office of the Labuhan Batu District with Competence as an Intervening Variable

Performance appraisal is an important need to be able to measure the extent of the progress and development of the organization, whether it is in line with the process of change that occurs in its internal human resources. This performance assessment cannot stand alone, but is related to the formation of strategies that lead to the achievement of the vision, mission and goals of the organization, for this reason it is necessary to find opportunities for the organization to make improvements and innovations through the formation of a strategy. This study aims to determine whether leadership style and organizational culture affect employee performance through competence as an intervening variable at the Labuhanbatu Regency Education Office. The results obtained in this study indicate 1) there is a significant influence between leadership style on competence, 2) there is a significant influence between organizational culture variables on competence, 3) there is a significant influence between leadership style variables on performance, 4) there is a significant influence between organizational culture variables on performance, 5) there is a significant influence between competency variables on performance, 6) competency variables cannot influence leadership style variables on performance, 7) competency variables can influence organizational culture variables on performance.

The Influence of Leadership Style, Supervisory and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Motivation as an Intervening Variable (Descriptive Study of Quantitative Analysis of Employee Performance at the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency)

Based on the results of observations, that the level of absenteeism is still low, employee absences continue to increase every year, especially for the criteria for absences, sick, late and going home. This shows that the leadership is less than optimal in supervising its employees, it is found that there are still many employees who do not come to work due to permits, illness and are late for work and even go home early. Based on the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants Article 3 Point 11 which states that entering work and obeying the provisions of working hours. As a result, employees do not complete the work and often make mistakes over and over again. The purpose of this study in general is to analyze and describe the significant direct or indirect positive influence of leadership style, supervision and organizational culture on employee performance through motivation as an intervening variable. The research method used is to use path analysis (Part Analysis) to determine the direct or indirect effect of the variables studied. It is then used to analyze the extent to which the work motivation variable is able to mediate an increase in the quality of management information systems to improve employee performance and to what extent the work motivation variable is able to mediate the effect of leadership style on improving the performance of the Serang Regency Education and Culture Office Employees. The results obtained after the research was carried out were: 1) Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of leadership style on performance β = 0.000 the indirect effect of motivational mediating factors on the influence of leadership style on the performance of the employees of the Education and Culture Office of Serang Regency obtained value of β = 0.215. The comparison of the value of direct effect is smaller than the value of indirect effect which causes work motivation to be able to mediate the influence of leadership style on employee performance. 2). Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of supervision on performance β = 0.155. the indirect effect of the mediating motivational factor on the influence of supervision on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Serang Regency obtained the value of β = -0.046. Comparison of the value of direct effect is greater than the value of indirect effect which causes motivation to be unable to mediate the effect of supervision on employee performance. 3). Based on the calculation results of SPSS v.25 Beta value due to the direct influence of organizational culture on performance β = 0.000. the indirect effect of the mediating motivational factor on the influence of organizational culture on the performance of the employees of the Department of Education and Culture of Serang Regency obtained the value of β = 0.243. Comparison of values ​​direct effect is smaller than value indirect effect that causes motivation to be able to mediate the influence of organizational culture on employee performance.

Transformational and Instructional Leadership Styles to Improve Teacher Performance: Literature Review

The importance of transformational and instructional leadership styles of principals is interesting to study. There are several articles on Transformational and Instructional leadership style reviews found. This literature review aims to determine the transformational and instructional leadership styles of school principals to improve teacher performance. Based on the results of the literature review, it was found that there was a significant relationship between the transformational leadership style and the principal’s instructional style to improve teacher performance, which was seen from the increase in teacher performance and teacher job satisfaction in schools. The results of the review article show a significant relationship between transformational and instructional leadership styles in improving teacher performance in schools. There is a positive relationship between transformational and instructional leadership styles and can have a positive and significant influence on teacher behavior and teacher job satisfaction. Principal’s Transformational and Instructional Leadership is one of the factors that encourage schools to achieve goals actively and efficiently.

Principal’s Leadership Style Based on Path-Goal Theory: A Literature Review

The importance of the principal’s leadership style based on the Path-Goal Theory is interesting to study, and this paper examines the principal’s leadership style based on the Path-Goal Theory in achieving educational goals in schools. There are several articles on reviews of leadership styles based on Path-Goal Theory that can be found. This review aims to find out the principal’s leadership style based on path-goal theory in achieving educational goals in schools. Based on the literature review results, we found a significant relationship between the principal’s leadership style based on Path-Goal Theory in achieving educational goals in schools, which could be seen from the increase in teacher performance and teacher job satisfaction in school administration staff. The article review results showed a significant correlation between the principal’s leadership style based on the directive, supportive, participatory, and achievement-oriented leadership style on the level of performance and job satisfaction of teachers and administrative staff in schools. This is not underestimated from the influence of the principal’s leadership style based on PathGoal Theory in directing and motivating his followers in achieving educational goals at school.