
Implementation of Islamic Education Values in Notary Families in Palu City Indonesia

This study discusses the Implementation of the values of Islamic Education in the Palu City Notary family. This study used is a qualitative method with data gathering using field observational, in-depth interviews, and written material analysis. The data was then analyzed using inductive, dedicated and comparative analysis. The results of the study revealed that the Muslim Notary families in Palu City understands and implements of Islamic education values. Muslim notary families apply and practice the values of Islamic education include the values of Aqidah and Morals. Islamic values are implemented in their professional life and in their families. The result of Islamic education and values implementation are reflected in feeling of fear to Allah which means to have feelings in the heart of Allah.  The person who fears Allah the most is the person who knows and realizes himself the most.  Continuous training is needed to increase listening to religious advice originating from the Al-Qur’an and Hadith. Hoping to Allah that all the good deeds that we are about to do will receive the pleasure of Allah and be accepted as a pious child and Allah will forgive sins.  By hoping in Allah, humans are required to try to increase their faith and increase good deeds both to Allah and fellow human beings. 6). Praying too much for forgiveness so that the sins that have already been done will receive forgiveness from Allah SWT.

Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Special Need Students in State Special Need Schools Indonesia

This paper aims to investigate the strategy of Islamic religious education teaching to special needs students at a state special needs school in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to understanding the teaching strategies and their impact on special needs students with most of them being deaf, blind, and mentally retarded. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and written material. Data analysis was carried out using a thematic process through a reduction process, data presentation, and data verification of the validity of the data. The results of the study show that the implementation of Islamic religious education learning for disabled students has been carried out with innovative strategies such as using practicum and role model strategies. The teachers also use interesting media to make the disabled students interesting in learning Islamic religious education. As a result, disabled students are improved in cognitive, affective, and psychometric aspects relating to Islamic education.   This study contributes to academic and to practice that might be implemented in other special needs school contexts.