
Study on the Aftermath of Natural Ways to Cure COVID-19 in Bangladesh

COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, expanded worldwide because of its easier transmission process, which emerged as respiratory infections, multi-organ disorders, and asymptomatic effects. Though several vaccines have been invented to prevent the virus affection, still lots of people are affecting from mild to severe Covid. In this study, we mainly focus on the natural ways that helped the patients to cure COVID-19 in the recent post-covid scenario. Our goal is to find the effectiveness of protein-rich foods and physical activities that may reduce the risks and boost immunity to fight off SARS-CoV-2. This study was conducted in Bangladesh and data was collected from 208 cured people through face-to-face interviews, phone calls, and social media. It was found that protein-rich foods such as sea fish, river fishes, pigeon meat, lemon, ceevit, and physical activities such as walking, jogging, and pushing up were associated with a lower recovery period. Males has the higher recovery period after being cured than females.

Formulation of Compressed Lozenges from Decaffeinated Arabica Green Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) Bean Extract as Immune Booster

Global public health issues include emerging and reemerging viruses. The most recent cause of COVID-19 is the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The main goal of current medical research is the creation of new, affordable, and effective anti-COVID-19 medications. The immune system regulates coronavirus infection in the human body. The current study explores the relationship between antioxidants and the immune system’s ability to fight off infections and the pathogenicity of the coronavirus. Arabica coffee contains chlorogenic acid, which is efficacious as a contributor to antioxidant and antiviral activity. But arabica coffee also contains caffeine, which can cause ulcers in people who do decaffeination using dichloromethane solvent to reduce levels of caffeine. The objective of this study is to create Arabica coffee seed extract compressed lozenges as an antioxidant to boost the immune system. Arabica coffee extraction is done by Soxhletasi. Formulation lozenges are made in three formulas with varying types of flavorings: F1 (strawberry), F2 (tiramisu), and F3 (vanilla). Lozenges were analyzed using HPLC with pretreatment SPE to see the effect of the formulation on the content of caffeine and chlorogenic acid. F1 caffeine content 1.324%, 4.484% F2, F3 0.134. F1 chlorogenic acid content 2.996%, 2.834% F2, F3 4.530% .The result of the granules and lozenges evaluation is required for the granules and lozenges requirements. As a result of hedonic stimulation, the respondent can receive a taste of lozenges. Formula lozenges which most preferred is the formula F1 with strawberries creamer diluent with caffeine content of 1.324% and chlorogenic acid content of 2.996%. The conclusion of this study is that green coffee bean extract can be made into lozenges, and caffeine levels in coffee can be reduced by decaffeination. but the level of chlorogenic acid decreased along with the decrease in caffeine.


The Effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver to Boost Immunity in People Affected (Reactive and Positive) by Covid-19

COVID-19 virus outbreak was first found in Wuhan China. The current COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Sars-CoV-2). The interaction of the virus with the immune system causes the immunity of people affected by the outbreak to decrease. The combination of nanogold and nanosilver, that is an antimicrobial and antiviral agent, can inhibit the replication of the COVID-19 virus an d act as drug delivery. This research aims to determine the effect of nanogold-nanosilver that can increase immunity in people who are positively affected by the COVID-19 virus. The method used in this research was quantitative descriptive by describing the effect of the nanogold-nanosilver health drink given to increasing human immunity exposed to the COVID-19 virus seen from the number of respondent cures. The respondents consumed 500 mL of health drinks containing nanogold and nanosilver compounds with a concentration of 2 ppm per day. Based on the data obtained, the combination of nanogold and nanosilver could increase the immunity of people affected by COVID-19, marked by physical changes that became healthier, fitter and negative swab test results and accelerate the healing of COVID-19 patients.

The Effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver to Boost Immunity of People Affected by COVID-19 with Comorbidities of Diabetes Mellitus

COVID-19 virus has spread almost all over the world, including Indonesia until now. COVID-19 in people with diabetes mellitus have a risk of exacerbating symptoms. Diabetes is a disease caused by high blood sugar levels. Nanogold has a very strong anti-oxidant capability, while nanosilver has anti-bacterial properties. In this research, nanogold-nanosilver was presented in the form of health drinking water packaged in 1 L bottles and could be consumed directly. This research aimed to determine the effect of nanogold-nanosilver to boost the immunity of people affected by COVID-19 with comorbidities of diabetes mellitus on Jl. Merr Surabaya to Juanda highway, Surabaya City. The method in this research was the lecture method at the beginning of the activity. Health Drinking Water Materials were distributed once a week, namely on Friday, July 31 to August 28, 2020. The sampling technique used accidental sampling with a total sample of 100. Interviews recording medical conditions were collected and analysed. The results obtained were a decrease in blood sugar levels to normal in patients with diabetes mellitus and the immunity of the participant volunteers was well maintained in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The age group under 39 years had the greatest decrease in blood sugar levels. In accordance with the research results, Nanogold-Nanosilver Health Drinking Water has succeeded in increasing and maintaining the immunity of participants who have comorbidities with diabetes mellitus and are affected by COVID-19. Besides, the participant survived not to be affected to COVID-19 during activities.

The Effect of Nanogold-Nanosilver to Increase the Immunity of People Affected by COVID-19 with Hypertension Comorbidities

The SARS‐CoV‐ 2/Covid-19 Coronavirus is currently endemic throughout the world. The comorbidities of Covid-19 with the highest percentage reaching 50.5% are hypertension. Hypertension included in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) is generally chronic. It can reduce the sufferer’s immune system gradually and is very susceptible to infections, including those caused by viral infections, one of which is the SARS-CoV-2 virus or commonly called COVID-19. Therefore, patients with NCD, especially hypertension, are encouraged to increase immunity and body immunity to avoid virus infection. Currently, nanoparticles, especially Nanogold and Nanosilver, are taking place very rapidly in the health sector because gold and silver nanoparticles have various benefits such as antioxidants, antivirals, and antibacterials. After being proven effective in dealing with leprosy patients in Surabaya, especially in terms of increasing immunity. Now Nanogold-Nanosilver was developed with the hope to help relieve Covid-19 sufferers through increasing the body’s immune system because if the body’s immune system decreases, the virus will quickly enter the body. In this study, Nanogold and Nanosilver were developed into a health water drink that volunteers can drink every day. Volunteers are people affected by Covid-19 in the Karanganyar area of Surabaya. This study uses a one-group pretest-posttest design. The data collection is carried out through direct observation and interviews with people affected by Covid-19 regularly every week. Then the data analysed using a paired T-test on the SPSS application. And obtained a P-value of 0.000, which means that there is an effect of nanogold-nanosilver for increase body immunity.