
Training on the Making of Fried Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) Products in Sigi District to Implementing the Recovery Concept of Agriculture and Food Security Impacted

The concept of community empowerment in the socio-cultural field is an effort to strengthen small people through improving, strengthening, and upholding values, ideas, and norms, and encouraging the realization of social organizations that are able to provide control over political and economic treatments that are far from morality. Service activities are carried out in several stages such as socialization, FGD, training, and designing fried shallot business innovation tools. Socialization of fried onion product processing is carried out by providing training and FGDs in the form of slicing onions, frying and packing shallots. Furthermore, 3 fried shallot business innovation tools were designed in the form of slicing machines, spinner machines and shallot frying machines. Training activities for village youth cadres run smoothly and in accordance with the expected target, namely increasing community awareness about the function and role of village youth cadres in terms of seeking community agricultural products, especially in processing shallots in packaging so that these expectations can be achieved well.

Empowerment Pattern Based on Food Independence on the Indigenous Peoples of the Baduy Dalam Tribe

The farming system implemented by the Baduy Dalam community still applies the traditional farming system with the mechanism of the farmland system, which is to rest the land after being used for farming and then wait for the time to be used again for farming.  With the increase in the population, the need for food increases, but this has an impact on the small area of land because it has been converted into residential land.  The purpose of this research is to find alternative solutions from the empowerment model that can be applied to the Baduy Dalam community to support food security in the Baduy Dalam community.  The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method using a phenomenological and ethnographic approach. The location of this research is in Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik Villages which are included in the Baduy Dalam area.  The number of informants was 7 people consisting of the Head of Kanekes Village, 3 Deputy Puun, and 3 representative residents from each village.  The results of this study are recommendations for empowerment models that can be carried out by a companion must meet the following elements, namely: 1) Empowerment of soil nutrient improvement with orok-orok plants, 2) Making Organic Fertilizer to increase plant fertility, and 3) Empowerment of MOL production.

Effect of Mother Knowledge and Household Food Security on Anemia of Pregnant Women (Study in North Buton Regency)

Background: Anemia in pregnancy can cause disruption of pregnancy continuity, disruption of the birth process, disorders during the puerperium, and disturbances to the fetus. World data shows the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women is 41.8% with a maternal mortality rate due to anemia of 303,000 people or around 216/100,000 live births. This study aims to analyze the determinants of anemia in pregnant women in North Buton Regency.

Method: This study used a cross-sectional design. The population in this study were all pregnant women aged <21 years who came to check their pregnancies at all Health Centers in North Buton Regency in January 2023 as many as 97 people with a total sample of 77 people who were taken using the proportional sampling technique.

Results: The research data was analyzed using using the chi-square test. The results showed body mass index (p-value = 0.002), food consumption level (p-value = 0.023), food security (p-value = 0.002), adherence to consumption of Fe tablets (p-value = 0.002), knowledge (p-value = 0.827), income (p-value = 0.015).

Conclusion: It can be concluded that body mass index, level of food consumption, food security, consumption of Fe tablets, and income are related to the incidence of anemia in pregnant women, while knowledge is not related to the incidence of anemia in pregnant women.

Urban Farming in Food Security Efforts at Household Level in Indonesia: Systematic Review

Acute nutritional problems occur due to nutritional problems caused by events in a short time. For example, disease outbreaks and lack of food (hunger) that causes emaciation. This is also what underlies the occurrence of acute nutritional problems during the Covid 19 pandemic. Food access is directly affected by urban communities, especially the urban poor. One form of the system of family food security is to increase the availability of food at the household level, especially in urban areas, namely the urban farming system. The author uses two methods to search for articles about urban farming, namely PubmEd, Science Direct and Google Schoolar. Search using keywords Urban farming, food security and Indonesia. Based on the initial search, 43 research articles were found and then identification was carried out so that they became 12 articles. The results of the search found that urban farming can increase family food security, the types of plants grown are vegetables and fruits, and the problems encountered are communication problems, level of knowledge and skills related to urban farming.

Farmer’s Cooperatives with Farmers’ Economic Morals in Realizing Food Security

Farmers, as rural producers, produce agricultural products for the necessities of life while fulfilling economic needs. Farmers in Sukoharjo, Indonesia, have formed farmer groups, but these farmer groups are not managed mechanically. Therefore, it is necessary to think of a business entity that supports the agricultural production process of harvest and sale to support the improvement of farmers’ lives. The ideal business entity for farmers is a Cooperative business entity with a cooperation system; this resembles the local community’s culture or wisdom. A Cooperative is an association or organization consisting of people or entities that provide freedom of entry and exit as existing members. The regulation of Cooperatives in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution states that the economy is structured as a joint business based on the principle of kinship, which in carrying out business activities must be in accordance with the type of cooperative based on the similarity of activities and economic interests of its members. Gaining success in agricultural production and improving farmers’ standard of living is part of the Food Security system, in which people’s needs for food can be met in abundance.