
The Influence of Service Quality and Product Quality of Livin Mandiri through Satisfaction Customers and its Impact on Customer Loyalty of Bank Mandiri KCP Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra Province

The aim of this research is to determine the quality of service and product quality of Livin Mandiri on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri KCP Tanjung Balai North Sumatera Province.

This research is quantitative empirical research using hypothesis research that examines the significant influence and direction of the direct and indirect relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable through the intervening variable. Data in the research is primary data obtained from 100 sample people obtained using the Slovin formula from a 20.088 population.

Based on statistical test results, it was found that livin mandiri service quality have a positive effect on customer loyalty but not significant. Product quality have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between livin mandiri product quality and customer loyalty. Meanwhile, the relationship between Livin Mandiri’s service quality and customer loyalty cannot be mediated by customer satisfaction at Bank Mandiri KCP Tanjung Balai North Sumatera Province.

The Influence of Electronic Service Quality, Sales Promotion, and Product Variation on Purchase Decisions and Satisfaction: a Study on BUKALAPAK

Bukalapak, as one of the most popular online shopping applications in Indonesia, faces challenges in satisfying its customers. Despite offering a variety of products and services, there are significant complaints regarding the quality of service and the conducted promotions. This research aims to evaluate how product variation, sales promotions, and electronic service quality at Bukalapak influence purchase decisions and customer satisfaction, as well as the extent to which each of these factors impacts the decisions and satisfaction of Bukalapak’s customers. The study employs a quantitative method, collecting data through a survey distributed via Google Form, and selecting samples using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Respondents included those who have shopped at Bukalapak while residing in Indonesia, including millennials, Generation X, and Generation Z. For data analysis, the research utilizes the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique with the assistance of SmartPLS software. The results of this research indicate that respondents rate the electronic service quality, sales promotions, and product variation offered by Bukalapak, as well as the purchase decisions and customer satisfaction at Bukalapak, as Very Good. Electronic service quality, sales promotions, and product variation have a positive and significant impact on both purchase decisions and satisfaction.

Klub Golf Bogor Raya Improvement Plans Based on the Servicescape’s Perception of the Customers

Klub Golf Bogor Raya has not conducted revitalization of the field for twenty-seven years, while experts recommended golf fields be revitalized every once in twenty years (Klub Golf Bogor Raya, 2023). As for the game, most activities in the game are crucial and placed in the Green area, therefore the Green Area would be the focal concern in this final project study. Klub Golf Bogor Raya’s goal is to reach 60,000 NOP in 2023. To do this, the author conducted a customer satisfaction study of the golf field based on the Servicescape theory, especially the Green area would be a reference for Klub Golf Bogor Raya to execute decisions to reach the NOP target.

However the issue of the research method, needs to be validated, therefore the author conducted data triangulation. The study is triangulated with two sets of data: Klub Golf Bogor Raya’s customer satisfaction survey, and experts’ interview. All to address the assumptions that the Servicescape of Klub Golf Bogor Raya’s Green area is relevant to customer satisfaction.

The Influence of Store Atmosphere and Sales Promotion on Customer Satisfaction and its Impact on Customer Loyalty Coffee Shop Kopilogi

This study aims to determine the effect of store atmosphere and sales promotion on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty of the Kopilogi coffee shop. The survey was conducted on consumers of the Coffee Shop Kopilogi Garut, the research method used was descriptive and verification method with a total sample of 94 respondents, the data analysis used was path analysis. The results of the study show that in structure I there is an influence of store atmosphere and sales promotion on customer satisfaction by 52.7%. In structure II there is an influence of store atmosphere and sales promotion on loyalty through customer satisfaction of 76.0%.

The Effect of Service Quality and 7P Marketing Mix on Repurchase Intention with Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable (Study at Perihal Kopi)

This study investigates the relationship between service quality and 7P marketing mix as key factors in achieving customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The focus is to measure the extent to which customer satisfaction can influence the desire to repurchase. Service quality and the 7P marketing mix are considered the main predictors of customer satisfaction that can be assessed directly through consumer perceptions. The study method involves analysing customer assessment of various aspects of service quality and 7P marketing mix at Perihal Kopi, Depok. This study was conducted quantitatively by distributing online questionnaires to 237 respondents around JABODETABEK with the main criteria of respondent is individual who has visited Perihal Kopi. Data analysis used are instrument validity and reliability test, hypothesis test, and path analysis using the SmartPLS 4 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) program. The result of this study indicates all the items of each variable are valid and reliable. Based on the findings, service quality has no significant effect to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention while 7P marketing mix has a significant effect to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The results of this study are expected to provide a deep understanding of the Perihal Kopi’s position from the customer’s perspective, allowing the Perihal Kopi to identify the areas that need to be improved. By understanding the factors that affect customer satisfaction, Perihal Kopi can design and implement effective action plans to improve the 7P marketing mix and achieve repurchase intention goals in the future.

The Impact of Airline Responds to Service Failure towards Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Airline Industry

This study explores the relationship between airline responses to service failures and customer’s satisfaction and loyalty in the airline industry. Using a framework that includes various airline response categories derived from a service blueprint such as overbooking, flight delays, cancellations, lost or damaged luggage, in-flight service issues, customer service failures, and security issues, this study investigates the relationship between these factors and customer satisfaction, as well as the resulting impact on customer loyalty. A qualitative approach has been used alongside by using non-probability sampling that will be use in this study includes snowball sampling and convenience sampling. Upon collected data through survey, the result is then being regressed linearly in SPSS. The analysis of data reveals that effective and timely handling of service failures, as well as considerate handling of complaints, play a significant role in determining customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty positively, highlighting the significance of service recovery in nurturing long-term customer relationships. The findings emphasize the need for airlines to prioritize efficient service recovery processes, such as transparent communication and adequate compensation for service failures. Future research recommendations include investigating the role of technology in service recovery efforts and other service failure scenarios. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on service recovery in the airline industry and offers insights for marketing strategies to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Quality Improvement to Enhance Customer Satisfaction Using Lean Six Sigma (Case Study: XYZ Restaurant)

Bandung was designated as a national culinary destination city in 2017 by the Ministry of Tourism due to its culinary diversity. The development of food and beverage businesses in Bandung, which increased from 524 in 2020 to 729 in 2021[4], shows that competition in the culinary business is quite intense. XYZ is one of the restaurants that can survive during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, XYZ often experiences complaints from customers regarding the quality of its products and services. Usually, this restaurant can receive 200-300 customers on weekdays and 400-600 customers on weekends. But until now, XYZ only receives 50% of its customers. This research will discuss the improvement of product and service quality using the DMAIC Lean Six Sigma methodology. The research uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to XYZ customers who visited in 2021 to 2023. From the results of the questionnaire, 4 out of 19 sub-variables customers feel that the performance is not good but has a high importance, namely in T1 (Taste), TX1 (Texture), E1 (Empathy), and R1 (Reliability). These four indicators need to be improved so that customers feel satisfied with the services and products provided by XYZ. Based on the main problems from the data obtained, quality improvement efforts that can be made such as employee training and quality control at suppliers. These efforts aim to improve and maintain the quality of XYZ for the long term so that an increase in the number of customers can be achieved, such as 200-300 visitors on weekdays and 400-600 on weekends.

The Effect of Service Quality and the Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction for Improving Service Loyalty in Hospital (Case Study on Annisa Hospital in Bogor Regency)

Many of the industrial sectors have been affected by the covid-19 pandemic, such as health industry. Hospital is one of the health facilities that is needed by the public. West Java is an area that has been highly affected by this pandemic. To compete with others, Annisa Hospital must be ready to maintain their good services to patient and always controlling their performance day by day. Also, with provide great service quality will lead to customer satisfaction and maintain service loyalty. The research using 3 variables such as service loyalty(X), customer satisfaction(Z) as mediator, and service loyalty(Y). This research has proposed to see (1) the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, (2) the effect of service quality on service loyalty, and (3) the effect of customer satisfaction on service loyalty. This research using quantitative method to collect the data, determined by 200 respondents as a sample. The data will be analyzed with path analysis and calculated with IBM SPSS Statistics. The result of this research found that there is indirect effect between service quality on service loyalty through customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect with the p-value (0.000 <0.050), with a coefficient obtained of 0.248. The result has a significance value that (0,200 > 0.05) which means is normally distributed. Meanwhile the path analysis result on the effect of service quality on service loyalty through customer satisfaction obtain a significance value (p-value) smaller than α (<0.05). This research has a conclusion that Annisa hospital must maintain their service quality to created customer satisfaction and develop service loyalty.

Predicting Customer Satisfaction through Sentiment Analysis on Online Review

User-generated content, such as user reviews, posts, tags, ratings, and opinions on the internet, can be used as a business indicator if collected and appropriately analyzed. One of the examples is predicting customer satisfaction through implementing big data analytics on online reviews. In analyzing the user-generated content to predict customer satisfaction, the author implements machine learning approach using the Sentiment Analysis method. Five-fold cross-validation was performed to train the classification model. The training was performed with a combination of tokenization methods: term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf) and bag-of-words; n-gram types: unigram, bigram, trigram, and combination of unigram, bigram, and trigram; and machine learning algorithms: linear support vector classification (LinearSVC) and multinomial naïve bayes (MultinomialNB). The result was then evaluated using classification performance metrics such as precision, recall, F1 measure, and AUC score.

The result shows that the tf-idf vectorizer performs similarly to the bag-of-words method. A similar result was also observed for machine learning algorithm selection. Both MultinomialNB and LinearSVC produce the same performance. Low-level n-grams (such as unigrams and bigrams) tended to have higher precision, recall, F1 measure, and AUC score than high-order n-grams (such as trigrams). The best results were achieved by combining unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams, resulting in an average performance score of 0.94 for all measurements. From the result and analysis, the author finds that predicting customer satisfaction using text and sentiment analysis methods on user-generated content is possible. The model’s performance in this experiment is decent, with high precision, recall, F1, and AUC score.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction at Restaurant

The restaurant industry is a highly competitive space, with a large number of businesses vying for customers and trying to stand out in a crowded market. There are several factors that contribute to the competitiveness of the industry, including the abundance of options available to consumers, the increasing popularity of food delivery and takeout services, and the use of technology to enhance the customer experience. In order to succeed in this industry, restaurants must offer high-quality food and service, and also differentiate themselves from their competitors through unique offerings, strong branding, and effective marketing strategies. Additionally, restaurants must be mindful of trends and changes in consumer preferences and adapt their business models accordingly in order to stay competitive. To address these issues, the company must devise a strategy that addresses the underlying causes. This could entail conducting a market analysis and determining the needs of the target customer base. The restaurant’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were identified using a SWOT analysis. Based on this analysis, it was determined that changing the company’s TOWS strategy would be the best course of action. This could be accomplished by implementing a revised service marketing mix. The purpose of this study was to better understand the relationship between the 7P marketing mix, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in order to retain customers. According to the findings, there are four variables that can influence customer satisfaction (Product, People, Process, and Physical Evidence). Customer satisfaction has a significant impact on customer loyalty and should be incorporated into restaurant marketing mix strategy.