
Proposed Marketing Strategy for to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention is a local men’s fashion brand that sells basic wear products and was founded in 2017. Schouten currently has five product categories: outerwear, shirts, pants, and hats. Every year, the number of MSMEs in the fashion sector grows, resulting in the emergence of many new competitors; however, some old competitors have also become obstacles. According to Schouten’s sales data from 2020 to 2022, sales have fluctuated. The author conducted preliminary interviews with fifteen random people, only two of whom were familiar with the Schouten brand. With these findings, it is possible to conclude that Schouten’s use of social media and promotional methods is still not optimal, resulting in a lack of brand awareness. According to the fishbone diagram’s description of the problem, the fluctuations that occur in Schouten are also influenced by product and place factors. The purpose of this research is to determine what factors cause sales fluctuations at Schouten, what factors influence purchase intention, and what marketing strategy suggestions are appropriate to increase brand awareness at Schouten. To achieve the research objectives, the authors will conduct external and internal analysis, resulting in TOWS as a solution. PEST analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, competitor analysis, and customer analysis were used for external analysis. Customer analysis was conducted by distributing questionnaires at random to 200 respondents, including potential customers. SmartPLS 4 is then used to process the data using the PLS-SEM approach. Then, for internal analysis, VRIO analysis, marketing mix, and STP are used. The TOWS matrix produced 11 strategies, and as many as six of them were chosen to formulate new marketing strategy proposals, which Schouten could then implement based on the implementation plans that had been created.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Increasing Batik Danar Hadi Purchase Intention among Gen Y and Z

Batik is Indonesian heritage that remains popular and have special place in Indonesia’s fashion industry. Indonesian people nowadays especially generation Y and Z use batik only on certain occasions because most of them still have the impression that batik is old-fashioned and only can be used in certain events. Batik Danar Hadi is one of pioneers for batik brand in Indonesia, their products can be worn daily which not only used for formal or important occasions. This study aims to examines how ad informativeness, ad persuasiveness, and brand awareness variables will influence purchase intention on Batik Danar Hadi with generation Y and Z as the objects. After analysing the result, Researcher proposed marketing strategy to Batik Danar Hadi according to the research results. Researchers have distributed questionnaires to assess the variables of ad informativeness, ad persuasiveness, brand awareness and purchase intentions. The results of the survey were 426 respondents, 350 respondents filled in completely, 25 respondents were dropped due to invalid data (including inverse, standard deviation, and outliers), leaving 325 respondents who met the criteria. Before distributing the research questionnaires, the researcher had carried out a small sample measurement of 30 people to get suggestions, input, and comments from respondents if there were statements that could not be understood. In this study, instrument testing was carried out with reliability and validity tests, model testing, and hypothesis testing using the SmartPLS3 test tool. The researcher developed the solutions as a solution for the business issue in a form of marketing strategy. The results of this study indicate that ad informativeness and ad persuasiveness have a positive and significant effect on brand awareness, while brand awareness has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Fashion and Accessories Brand to Increase Brand Awareness and Sales Performance (Case Study: Carbon is Lyfe)

The world of fashion and accessories is now growing quickly. The presence of digital platforms for conducting marketing and promotion of products also supports this development. The growth of this industry presents Carbon is Lyfe, a local men’s fashion and accessory brand, with a chance to keep growing. However, Carbon is Lyfe encounters several challenges when growing its business, including low brand awareness and incompletely met sales goals. This study aims to analyze the internal and external environment of the Carbon is Lyfe company, identify the variables influencing customer’s brand awareness and purchase intentions for fashion and accessories, and recommend suitable marketing strategies for Carbon is Lyfe. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods are used to determine the internal condition of the company and are conducted by interviewing the CEO of Carbon is Lyfe. Meanwhile, quantitative methods are used to determine external business conditions, namely customer analysis, by distributing online questionnaires to the target market of Carbon is Lyfe. The questionnaire results were then processed using the PLS-SEM method using the SMART PLS software. After knowing the internal and external conditions of the Carbon is Lyfe business, the author uses a SWOT and TOWS analysis to formulate appropriate strategies to solve existing problems. As a result of this study, the authors propose five marketing strategies that are suitable for internal and external conditions to increase brand awareness and sales performance of Carbon is Lyfe.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for Ana Tenun Sukarara

Following the implementation of the new norms, such as the relocation of MSMEs, the economy of Indonesia is beginning to recover. Returning to the economy in Indonesia, the implementation of this new normal has caused all nations to recommend economic activities, such as removing social restrictions to encourage people to work. New normal activities are characterized by production and consumption patterns that have an impact on digitalization. This study aims to propose marketing strategies to increase brand awareness of Ana Tenun Sukara, the research method used is non-probability aside from the purposive sampling method, states that non-probability sampling is a sampling technique with a population selected based on its availability or considering it can represent the population while purposive sampling is a sampling technique in which this technique chooses purposive sample that aims subjectively by distributing questionnaires to 200 respondents and processing data with PLS- SEM and analyzing internally with Marketing MIX 4P , STP, VRIO and external companies with 5porter porces, PEST and Competitor analysis. The results of this study indicate that social media marketing has a significant positive effect on brand awareness, and social media marketing has a significant positive effect on purchase intention and brand awareness has a significant positive effect on purchase intention.

Proposed Marketing Strategies for CV. Ganesha Sora to Increase Brand Awareness and Sales

MSMEs are the most important pillars of the Indonesian economy, contributing for 61.07% of GDP or $8,573.89 trillion rupiah. The MSME in the food processing industry is one of the most developed MSMEs. The presence of dairy products produced by these MSMEs benefits the food processing industry. The demand for dairy products in Indonesia has surged by more than 10% each year over the last ten years. Ganesha Sora is one of the MSMEs engaged in the production of dairy products that according to the company’s data is now facing a decrease in sales. Meanwhile, based on preliminary research and problem exploration undertaken by the author reveal that Ganesha Sora continues to have low brand awareness. The purpose of this research is to increase Ganesha Sora brand awareness, identify major product attributes that influence customer purchase intentions, and to design suitable marketing strategies to increase the chances of sales. This study will include both quantitative and qualitative methods. For consumer analysis and hypothesis testing, the quantitative method is used. Data is gathered by distributing questionnaires to respondents who buy mozzarella cheese products in stores and online marketplaces. The output is then processed by SMART PLS. The qualitative method is utilized in preliminary research by interviewing 10 respondents and the business owner. According to the findings of this research, businesses can boost brand awareness by engaging in marketing activities such as sales promotion and advertising, which also have a beneficial impact on purchase intention. The following finding is about important product attributes that influence customer purchase intention, which include convenience, taste, and availability. From those findings, the author makes several recommendations based on internal and external analysis, along with a SWOT and TOWS analysis for Ganesha Sora to increase sales by entering and selling products to tourist attractions, offering testers or price discounts, and providing buy one get one e-vouchers on monthly occasions such as 11.11, 12.12, and so on. Ganesha Sora can conduct advertising activities such as creating an advertising video that highlights the product qualities and campaigns #BanggaDairyBuatanIndonesia to raise awareness. Ganesha Sora can launch a new product in a lighter weight variation and rent cold storage space in numerous potential places to deliver the attributes that consumers value.

Implementing Growth Hacking Taxonomy to Increase Customer Growth in Small Business: Bloca Brand

Indonesia is one of the Southeast Asian nations with the greatest economic activity. Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the sectors that support the economy in Indonesia. Local fashion brands are gaining popularity in current conditions. The fashion sector has grown over the past year, every year the new brand has come which makes the competition stronger than before. This phenomenon occurred due to the fact that fashion is not only for primer needs, but it also reflects social and economic status, which is commonly related with popularity. Growth hacking can be characterized as the concept of online marketing. Using techniques of viral content distribution in social media, growth hacking operations aim to attract the greatest number of customers at the lowest possible cost. The second, equally vital objective is to retain customers by influencing their fantastic experiences through continuous product improvement and development. This research aims to find the best marketing strategies using growth hacking taxonomy to increase customers and the implementation plan of proposed strategies. The Author utilizes descriptive statistics and content analysis to analyze the collected data from questionnaires. The research found that the customer expectation is at a very high rate but the growth of the customer is unstable, even though the brand had collaboration with several influencers and other brands. Author indicates that the only online platform that the brand uses is Instagram with the story feature, meanwhile the duration of the feature only lasted for 24 hours. The Author proposed marketing strategies based on the customer lifecycle stage on growth hacking. Acquisition: Leverage other people’s audience, Activation: Learn flow on boarding, Revenue: Depiction of scarcity, Retention: Increase value, Referral: Automated sharing.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for Coffee Shop Business (Case Study on Brand Payu Coffee & Eatery)

The total distribution of Coffee in Indonesia is increasing every year, and it is in line with the growing of Coffee Shop industry in Indonesia, specifically in Jakarta. Payu is one of local SME Coffee Shop brand located in Gandaria, South Jakarta which was established in 2020. Building brand awareness is important for a new brand, particularly for SME company with an existence of less than five years like Payu. According to interview with Payu’s co-owner that Payu brand awareness is very low which in line with the result of questionnaire from total of 202 respondents shows that 68,8% never heard of Payu before. To analyse the root caused more deeply, researchers used Fishbone Diagram and Inter-relationship Diagram and found that Lack of Marketing effort is primary root cause for Payu. The purpose of this research is to propose a suitable marketing strategy to increase Brand Awareness for Coffee Shops like Payu. Researchers use both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in conducting research. Data collection is done by conducting in-depth interview, distributing questionnaires, and conducting a focus group discussion. The collected data is then used to do analysis based on the collection methods. Quantitative results are used to make Cluster Analysis and Brand Awareness Analysis. While Qualitative results is used to make Behavioural Shift analysis and Brand Concept Mapping. According to focus group discussion, customers are like the coffee trends like Ready-to-Drink Coffee and Snapchilled Coffee. After conducting analysis, the proposed marketing strategies are carried out. Based on BCM model, Payu are relatable with associations links “Nyaman” and “Kerja”. There are three new marketing strategies that can increase coffee shops brand awareness like Payu. First, developing Buyer Persona Creation strategy based on cluster analysis. Second, coffee shops can work with influencers who has audience driven from the Buyer Persona Creation strategy. Third, conduct a brand activation based on the association links from brand concept mapping and invite the chosen influencers.

Marketing Strategy to Improve Brand Awareness: Case Study of a Cloud Service Provider in Indonesia

The World Health Organization classified Covid-19 a global pandemic, its effects have rippled across every aspect of society, including the economy. Firms are shifting their objectives and concentrating on their information technology capability to deal with the unpredictability that this pandemic has brought onto the economy. Cloud and colocation will be required to support company operations with digital infrastructure. Many of the world’s largest cloud service providers are thinking about creating cloud regions within its boundaries as a result of its tremendous development potential. Cloudgear as one of local Indonesian cloud service provider wants to take this opportunity to grow their business. Cloudgear has a comprehensive service portfolio consisting of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Professional as a Software (PaaS), professional services, and multi-cloud services. However, based on the initial interview with ten cloud engineers and specialists in different companies, most of them are not aware that Cloudgear is a local Indonesian cloud service provider. Therefore, the next challenge is how to improve brand awareness of Cloudgear by formulating the right marketing strategy. Because it will strengthen the brand and develop Cloudgear competitive advantage for the company’s future growth. This research is objected to analyse Cloudgear internal, external conditions, analyse the factors that influence the brand awareness, and propose the most suitable marketing strategy in building Cloudgear brand awareness. Brand awareness is affected by advertising, social media, word of mouth and publicity. In this research, advertising, social media, word of mouth and publicity are being analysed whether it has significant positive influence to cloud service providers brand awareness or not. The hypothesis are that each of these factors have positive influence to cloud service brand awareness by performing customers analysis. Questionnaire was distributed to two hundred samples. Then, the data were processed by SPSS using multiple linear regression method. Several tests were conducted consisted of validity test, reliability test, normality test, and linearity test. After the data were valid, reliable, normal, and linear, analysis continued by doing multiple linear regression. The results are there is significant effect of each advertising, social media, word of mouth and publicity to brand awareness of cloud service provider. Determination test is resulted these variables have 50.1% influence. When F Test was conducted, the result was these variables if tested simultaneously or simultaneously have an effect on cloud service brand awareness. Therefore, the proposed marketing strategy for Cloudgear is related to improvement in advertising, social media, word of mouth and publicity in order to increase their brand awareness as a local Indonesian cloud service provider.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness of TMO

The car population in Indonesia is increasing every year with an average of 4.8% in the last five years. The contribution of car population is dominated by passenger cars with a contribution of 74.5% when compared to commercial cars, so that this causes the lubricant industry for cars, especially passenger cars, is still survive and still one of the promising industries when viewed from the needs of the society. PT Toyota-Astra Motor (PT TAM), is a car trading company headquartered in North Jakarta, Indonesia. PT TAM sees an opportunity for this business by making special car lubricant products for the Toyota brand, namely TMO or Toyota Motor Oil. In Indonesia, the Toyota car brand is still the market leader with a market share of 33.3%. But unfortunately, there are still few people who know the TMO brand. This is reflected through a questionnaire that has been distributed by the authors to 255 respondents, and only 30% know the TMO brand. For this reason, the author is interested in researching more about proposed marketing strategies to increase brand awareness of TMO products. To be able to find out the right strategy, the author analyses the SWOT, STP, and also the marketing mix of TMO products. Then the author compiled a questionnaire that can provide market conditions related to TMO awareness, customer behaviour when buying engine oil products, customer behaviour when changing oil products, and customer priorities. After conducting an analysis through a questionnaire distributed to 255 respondents and interviews with speakers from PT TAM, namely the marketing team, product development team, and pricing team, the author describes the SWOT analysis, describe the STP proposal, and marketing strategy based on the AIDA framework. AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. The author designed a marketing strategy based on the AIDA framework.

Proposed Improved Marketing Communication Strategy, To Boost Awareness and Enhance Sales of PT Leo Indonesia

With the tagline of “Connecting empty dining tables with empty stomachs,” LEO (disguised name) provides a food service platform where customers can reserve restaurant tables and get timely-based discounts through yield management. By getting customers to dine in during odd-eating hours, restaurants get to recoup its operating expenses. However, even with this seemingly win-win situation for all stakeholders, LEO has not been able to be as successful as they should be. This study aims to find out the cause of this low adoption rate, as well as the solution to further boost sales and overall performance of LEO Indonesia. Data collection is done through desk research, previous studies, a questionnaire to customers, an interview with the employee, and some limited internal data. Further in-depth analysis was conducted using 5 As Customer Path and Integrated Marketing Communication. This revealed that the root cause to LEO’s slowdown after their initial success, was the fact that they were focusing so much on customer retention and not enough on customer acquisition anymore. Having found the root cause, a strategy formulation was created using the ERRC Grid framework. These frameworks provided solutions for all the factors mentioned above, while focusing a lot more on LEO’s marketing strategy to increase brand awareness, adoption rate, and overall performance, since the service that LEO have been offering manages to fit the wants and needs of current and potential customers.