
Farmer Attitudes on Farmer Behavior in Adopting Innovation of Rice Planting (Transplanter) In the Seputih Agung Subdistrict

The use of mechanization in agriculture in addition to increasing rice productivity can also be a strategy in overcoming labor scarcity as well as the use of technology and the adoption of the transition from using traditional tools to modern tools. The transplanter machine is a new innovation for some people in Central Lampung Regency, such as in Seputih Agung District, which is one of the sub-districts that received transplanter assistance from the government which is expected to be implemented by farmers on their farming land. Transplanter machine technology if adopted by farmers is very profitable, because it can facilitate the planting of rice seeds, speed up work time, is effective, and also saves production costs for the planting process. The behavior of farmers in adopting transplanters is formed through the level of knowledge they have which will affect farmers in determining their attitude to accept and implement an innovation. The objectives in this study were to determine farmers’ attitudes towards transplanter innovation adoption, determine farmer behavior in adopting transplanter innovation and analyze the effect of farmers’ attitudes towards transplanter innovation adoption. This research was conducted in January 2023 in Seputih Agung District, Central Lampung Regency for farmers who are members of farmer groups receiving transplanter machine assistance with 70 respondents. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with statistical analysis of Partial Least Square (PLS) assisted through SmartPLS Software version 3.0. The results showed that the cognitive attitudes of farmers were included in the fairly high category, which means that farmers had sufficient knowledge about rice transplanter machines. The affective attitude of farmers is included in the high enough category, which means that the affective attitude is sufficient to provide support for the attitude of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations. The conative attitude of farmers is included in the fairly high enough category, which means attitudes that tend to be followers or imitators. This also happened in Seputih Agung Subdistrict, farmers wanted to use the transplanter machine if many farmers had used it and acknowledged the benefits they would get. The behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations as measured by selecting seeds and selecting seeds, making nurseries in dapog, setting spacing, setting soil depth, and setting the number of seeds is included in the moderate category. The results of the analysis of the variable attitude of farmers towards the behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations have a significant influence, these results indicate that the greater the attitude of farmers is able to increase the behavior of farmers in adopting transplanter innovations.

The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Global Trade and Commerce

This study aimed to investigate the impact of cryptocurrency on global trade and commerce. The research objectives included examining the extent to which the adoption of cryptocurrency has disrupted traditional financial systems and affected cross-border transactions, as well as investigating the potential benefits and challenges of using cryptocurrency for global trade and commerce. A mixed-methods research design was used, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. The study involved an extensive literature review, a survey of businesses involved in international trade, and interviews with key stakeholders. The results showed that cryptocurrency offers benefits such as reduced transaction costs, faster settlement times, and increased transparency in transactions. However, there are also challenges such as regulatory and legal hurdles, security concerns, and limited understanding of cryptocurrency. The study also highlights the factors that influence the adoption of cryptocurrency in international trade, including regulatory and legal frameworks, security concerns, awareness and understanding of cryptocurrency, transaction costs, and integration with existing systems. Finally, the attitudes and perceptions of businesses towards cryptocurrency are discussed, with the study showing that confidence in the reliability and security of cryptocurrency is a significant factor for adoption. Overall, the study provides insights into the potential opportunities and challenges presented by cryptocurrency in global trade and commerce, and the implications for policymakers, businesses, and investors.