Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales of SAMI RAOS

Ready-to-cook food has become more popular since post-pandemic.  Remote work and government regulations to avoid crowds have shaped mealtime routines, making convenience a priority. Ready-to-cook foods are in demand because people want quick, easy meals without disrupting their work schedules.  This shift in consumer behaviour favours the ready-to-cook food industry because consumers want fast, convenient meals. Given the ready-to-cook industry’s remarkable progress and resilience in difficult pandemic circumstances, MSMEs are competing to produce products with diverse culinary options to gain an edge in the market. The ready-to-cook food industry offers international, traditional, and health-focused options.   SAMI RAOS is a MSME that sells a variety of ready-to-cook foods. The company has been recognized for preserving and promoting Indonesian and Sundanese cuisine, such as baso aci, cuankie, and mie yamin in ready-to-cook form. The objective of this study is to identify the determinants that impact and improve the sales of SAMI RAOS products. This study employed quantitative methods, including consumer analysis, with a sample size of 227 individuals. The questionnaires were distributed online and utilised the Likert scale for measurement. The author employed both internal and external analysis techniques to conduct a comprehensive descriptive analysis of the company. The research employed internal analysis techniques such as Marketing Mix, STP (Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning), Value Chain Analysis, and VRIO Analysis. The research incorporated various external analysis techniques, including PESTEL analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, competitor analysis, and customer analysis. The data obtained from these analyses will be used to generate a SWOT and TOWS analysis, which will serve as the basis for developing a business solution and implementation plan. According to the research findings, SAMI RAOS needs to make various improvements to its promotional activities and revamp certain management activities in order to strengthen its position in the market, optimize company resources and capabilities, and mitigate external risks.