Proposed Marketing Strategies for Increase Sales by Increasing Purchase Intention for Vokraf Classes

Industry 4.0 may result in the loss of 35% of jobs over the next five years due to the greater utilisation of digitization, as stated by Monovatra Predy Rezky (2019). It is possible that this number will approach 75% within the next ten years. The replacement of human labour by automated technologies and ever-more complicated algorithms is happening at an alarming rate. Because of this, the production process will become more efficient, and there will be a lower need for people in the distribution phase. The transition of industries requires the teaching and retraining of human resources in order to be successful. The technologies of Industry 4.0 require a specific set of skills and areas of knowledge from its users. Vokraf solves these issues by offering lessons in creative sectors to solve individual issues, give possibilities for potential students, and improve online education systems. The purchase intention of Vokraf has been hampered by poor marketing and promotional efforts. It’s possible that the platform is not reaching its intended audience, which may discourage course enrollment. The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence purchase intent for this company and to recommend marketing strategies that will increase sales of Vokraf class. This study will include both quantitative and qualitative research techniques. As part of the quantitative techniques, a questionnaire will be sent to the respondent who could end up being a customer, the results of this survey questionnaire as supporting data for the author for the study, which was preceded by literature data and internal and external analysis. The result of this research Vokraf purchasing intention factors. Brand Awareness, Advertising, and Sales Promotion strongly affect purchasing intention. Vokraf’s online educational platform must leverage its knowledge to deliver courses that satisfy its target audience’s demands and interests for brand promotion. Vokraf’s online educational platform must meet its target audience’s needs for brand promotion. Vokraf may adjust its social media strategy to its brand, market, and advertising goals. Showcase Vokraf’s engaging personalised lessons. Vokraf may offer many payment and pricing tiers for different consumer groups and budgets to lessen customer financial strain for sales promotion. Vokraf sells personalised education via social media. Cost and payment options allow Vokraf to enrol more students. As internet infrastructure improved, Vokraf increased their online advertising reach. Affordability may diminish market competition. Specialists and customised training help Vokraf compete with other platform.