Practices and Challenges of Change Management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court

The current study examined the practice and challenges of change management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court. This study adopted a descriptive design with a mixed approach. The objective of the study is to describe the practice, attitudes, and challenges of employees and leaders in the Federal Supreme Court. Primary data was collected by using a questionnaire and interview on the other hand, secondary data was collected from unpublished materials like reports and manuals of the court. 204 respondents who properly completed and returned the questionaries and five interviewed leaders are involved as sources of data. In order to select respondents, a simple random sampling technique was used. The analysis and summary of findings reflected major practices of change management, perception, and challenges of employees. The organization faces many challenges in the implementation of change management among these, a lack of knowledge about change management, employee resistance, insufficient employee participation in training, and the change management process is the main. The study concludes that the change held in the organization is not satisfactory. It is recommended that for Federal Supreme Court become more successful participate employees in the change management process to reduce challenges and in order to achieve its goal.