Measurement of Service Quality Perception, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in PT Medika Antapani

Indonesia had 11,347 clinics in 2020, 10,238 Pratama, and 1,109 Utama. West Java Province had the most clinics in 2021, with 6,572 Pratama and 1,042 Utama. Private Bandung public health provider PT. Medika Antapani 2020–2021 customer visits decreased. Pratama clinics in Kiaracondong have almost doubled to 15 clinics, giving cash clients many options. To compete, health services must constantly improve service quality to satisfy customers and build loyalty.

This research helps PT. Medika Antapani meet customer service needs. The author uses a descriptive and causal research design. The author distributes Likert scale questionnaires to 200 respondents who meet the criteria. According to a descriptive analysis of 200 respondents, most are male, 60-74 years old, live in Cisaranten Endah, are employees, and use general practitioner services. The total average for causal analysis was 3,088, 3,127, and 2.93 for service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty. Satisfaction and service quality affect loyalty by 84.1%.

Service quality improvements are needed in PT Medika Antapani for addressing six areas, including low scores on the latest equipment, recruiting Ob-Gyn doctors, and providing reminder messages. For future recommendations, PT Medika Antapani must evaluate its services to maintain quality and develop in areas service users need.