Influence of Stock Application Attributes on Consumer Choice Decision (Case Study of Stockbit Consumer Choice)

The development of stock investment in Indonesia has experienced significant growth from year to year, according to the President Director of KSEI (Indonesia Central Securities Depository), Uriep Budhi Prasetyo said, “The growth of stock investors is one of the benchmarks for the achievement of the Indonesian stock market, growth occurs significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic, this shows that the Indonesian people are increasingly aware of the importance of investment, especially in the stock market. In the current era of digitalization, almost all daily activities can be done online and most of them can be easily accessed via their personal mobile phones. The number of mobile applications for stock investment has tightened competition. Not only securities from bank companies but also from non-bank companies also enliven the competition in this sector. The many alternative choices of course provide flexibility for consumers in choosing which application suits the needs of each consumer. Through this research, the authors aim to determine what factors influence consumer decisions when choosing stock applications. This study will use the choice modeling analysis method by providing 28 scenario-stated preferences resulted from NGENE software in the form of questionnaires to 200 respondents, in each of these questionnaires there are several attributes of stock applications as consideration for consumers in choosing stock applications including application performance, completeness of features, user security and privacy, transaction fees, and application appearance (UI). The results of this questionnaire are processed using the Multinomial Logit (MNL) method which is run using Python-Biogeme. The results of the study show that in general there are 4 attributes that significantly influence consumer decisions in choosing stock applications, including application performance, completeness of features, user security and privacy, and transaction fees. In addition, this research also shows several attributes that are elastic to consumers in certain applications, namely the user security & privacy and transaction fees in the Ajaib application and in the IPOT application is completeness of feature and transaction fees.