Empowerment Pattern Based on Food Independence on the Indigenous Peoples of the Baduy Dalam Tribe

The farming system implemented by the Baduy Dalam community still applies the traditional farming system with the mechanism of the farmland system, which is to rest the land after being used for farming and then wait for the time to be used again for farming.  With the increase in the population, the need for food increases, but this has an impact on the small area of land because it has been converted into residential land.  The purpose of this research is to find alternative solutions from the empowerment model that can be applied to the Baduy Dalam community to support food security in the Baduy Dalam community.  The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method using a phenomenological and ethnographic approach. The location of this research is in Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik Villages which are included in the Baduy Dalam area.  The number of informants was 7 people consisting of the Head of Kanekes Village, 3 Deputy Puun, and 3 representative residents from each village.  The results of this study are recommendations for empowerment models that can be carried out by a companion must meet the following elements, namely: 1) Empowerment of soil nutrient improvement with orok-orok plants, 2) Making Organic Fertilizer to increase plant fertility, and 3) Empowerment of MOL production.