Development Strategy of Punti Kayu Tourism Forest in Palembang City, Indonesia; Willingness to Pay (WTP) Base Recommendation

Punti Kayu is one of the natural tourism forests in Palembang City. Punti Kayu natural tourism forest is a conservation area with a development concept based on protecting the diversity of plant and animal species. Willingness to pay is one of the things that must be considered by tourism managers because the ticket price offered is unknown about the willingness to pay of tourists, there the researcher is interested in conducting this study to find out how satisfied visitors who visit Punti Kayu Nature Tourism and how willing tourists are to pay the ticket price if using the travel cost method. This study aims to (1) determine the level of satisfaction consisting of ticket prices, attractiveness, facilities and experience of visiting Punti Kayu and determine the comparison of satisfaction levels based on the area of origin, (2) determine the value of willingness to pay based on travel costs and determine the relationship between value. willingness to pay with the satisfaction level of visiting Punti Kayu, (3) knowing the formulation of Punti Kayu development strategy in Palembang City.The data processing method used was the calculation of the satisfaction level score, the willingness to pay analysis using the travel cost method and the development strategy analysis using the SWOT analysis. The satisfaction level of tourist visits who became respondents was 60 people and an average score of 3.51 with the satisfied category was 53.30 percent. The result of the analysis of willingness to pay the visit of Punti Kayu respondent based on the travel cost method is Rp30,196.36. Based on the results of the spearman correlation calculation, the sig. (2-tailed) is 0.01 < 0.05, so there is the relationship between willingness to pay and the level of satisfaction. The results of the analysis of Punti Kayu’s development strategy are in quadrant I formulation, namely the SO strategy with the strategy being to make several sports areas such as jogging track and make interseting photo spot such as adding a flower garden with an aesthetic impression.