Design and Development of ER MineTracer: A Mobile Emergency Response Application for Mining Industry

Most of the industries, especially mining companies, are facing nowadays an exciting future with growing demand as well as severe challenges. Several innovations in technology as well as in the organizational process and methods are developed in order to cope with the continuously advancing technologically-driven society and to address pressing issues that industries are facing, including emergency response-related problems. This study aimed to improve information access by developing ER MineTracer mobile emergency response application which combines web and mobile applications designed for reporters and rescuers in responding to employees’ emergency requests. It uses GPS to determine an employee’s current position and communicates the user’s name and present location straight to a web application installed in a command center for quick dispatching of emergency units. Descriptive-developmental research was employed in the study utilizing an object-oriented modeling tool in designing the ER MineTracer mobile application. Thirty (30) participants were purposefully chosen to assess the performance of the system and it was revealed that the developed ER MineTracer mobile application was efficient in terms of accessibility, accuracy, and usability. Hence, it is recommended to utilize ER MineTracer and optimize smartphones to assist individuals in saving lives during emergencies and accidents, especially in mining industries.