Culture of Human Behavior in Architecture

The basic process that involves human interaction with their environment is environmental information obtained by the process of perception. Perception is formed because of the interaction of a person (individual) with their life space, which is finally realised in behavioral attitudes. Thus, the behavior, response, and action are determined by personal perception. It can be argued that human psychiatry determines human behavior in the form of condition, attitude, perception, cognition, and motivation. Cognition is obtained from the culture, experience, and education that an individual owns. The aspect of cognition is an aspect of change movement because the information received determines the feeling and the willingness to do. In terms of cognition, it consists of several components, namely cognitive components that will answer the question of what people think about objects. The components of affection conation will answer what is felt (happy / not happy) to the object, and it will answer the question of the willingness to act toward the object. Each component does not stand alone, but one unity is called the cognition system. The cognition system is the result of a cognitive process. It comprises perception activities, imagination, thinking, reasoning, and decision-making.

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