The T-Shaped Model: A Modern Paradigm for TVET Curriculum Design. Conceptual Framework, Theoretical Foundations and Practical Examples

The T-shaped curriculum in secondary technical VET represents a progressive educational framework designed to equip students with both specialized technical skills and a broad range of transferable competencies. This curriculum model emphasizes the development of deep expertise in specific technical fields, such as engineering or computer science, while simultaneously fostering essential skills in communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. By integrating real-world applications, experiential learning opportunities, and interdisciplinary projects, the T-shaped curriculum prepares students for immediate employment and long-term adaptability in a rapidly evolving job market. This approach not only enhances students’ technical proficiency but also cultivates their ability to navigate complex professional environments, thereby addressing the growing demand for versatile and resourceful graduates. The implementation of the T-shaped curriculum in secondary technical VET programs is shown to align educational outcomes with industry needs, decisively producing well-rounded professionals capable of contributing productively to diverse roles and industries. This article explores the significance of the T-shaped curriculum in shaping future-ready individuals and highlights its potential to transform TVET in response to the challenges of the modern workforce.

A Case Study of Air Quality in Kabul, Afghanistan

The air quality in Afghanistan is severely affected by various pollutant sources, the impacts of which often cause acute health problems, particularly among the old, young and those suffering from poor health. The impacts of chronic exposure to air pollutants are also likely to become apparent over time. The purpose of this air quality dissertation is to assist policy makers in the design and implementation of policies, and in the development of monitoring and management tools to restore air quality in Afghanistan. Since 2001, Kabul city’s population has grown from four hundred thousand to six million people. Estimates of various pollutant emissions indicate that vehicular traffic, windblown dust, brick kilns, residential heating during winter season, and domestic and commercial generators are the major sources of air pollution in Kabul. The estimated total annual emissions in Kabul are 17,363 tons of PM10, 16,183 tons of NOx, 2,484 tons of SO2, 97,068 tons of CO2, and 650,846 tons of CO2 .In the article “In Kabul, air pollution a bigger killer than war” that every year around 3,000 people die in Kabul city due to air pollution whereas the total mortality rate due to war across the country is 2,777 cases.

Evaluating Software-Based Methods for Replacing Manual Collection of Midnight Totals: A Study from Sri Lanka

The manual collection of midnight totals in hospitals has long been used to calculate key performance indicators such as bed occupancy rates. Despite technological advancements, many hospitals still rely on labour-intensive manual methods prone to inaccuracies at multiple stages. This study introduces and evaluates the Smart Hospital Metrics Calculator, a tool developed to automate the calculation of midnight totals and same-day discharges using patient admission and discharge dates from the electronic Indoor Morbidity and Mortality Return (eIMMR). Both manual and software-based methods exhibited inaccuracies, but errors in software-based calculations were primarily due to issues with entering dates, which can be mitigated by improving workflows and refining the eIMMR system. In contrast, improving manual methods requires addressing challenges across multiple levels. Data from three hospitals were analysed, and while the results do not yet demonstrate these outcomes, it is postulated that with enhanced date entry processes, software-based methods, such as the Smart Hospital Metrics Calculator, could achieve near-zero inaccuracies. These findings suggest that transitioning to this automated approach has the potential to streamline data collection, enable real-time monitoring, and improve hospital data management—without requiring additional workload or significant investment. If successfully implemented, this change could represent a seamless transformation, realizing benefits without disrupting current operations.

Hazardous Effects of Battery Waste and Role of the Battery Waste Management Rule 2022 in Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Replacing batteries in present world is challenging because they are extensively utilised in every facet of human existence. These batteries contain a variety of toxic heavy metals, including as cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc, all of which pose risks to human health and the environment. Improperly disposing of used batteries in landfills leads to the infiltration of toxic heavy metals and other dangerous compounds into the soil and water over time. India’s long-term development has significant challenges in both reducing CO2 emissions and meeting the energy demands of its large population. This has significantly bolstered the electric vehicle (EV) and renewable energy industries. Battery-based energy storage systems can enhance the management of operational and energy evacuation challenges associated with renewable energy. Consequently, the effective disposal of battery waste is more crucial than battery production. However, it is neglected often, specially in developing and impoverished nations. Three established methods exist for preventing and managing the issues arising from the inappropriate disposal of used batteries. The three R’s are: decrease, replenish, and reuse. This article initially analyses the health and environmental consequences of battery waste, and subsequently highlights the potential of new regulations on battery waste management to effectively handle huge amounts of battery waste and encourage energy conservation.

Application of Automatic Clustering and Fuzzy Time Series Type-2 in Indonesia Composite Index

Forecasting the Indonesia Composite Index (ICI) is one of the important efforts in making investment decisions in the capital market. This index helps investors see changes in stock prices directly, making it easier to know whether stock prices are rising or falling. In this research, a combined approach between Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) Type-2 and an automatic clustering algorithm is applied to improve the accuracy of ICI forecasting. The advantage of FTS Type-2 is that it can provide more accurate results than FTS Type-1 because it can express more information. At the same time, automatic clustering is also used because it can partition the universe of discourse efficiently. The data used is monthly data on the closing, highest, and lowest prices of the Indonesia Composite Index from January 2019 to July 2024. The results of this study show an AFER value of 0.6827 and a forecasting accuracy of 99.317%. This shows that the forecasting results using FTS Type-2 and automatic clustering algorithms provide excellent forecasting results. This research has the novelty of using automatic clustering in determining the interval of Fuzzy Time Series Type-2 for ICI forecasting.

The Effect of the PJBL Model in Biology Learning on the Learning Outcomes of UPTD SMAN 1 Sarudu Students

The research seeks to elucidate the impact of the PJBL (project based learning) learning paradigm on student academic performance at UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu. This research utilizes a quantitative approach, specifically the quasi-experimental method. The population in this study comprises class X pupils, whereas the sample consists of students from classes Xa and Xb, utilizing a saturation sampling strategy. Data gathering methodologies include pretest and posttest inquiries throughout the first and final sessions. The research shows that the PJBL learning model has a big effect on how well students learn at UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu. There is a big difference between the experimental class that gets PJBL and the control class that doesn’t. The Mann-Whitney test revealed a score of 1,174 for the experimental class and 779 for the control class, with a significant value of 0.005, indicating acceptance of the hypothesis. Therefore, we concluded that the PJBL learning model had an influence on the biology learning outcomes of students at UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu.

Business Strategy for Geonusa in Facing Price Competition in Geospatial Information System Industry

In an increasingly competitive market, Geonusa, a geospatial service provider in Indonesia, faces challenges from price-sensitive competitors and low barriers to entry. This paper explores strategies to position Geonusa as a thought leader in the industry, enabling the company to differentiate itself and move beyond competing on price. By leveraging its expertise, fostering innovation, and strengthening its marketing and government relations, Geonusa can secure a competitive edge and improve its market presence. The paper discusses how adopting a thought leadership strategy can help Geonusa address current challenges in market visibility and customer retention. However, the strategy focuses primarily on marketing and does not comprehensively address cost optimization and operational efficiency, which are essential for long-term success.

The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement on Turnover Intention at PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi, Tbk. (Study of Mitratel Employees)

The rapid advancement of business in the seamless technology era has disrupted nearly every industry. Amidst this disruption, PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (also known as/abbreviated as “Mitratel”) has encountered challenges, particularly an increasing rate of employee turnover. This turnover is thought to be driven by employee dissatisfaction with various internal and external company factors, along with low engagement levels.

Previous research suggests that poor job satisfaction often results in higher turnover intentions, whereas strong employee engagement can help reduce turnover. This study explores the relationship between job satisfaction, employee engagement, and turnover intention at PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi.

The study employed a questionnaire based on an ordinal Likert scale, with data analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) model, which doesn’t require a normal distribution and uses bootstrap techniques to examine correlations between latent variables.

The results show that job satisfaction significantly impacts turnover intention, with 76.1% of job satisfaction indicators negatively influencing turnover intentions. However, employee engagement has minimal influence, with only 3.2% of engagement indicators affecting turnover intention. Therefore, while higher job satisfaction reduces turnover, employee engagement does not substantially affect turnover intentions.

In summary, the study confirms that job satisfaction is crucial in lowering turnover intention, consistent with previous research, while employee engagement has a negligible effect on turnover rates.

Supplementation of Coenzyme Ubiquinone (COQ10) in the semen diluent of Balitbangtan’s Superior Native Chicken in Terms of Spermatozoa Cromatin Damage

The development of technology in the field of animal husbandry is growing very rapidly, apart from ruminants from poultry livestock can also be done artificial insemination used for breeding. According to Apriyanti (2017) The success of the mating system can be seen from the success of livestock mating which is influenced by the quality of the semen produced. One of the supplementations used is coenzyme ubiquinone (CoQ10) where CoQ10 is one of the vitamins such as fat-soluble vitamin E which is endogenously present in the inner membrane of mitochondria of mammals and plants (El-Sayed, et al. 2021). This study used an experimental method or field experiment with 4 treatments and 10 replicates on 4 male KUB chickens aged 12 months and the diluent used was egg yolk lactated ringer. The variables observed in this study wes cromatin damage of spermatozoa before freezing and post thawing. The results obtained in this study chromatin damage before freezing obtained the highest average value of 1.18 ± 0.58 with statistical calculations showed significantly different results (P < 0.05). chromatin damage after thawing back obtained the highest result of 2.80 ± 0.89 with statistical test calculations obtained results that were not significantly different (P < 0.01) to the different levels of Coenzyme ubiquinone in diluents with different levels.

Political Turbulence and its Impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in some selected African countries

This work examined the political turbulence and its impact on Foreign Direct Investment inflow on some selected African countries; Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. The aim is to determine how the political climate in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa affects the inflow of foreign direct investment. The modified Cobb Douglass model was the theoretical underpinning of the study since growth in FDI is likened to output and the factors that lead to growth are the investment climate variables. Using the panel ARDL model analysis, the following findings were made: Political investment climate variable (PSI) had significant positive effect on the inflow of foreign direct investment in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. The result showed that Political investment climate variables (political stability and corruption index) exerted significant negative effects on the inflow of foreign direct investment into Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. It was recommended that; Efforts should be made by the governments of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa to enhance their economic fortunes by strengthening their economy through prioritizing political stability and addressing underlying causes of political unrest, corruption, weak institution and political social inequality. As well as engaging in massive production for exports which will boost economic growth and attract more foreign direct investment.