Corporate Governance Framed by Local Culture: Ownership’s Power, Less-Independency Monitoring of Commissioners Board and Audit Committee

This study aims to discuss the involvement of local cultural factors in corporate governance. The involvement of local cultural factors results in two phenomena: (1) controlling the power of owners and (2) reduced independence of the board of commissioners and audit committee in monitoring CEO and board performance. Design/methodology/approach – This qualitative study employs in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with respondents from five private and state-owned enterprises. Interviews and discussions were conducted with CEOs, commissioners, audit committee members, and owners. Findings – The study reveals (1) owners exert significant controlling power over CEOs and boards, influencing strategic decisions and distorting professional performance. (2) Non-interventionist owners utilize the board of commissioners and audit committee for indirect control, reducing independence. (3) Controlling power of ownership is more dominant in private enterprises than state-owned enterprises, reflecting Indonesia’s local culture, where CEOs and boards are perceived as “staff” accountable to owners. (4) Lack of independence among commissioners and audit committees is more prevalent in private enterprises due to cultural influences.

Application of Gross Motor Skills-Based and Conventional Learning Models to the Understanding of Mathematics Concepts in Grade 1 Elementary Schools in Karanganyar District

This research focuses on the application of gross motor skills-based and conventional learning models to the understanding of mathematical concepts in grade 1 elementary school (SD). The purpose of the research is to describe which is better between gross motor skills-based learning and conventional learning on understanding the concept of mathematics in grade 1 elementary school. The study population was grade 1 elementary school students in Karanganyar district. Research sampling using randam sampling. Data retrieval techniques using tests. Data analysis using two-way Anava with unequal cells. The results showed that the Anava test of two-way unequal cells obtained data that FHitung (43.52)> FTabel (3.84) and the marginal mean of the gross motoric learning model 88.18 was greater than the conventional learning model which had an average of 74.51. The conclusion of the research is that there is a difference between the two learning models and the gross motor skills learning model is better than conventional learning on understanding the concept of mathematics in grade 1 SD.

On RBL-STEM Learning Activities: The Use of ANN Multi-Step Time Series Forecasting to Improve the Students Metacognition in Solving A Cryptocurency Volatility Based on the Fundamental, Technical and On-Chain Analysis

Metacognitive skills refer to an individual’s ability to be aware of, manage, and evaluate their own thinking processes, supporting independent learning strategies and understanding. However, the low level of metacognitive skills highlights the need for further research, particularly on how to improve them. This study aims to enhance students’ metacognitive skills through a Research-Based Learning (RBL) approach and STEM learning activities by employing multi-step time-series forecasting techniques based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The main focus is on designing learning activities that teach ANN Multi-Step Time Series Forecasting to address cryptocurrency volatility, analyzed using three main approaches: fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and on-chain analysis. By applying ANN to predict cryptocurrency price volatility, students are expected to better understand market dynamics and improve their decision-making abilities. The results show that RBL-STEM learning activities can be structured into six clear stages to utilize ANN Multi-Step Time Series Forecasting for improving students’ metacognitive skills in solving cryptocurrency volatility issues based on these analytical approaches.

Optimizing Policy for Online Seaman Book Services at the Class III Gorontalo Port Authority and Harbor Master’s Office

This study aims to evaluate and analyze the development of online Seafarer Book services at the Port Authority and Syahbandar Class III Gorontalo Office, focusing on various aspects of public service theory indicators such as tangibles, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study design, focusing on implementing the online Seafarer Book service. Data is collected through interviews, observations, and document reviews from various stakeholders involved in providing services. The findings show that the online Sailor Book service has improved service efficiency but faces challenges regarding system reliability, user education, and infrastructure support. The study identifies key areas for improvement, including improving the reliability of online systems, better training for users in using the system and improving the physical and technical infrastructure to support services. The study concluded that while online Seafarer’s Book services have the potential to significantly improve seafarers’ documentation processes, ongoing improvements and adjustments are needed to address the challenges identified. Improving system reliability and user support is critical to the success of the online service model.

Leadership Ethics in the Perspective of Tri Hita Karana and Hastabrata

Leadership ethics are a fundamental component in creating harmony and organizational success. The Hindu perspective through the concepts of Tri Hita Karana (THK) and Hastabrata provides a unique view in forming an ideal leader. THK focuses on harmony between humans and God (Parahyangan), fellow humans (Pawongan), and the environment (Palemahan), while Hastabrata offers eight leadership characteristics inspired by natural elements. This article discusses the relevance of these two concepts in modern leadership, using a descriptive-qualitative approach based on literature studies. The results of the study indicate that the application of THK and Hastabrata values ​​is not only relevant in the context of local culture but also provides ethical insight for global leaders. With good integration, these two concepts are able to create leaders who are not only ethical but also visionary and innovative, relevant to the needs of today’s organizations.

Students’ Grammatical Errors in Writing Recount Text by the Tenth Grade of SMA Immanuel Bandar Lampung

It is often found out that many students commonly make grammar mistakes in their learning especially in writing. This study aimed to find the types of errors made by grade X students of SMA Immanuel Bandar Lampung in writing Recount Text.  Theoretically, this research was conducted to identify, classify and show the proportion of each type of errors made by students. The type of research used was qualitative research with descriptive methods. The research subjects were 25 students of SMA Immanuel Bandar Lampung who were in the first semester of grade X. The instrument used was documentation of students’ writings about recount text. All grammatical errors that appeared in student writings were analyzed using the Surface Strategy Taxonomy introduced by Dulay The findings showed that the total error was 171 errors. Most errors were omission (70 errors/41%), second place was substitution error (69 errors/40%), third place was addition error (20 errors/12%), and the last was permutation error (12 errors/7%). Based on these results, it was summed up that students still experienced great difficulties in learning the grammar structure in the writing process.

Online Zoning-Based Admission Systems in Junior High Schools: A Study on Efficiency and Accessibility in Gorontalo City

The purpose of this study is to analyse and describe the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City with a focus on (1) goal achievement, (2) integration, and (3) adaptation. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentary. Data analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that (1) the achievement of goals in the online New Learner Admission (PPDB) service through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as student domicile data that is not always accurate in the system, and community dissatisfaction (parents and prospective students) with online PPDB services. (2) Integration in online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles such as limited training for school operators and teachers, lack of public understanding, especially parents of students about zoning rules, and technical problems with network infrastructure capacity that still needs to be improved. (3) Adaptation to online New Learner Admission (PPDB) services through the zoning system at the junior high school level in Gorontalo City has not been effective because it still faces obstacles in the form of unstable school internet accessibility. Suggestions to improve the success of zoning-based online PPDB services in Gorontalo City include strengthening student domicile data validation, improving operator and teacher training, socialising zoning rules to parents more effectively, and increasing network infrastructure capacity.

Hyperbaric Therapy for Auto Immune Diseases

An autoimmune disease arises when the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s own tissues, causing damage rather than providing protection. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves the administration of 100% pure oxygen within a specialized environment known as a hyperbaric chamber. While atmospheric air contains only 21% oxygen, HBOT leverages increased air pressure within the chamber to enhance the lungs’ ability to absorb oxygen. This elevated oxygen intake delivers vital oxygen to tissues, promoting healing and aiding in the fight against certain infections.

HBOT operates through multiple mechanisms: it reduces inflammation, combats infections, and facilitates the repair of damaged tissues. The therapy’s pure oxygen content supports the immune system in combating bacteria while stimulating the production of stem cells. These stem cells play a pivotal role in generating various cell types essential for bodily functions, including blood cells, brain cells, and muscle cells. In essence, HBOT fosters tissue repair and enhances overall immune functionality.

Implementation of Transformative Learning to Improve Primary School Students’ Literacy and Numeration Skills in 8th Teaching Campus Program

The literacy and numeracy program was the main program in implementation of 8th teaching campus at Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School, East Java, Indonesia. Based on results of initial observations and pretests of the minimum competency assessment, the literacy and numeracy abilities of 5th students at the Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School were low. This was because the learning process was not supported by student experience. Transformative learning through experience (experiential learning) was one solution to improve literacy and numeracy skills. This was because students will have different backgrounds, learning styles, motivations and needs and students will be motivated to learn if what they learn can be applied immediately. The aim of this research was to describe the improvement in literacy and numeracy skills of 5th students through implementation of transformative learning at the Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School. Data analysis was carried out using percentages. If the posttest results of the Minimum Competency Assessment were greater than the posttest results of the Minimum Competency Assessment, then the student’s literacy and numeracy skills were increase. The results of this research show that transformative learning through experience (experiential learning) can improve the literacy and numeracy skills of 5th students at the Alas Kembang 2 Bangkalan State Elementary School. This learning can be used as input for teachers in developing elementary school students’ literacy and numeracy skills.

The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Innovation Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Culture (A Study on Startups Fostered by UNS)

This study examines the effects of intellectual capital on innovation performance mediated by knowledge sharing and innovation culture, focusing on startups fostered by Sebelas Maret University (UNS). The study evaluates the impact of human capital, relational capital, and structural capital on innovation performance, as well as the mediating roles of knowledge sharing and innovation culture. The findings reveal that human capital has a positive but insignificant effect on innovation performance, while relational and structural capital show positive and significant effects. Human capital, relational capital, and structural capital have a positive and significant influence on knowledge sharing. In the context of innovation culture, human capital and structural capital have significant effects, while relational capital has no significant impact. Knowledge sharing serves as an important mediator in the relationship between human capital and innovation performance, although its role is weaker for relational capital and structural capital. Conversely, innovation culture shows limited mediating effects on innovation performance, with structural capital being the main contributor to fostering an ecosystem that supports an innovative culture. This study provides practical implications for startup managers, emphasizing the importance of strategically leveraging intellectual capital. Recommended strategies include developing human capital through training programs, enhancing relational capital through strategic partnerships, and strengthening structural capital by implementing flexible and collaborative systems.