The Antecedent of Sustainable Consumption of E-Commerce Consumers during the Covid-19

This study aims to examine the effect of perceived effectiveness on consumer economic benefits in predicting sustainable consumption interest, by contributing to adding moderating variables, namely technology anxiety, resistance to change, and pandemic fear in e-commerce users during the Covid-19 pandemic in Bandung City. The research method used is a quantitative method used to test the causal relationship between variables that form a structural equation model. The survey was conducted with five Likert scales for 20 question items. Data were obtained from 330 respondents, and analyzed using SmartPLS 3.2.9 software. The results prove that perceived effectiveness has a positive effect on economic benefits, economic benefits have a positive effect on sustainable consumption interest, and perceived effectiveness has a positive effect on sustainable consumption interest, but technology anxiety, resistance to change, and fear of pandemics cannot moderate the relationship between perceived effectiveness on economic benefits and economic benefits on sustainable consumption interest.

Conflict Management Styles of Faculty and Staff of a State University in Northern Philippines

The study explores the Conflict Management Styles (CMS) of faculty and staff and relationship of the CMS with their demographic profiles with an aim to develop a possible training program in Conflict Management. The participants were 26 faculty and 14 staff. Data were gathered using survey, interview and FGD. The instrument used is the Thomas-Killman CMS Inventory.  The instrument  yielded a CVI of 0.91 and a Cronbach Alpha of 0 .95  which show that the validity and reliability of the instrument is very high     The  data were analyzed by means of   the descriptive statistics, the Z-test for independent sample means  to determine the ratio of proportion of difference between the conflict management styles as perceived by the respondents; and  the Chi square   to determine any relationship between conflict management  styles and demographic profiles of respondents.  Results of the study reveal that the faculty and staff use different CMS. The dominant conflict management style for the faculty is avoiding and for the staff is compromising. It also shows that the faculty with administrative positions and some staff   use combinations of the CMS   like compromising-collaborating. The demographic profiles of the faculty and staff do not influence their conflict management styles. The study concludes that existing practices and strategies of faculty and staff in handling conflict needs enhancement on appropriate and effective conflict management styles.  Thus, a possible training program on Conflict Management Styles was developed and proposed for implementation.

Application of Analytic Solution of Aggregate Loss Distribution through Laplace Transform on Motor Vehicle Insurance Claims Data in Indonesia

Aggregate loss was the total loss suffered by an insured that the insurance company had to bear in one period. Aggregate losses depend on the claim frequency and claim severity. Knowing the distribution of aggregate losses was important in calculating insurance premiums. In general, there were two types of methods for determining the distribution of aggregate losses: analytical and numerical. In this research, we discussed the application of analytic solution of aggregate loss distribution through the Laplace transform. The goodness-of-fit for claim frequency data used the Chi-square test and for claim severity data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. The data used were secondary data from the records of PT. X in 2013, consisting of data on the claim frequency and the claim severity for insured motor vehicle insurance category 3 region 25, with claims filed being partial loss. Based on the results of the application of the analytical solution of the aggregate loss distribution, it could be concluded that the claim frequency data was Poisson distributed and the claim severity data was Lindley distributed. The probability value of someone not filing a claim was 0.7316. The expected value of the aggregate loss distribution or the average claim severity for each insured approved by the insurance companies was Rp753,533.125, and it was known that the probability of an insured not making a claim exceeding Rp2,404,433.125 is 0.7316.


The Dilemmas of the Creative Industries: Developing a Checklist of the Challenges Faced by Arts-Related Creative Enterprises

The creative industries are considered one of the most important economic sectors in most countries around the world. This is because micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises have become more important than giant institutions in terms of sustaining their resilience in the face of financial crises. However, despite the superiority of their products in terms of quality, the creative industries are considered very fragile given the special nature of the consumers of said products. This fact has created significant challenges for the sector. This study wishes to reflect on these challenges in order to find solutions to them and devise proposals that will pave the way to understanding the nature of the creative industries. The study will review the difficulties in question to develop a checklist that can improve the working mechanisms of small arts-related creative enterprises.

The Relationship between Stress and the Number of Hours That Students in Bangkok Spend Traveling to and Back from School

People living in Thailand spend approximately 2 hours traveling every day due to traffic jams and long distances from their home to the destination.[1] The problem is also faced by Thai adolescents, particularly high school students, who are susceptible to experience stress due to traveling to and from school. Thus, this study analyzes the relationship between stress and the number of hours high school students in Bangkok spend commuting to and from school by conducting survey research. The survey was conducted using online questionnaires given out to Thai high school students in Bangkok, where a total of 273 responses were collected and analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). The result shows that commute time, leisure, and the change of transportation types are significantly related to stress with the p values of 0.27, 0.005, and 0.045, respectively. This indicates that stress increases in high school students are due to long commute times greater than 2 hours, less leisure time less than 3 hours, and transportation. Nonetheless, there is no considerable relationship between students’ grades and stress. Thus, travel time can influence teenagers’ stress levels, so children may consider studying near their home to prevent themselves from being stressed.

Achieving Peace and Development in Post – conflict sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) through the Access and Participation of Girls and Women in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

This is a desk review-based paper intended to incite debate within education and related fields, regarding the stance that girls and women who participate in TVET are likely to increase their chances of contributing to peace and development in post-conflict societies.  Peace and development are inextricably intertwined. TVET plays an important role in the development of any nation, so its role in peace building and conflict prevention in the community can hardly be contested. On this account, the paper argues in support of the ‘notion of educating for a culture of peace through refocusing technical and vocational education and training’ programmes for the sustainable economic development of SSA; and calls on TVET institutions to do a reality check on their programmes to ensure that they are capable of delivering for girls and women the skills they need to integrate themselves in the community, and make a difference. This is important because the TVET of girls and women is essential, not only for girls and women to attain gender equality (a laudable and achievable goal!); but beyond that, to become leaders of, and contributors to, peaceful change in their countries and local communities. It is hoped that at the end of it all, this paper would have succeeded in stoking a debate on this important but often underdiscussed subject – and in the process the TVET of girls and women would have been accorded its rightful place in policy discussions in the region, and by extension, other regions of the world. The TVET system envisaged in this paper is that which is well- designed, managed and funded.  This is because a poorly- designed, managed and funded TVET system should not be expected to have the same impact on its graduates and their communities. The paper’s theoretical underpinnings are derived, to varying extents, from the Social Learning Theory, the Human Capital Theory, the Sustainable Development theory and the Capability Approach.

Development of Biological Science Learning Modules for Class VII SMPN 21 Palu

The instructional resources employed in the educational process at SMP Negeri 21 Palu consisted of teacher’s handbooks and students’ books. Nevertheless, the efficacy of the learning process has been lacking. The students’ learning outcomes were found to be low, particularly in the field of Science, as indicated by the researchers’ observations. The results revealed that the Minimum Completeness Criteria (MCC) for Science was 65. Approximately 55% of the pupils in the class attained standard scores. The utilization of students’ textbooks necessitated the provision of explanations and a teacher’s guide. However, due to time constraints, the students’ learning process was hindered, resulting in instructors being unable to offer optimal explanations and guidance to the students. Therefore, it encompasses the development of novel instructional resources that learners may effectively utilize. One of the available options for students to utilize is the renewal of modules. Science modules have the potential to foster home-based learning among students due to the inclusion of supplementary resources, such as student guides, that facilitate the study of the module content.

The Effectiveness of Social Media as a Marketing and Promotion Tool to Increase Consumer Purchase Intention in the Food and Beverage Industry Burger Garage Jakarta

This study develops a new social media strategy for Burger Garage.

Three years have passed since the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the market for Food and Beverage has been changing. This study will help Burger Garage develop its Social Media Strategy to reach its yearly target. Burger Garage has been active in its social media but has yet to reach its full potential. This is due to an underdeveloped marketing channel that needs a clear plan to succeed.

This study analyzes their social Media using external and internal studies. External analysis uses 5 Porter analysis and competitor analysis, while internal analysis will explore using the capabilities of the study. The research also used questionnaires to understand the customers; it targeted Burger Garage customers and gathered 200 respondents to give their thoughts on their marketing strategy, social media promos, and their activities in social media. This research included in-depth interviews and observation with Burger Garage owner. To conclude, this paper analyzes Burger Garage’s business approach and suggests improving its marketing and social media to succeed in the Food and Beverage market.

Drivers of Customers Advocacy in Support of Subscription-based Digital Entertainment Services (NETFLIX)

Subscription business models are increasingly gaining attention in recent year, especially entertainment services such as music subscription, streaming TV/movies and video games. One of the service platform that comes to mind is Netflix, a subscription-based video streaming service. Video on demand streaming service currently competing each other quite aggresively where these provider competing by providing different series that exclusively only available on their services or with different versatile pricing package in hope to attract new subscribers while retaining it’s existing subscribers. This call for new strategy for Netflix to maintain it’s position in competition. This research examines the relationship between customer empowerment values and customer advocacy in relation to a digital platform subscription-based consumption. A quantitative approach was employed by conducting a survey of 110 user of Netflix in Indonesia. Data collected was subsequently analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in order to test the formulated hypothesis. The research resulted in an understanding that value-for-choice, value-for-knowledge and value-for-involvement are significant predictors of customer advocacy of the platform. The findings suggest that Customer advocacy is primarily influenced by the level of product choice and convenience also reliable information and privacy security also constitute important elements for providers to deliver in order to promote advocacy behavior from customers using the platform.

Philosophy is Lucid, Not for Thinkers Alone, Adopts Practical Ethics, Makes Better Individuals, and Helps Tolerate Uncertainties: An Incisive Review of Bertrand Russell’s ‘Philosophy for Laymen’

Philosophy has always had two different objects: to arrive at a theoretical understanding of the structure of the world; and to discover and disseminate the best possible way of an ethical life. Some philosophers have left no stone unturned so as to make their philosophical ideas quite accessible for a cosmopolitan audience, no matter whether they are called common people or laypeople; young or old. One of them is Russell who proves philosophy should no longer be confined to decorate the discussion tables at academic establishments and within the research university settings. It is not full of high sounding words, lengthy sentences and Jargon which can only be made out by intellectuals. It is no unattainable arcadia for commonality nor is it a serious discipline of study because it is strictly institutionalized. Bertrand Russell, a multi-faceted genius, has turned the table and dispelled the illusions and delusions and spilled the beans that philosophy is for everyone, as everyone is compared to a builder by HW Long Fellow in his poem, The Builders. The poet says that people need to be careful in spending their time on good things as what they do now affects their lives and others lives later. So they should use their time and thoughts to make their lives more meaningful. Here they build their lives, it may be individual, but individual contributions ultimately become collective contributions as personal ethics become interpersonal ethics and personal discipline leads to interpersonal discipline.