Marketing Strategies and Sales Performance of a Manufacturing Company

This study was carried out to investigate how marketing strategies, consisting of product, price, place, and promotion strategies, affected the sales performance of a food and beverage manufacturing company. A review of extant literature indicated the need for studies, in this regard, in Nigeria’s food and beverages industry.

The study adopted a survey research design. Two hundred and seventy four employees of a food and beverage manufacturing company in Lagos State were studied. Data were collected on a four-point scale ranging from strongly disagree, 1, to strongly agree, 4.  Mean and standard deviation values of statements relating to marketing strategies were obtained from descriptive statistics while inferential statistics based on multiple regression analysis produced results that determined the effects of marketing strategies on sales performance.

The results indicated statistical significance [F(4,269)df = 4783.108, p < .05)] for the effect of marketing strategies on sales performance. Product (β = .478, t = 5.588, p < .05), place (β = .454, t = 5.360, p < .05), and promotion (β = .075, t = 1.773, p > .05) strategies had positive effects on sales performance while price strategy indicated insignificant negative effect (β = -.023, t = -.626, p > .05) on sales performance. Marketing strategies explained 98.6 percent variation in sales performance.

The conclusion of the study indicated a need for the managers of the company to increase the tempo of premium-pricing promotion strategy and advertisements in the social and electronic media as well as reevaluate the pricing strategy of the company as a means of improving its effectiveness by increasing the chances of achieving the objectives of cost recovery and meeting the needs of customers.

Tax Revenue and Human Development Index in the Seven ASEAN Countries

This research is motivated by curiosity about tax revenues and human development indices in 7 (seven) ASEAN countries that are influenced by tax revenues. The aim of this study is to show the impact of taxes on the Human Development Index in 7 ASEAN countries. Examples of this study include Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The second data used in this study covers the period from 2010 to 2023. The regression of the panel data was used in the processing of the study data. At the same time, this study significantly illustrates the influence of independent variables on related variables. Variable inflation had a significant negative impact on tax revenues, while variable market capitalization and tourist visits had a positive and significant correlation with tax revenues. Tax revenues also have a positive impact on the economic growth of ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam).

Empowerment Pattern Based on Food Independence on the Indigenous Peoples of the Baduy Dalam Tribe

The farming system implemented by the Baduy Dalam community still applies the traditional farming system with the mechanism of the farmland system, which is to rest the land after being used for farming and then wait for the time to be used again for farming.  With the increase in the population, the need for food increases, but this has an impact on the small area of land because it has been converted into residential land.  The purpose of this research is to find alternative solutions from the empowerment model that can be applied to the Baduy Dalam community to support food security in the Baduy Dalam community.  The research method uses a qualitative descriptive method using a phenomenological and ethnographic approach. The location of this research is in Cibeo, Cikartawana, and Cikeusik Villages which are included in the Baduy Dalam area.  The number of informants was 7 people consisting of the Head of Kanekes Village, 3 Deputy Puun, and 3 representative residents from each village.  The results of this study are recommendations for empowerment models that can be carried out by a companion must meet the following elements, namely: 1) Empowerment of soil nutrient improvement with orok-orok plants, 2) Making Organic Fertilizer to increase plant fertility, and 3) Empowerment of MOL production.

Optimal Control Strategy to Analyse the Networked Control System Stability

It is crucial to preserve the networked control systems (NCS) transient performance and stability because adding uncertain parameters degrades system performance and introduces instability. Thus, the analysis of NCS system performance under uncertain conditions, such as disturbance, is the focus of this paper. The performance of NCS is demonstrated using control action and some appropriate stability conditions.
The simulation diagram in result section displays effectiveness of proposed methodology and shows a comparative analysis of the response signal with and without control action along with disturbance in NCS. Experiments conducted in the MATLAB Simulink environment demonstrate the efficacy of the suggested methodology.

Adaptive Scenario Planning Development for Indonesian Digital Health Industry: Case Study of Export Support Services (ESS) in Promoting UK Companies Entering Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic, once an unpredictable yet plausible future event, has proven to be a reality, highlighting the urgent need for adaptation. Factors such as varying Universal Health Coverage (UHC) maturity, limitations in healthcare infrastructure, and unpredictable private sector moves, including venture capital investments, add to the uncertainty. Like the COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit was another unpredictable yet plausible event that has become a reality.  Export Support Service (ESS), a UK Department for Business and Trade (DBT) initiative, assists UK SMEs in expanding beyond the EU post-Brexit, including Indonesia’s digital health sector. The study refines its strategy to navigate the market’s complexities through adaptive scenario planning. This study identified 25 key factors shaping Indonesia’s digital health future and developed three scenarios: “Cherry Blossom Park,” “Volcano Eruptions Amidst a Forest,” and “High-Tech Greenhouse in a Desert.” Each scenario explores implications and opportunities, providing strategic guidance for ESS.

Enhancing Asset Performance: Maintenance Strategies for the GBC Pumping System at PT Freeport Indonesia

Focusing on Grasberg Block Caving (GBC) pumping system PT Freeport Indonesia, this study examines the factors of not achieving target and analyze the recommended solution. The research aims to identify the root causes of performance gaps and propose strategies to improve asset performance ultimately to achieve the company targets. The study employs a mixed method (quantitative approach as primary and qualitative as secondary) and analysis conducted with Pareto Chart identifies key factors contributing to performance gaps, Root Cause Analysis using Current Reality Tree to gather potential causes, as well as generating alternative solution and using Kepner-Tregoe Decision Analysis Evaluates and selects the recommended alternative solutions. The results are expected to provide actionable insights for the company. Implementing recommended alternative solution estimated saving 83% of the costs associated with component replacements and reduce overall unscheduled downtime 63.65%.

The Traumatic Implications of Sexual Assault on the Academic Performances of Female Students: A Study of Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State

This research seeks to investigate the traumatic implications of sexual assault of female students of selected tertiary institutions in Anambra State on their academic performance. The specific objectives were to basically assess the relationship between sexual assault and non-attendance to lectures   and the relationship between sexual assault and academic failure. The research was carried out using a descriptive survey design. The population of the study was one thousand three hundred and seventy (896) female students of three selected tertiary institutions under study. Data was collected from primary source using a well structured questionnaire. Designed instrument was validated through content validity using five experts from both the industry and academia. Data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 probability level of significance aided by computer through the application of statistical packaging for social sciences (SPSS version 23). Findings indicated that: there was a significant relationship between sexual assault(r = 0.104, p = 0.000, p-value < 0.05) and non-attendance to lectures   and the relationship between sexual assault (r = 0.014; p=0.001; p-value < .05) and academic failure. It is recommended that school management should establish counseling units across all tertiary institutions with professional counselors employed to counsel victims as well as encouraging them to move on with their usual academic life.

Fast Dissolving Film of Levocetirizine: Solubility Enhancement by forming Inclusion Complex with β-cyclodextrin, Formulation and Evaluation

Objective: Levocetirizine is a long-acting potent nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) which has a very low solubility in Gastrointestinal (GI) fluids results in poor bioavailability after oral administration. The present investigation aimed to formulate and evaluate fast dissolving oral films containing levocetirizine to overcome solubility and bioavailability problems thereby to facilitate the convenience of paediatric and geriatric patients.

Method: The inclusion complexes of levocetirizine with β-cyclodextrin were prepared. In vitro dissolution study was performed to fix the ratio with better dissolution rate. The selected inclusion complex was then utilized for the preparation of fast dissolving oral films by solvent casting method using sodium CMC/ chitosan as film-forming agents, sodium starch glycolate/crospovidone as super disintegrating agents. PEG 400 used as a plasticizer. Formulations (F1-F6) were prepared and evaluated for their physicochemical properties. In vitro disintegration, dissolution and permeation studies were also carried out.

The Associations between Sleeping Quality during nighttime and Personal Emotions among High School students

High school students prioritize academic and work-related responsibilities, they often overlook the critical role of sleeping quality in promoting physical recovery and students emotions. Notably, both insufficient and excessive sleep can adversely affect emotional states. Consequently, we conducted a study to investigate the relationship between nighttime sleep duration and student’s emotions in daytime. This study utilized sleep duration questionnaires and emotional state assessments administered over a one-week period.

Developing Business Strategies to Grow the Business of PT Asia Civil Indonesia

The significant market growth translate into business opportunity for construction such toll road, office building, bridge, LRT, High speed train, including huge opportunity in IKN and data centre with potential The Indonesia Construction Market size is estimated at USD 264.34 billion in 2023, and is expected to reach USD 379.41 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 7.50% during the forecast period (2023-2028). This opportunity in industry up trend but no impact in growth PT Asia Civil Indonesia and company need to renew and review their focus on business model development with business strategy approach and need to evaluation they are market growth and cost structure. In qualitative research utilizing depth interviews, the research design serves as the blueprint guiding the investigation’s execution. The primary objective of this research approach is to delve deeply into participants’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences to gain rich and nuanced insights into the phenomena under study. In conclusion, the research conducted on PT ACI underscores the importance of strategic initiatives in enhancing its business operations within the construction industry. Through a comprehensive analysis of current business practices and market dynamics, PT ACI can identify areas for improvement and leverage opportunities for growth. The implementation plan outlined in the study emphasizes the significance of networking strategies and technology adaptation in achieving business objectives. Networking plays a pivotal role in expanding PT ACI’s reach within the industry, facilitating valuable connections with potential clients, partners, and industry peers. By actively participating in industry events, forums, and networking opportunities, PT ACI can build relationships, gain insights into market trends, and secure new business opportunities.