Business Strategy for Geonusa in Facing Price Competition in Geospatial Information System Industry

In an increasingly competitive market, Geonusa, a geospatial service provider in Indonesia, faces challenges from price-sensitive competitors and low barriers to entry. This paper explores strategies to position Geonusa as a thought leader in the industry, enabling the company to differentiate itself and move beyond competing on price. By leveraging its expertise, fostering innovation, and strengthening its marketing and government relations, Geonusa can secure a competitive edge and improve its market presence. The paper discusses how adopting a thought leadership strategy can help Geonusa address current challenges in market visibility and customer retention. However, the strategy focuses primarily on marketing and does not comprehensively address cost optimization and operational efficiency, which are essential for long-term success.

The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement on Turnover Intention at PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi, Tbk. (Study of Mitratel Employees)

The rapid advancement of business in the seamless technology era has disrupted nearly every industry. Amidst this disruption, PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (also known as/abbreviated as “Mitratel”) has encountered challenges, particularly an increasing rate of employee turnover. This turnover is thought to be driven by employee dissatisfaction with various internal and external company factors, along with low engagement levels.

Previous research suggests that poor job satisfaction often results in higher turnover intentions, whereas strong employee engagement can help reduce turnover. This study explores the relationship between job satisfaction, employee engagement, and turnover intention at PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi.

The study employed a questionnaire based on an ordinal Likert scale, with data analyzed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) model, which doesn’t require a normal distribution and uses bootstrap techniques to examine correlations between latent variables.

The results show that job satisfaction significantly impacts turnover intention, with 76.1% of job satisfaction indicators negatively influencing turnover intentions. However, employee engagement has minimal influence, with only 3.2% of engagement indicators affecting turnover intention. Therefore, while higher job satisfaction reduces turnover, employee engagement does not substantially affect turnover intentions.

In summary, the study confirms that job satisfaction is crucial in lowering turnover intention, consistent with previous research, while employee engagement has a negligible effect on turnover rates.

Supplementation of Coenzyme Ubiquinone (COQ10) in the semen diluent of Balitbangtan’s Superior Native Chicken in Terms of Spermatozoa Cromatin Damage

The development of technology in the field of animal husbandry is growing very rapidly, apart from ruminants from poultry livestock can also be done artificial insemination used for breeding. According to Apriyanti (2017) The success of the mating system can be seen from the success of livestock mating which is influenced by the quality of the semen produced. One of the supplementations used is coenzyme ubiquinone (CoQ10) where CoQ10 is one of the vitamins such as fat-soluble vitamin E which is endogenously present in the inner membrane of mitochondria of mammals and plants (El-Sayed, et al. 2021). This study used an experimental method or field experiment with 4 treatments and 10 replicates on 4 male KUB chickens aged 12 months and the diluent used was egg yolk lactated ringer. The variables observed in this study wes cromatin damage of spermatozoa before freezing and post thawing. The results obtained in this study chromatin damage before freezing obtained the highest average value of 1.18 ± 0.58 with statistical calculations showed significantly different results (P < 0.05). chromatin damage after thawing back obtained the highest result of 2.80 ± 0.89 with statistical test calculations obtained results that were not significantly different (P < 0.01) to the different levels of Coenzyme ubiquinone in diluents with different levels.

Political Turbulence and its Impact on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in some selected African countries

This work examined the political turbulence and its impact on Foreign Direct Investment inflow on some selected African countries; Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. The aim is to determine how the political climate in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa affects the inflow of foreign direct investment. The modified Cobb Douglass model was the theoretical underpinning of the study since growth in FDI is likened to output and the factors that lead to growth are the investment climate variables. Using the panel ARDL model analysis, the following findings were made: Political investment climate variable (PSI) had significant positive effect on the inflow of foreign direct investment in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. The result showed that Political investment climate variables (political stability and corruption index) exerted significant negative effects on the inflow of foreign direct investment into Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. It was recommended that; Efforts should be made by the governments of Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa to enhance their economic fortunes by strengthening their economy through prioritizing political stability and addressing underlying causes of political unrest, corruption, weak institution and political social inequality. As well as engaging in massive production for exports which will boost economic growth and attract more foreign direct investment.


The Influence of Tourist Attraction and Digital Marketing on Return Visit Interest with Tourist Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable in Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency

The objectives of this study include: (1) To determine the effect of tourist attraction on tourist satisfaction at Tinalah tourist attraction, Kulonprogo Regency. (2) To determine the effect of digital marketing on tourist satisfaction at Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency. (3) To determine the effect of tourist satisfaction on interest in visiting again at Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency. (4) To determine the effect of tourist attraction on return visit interest in Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency, which is mediated by tourist satisfaction. (5) To determine the effect of digital marketing on return visit interest in the Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency, which is mediated by tourist satisfaction. The research design used in this research was quantitative research design. The population used in this study were tourists visiting Tinalah Tourism Village, Tinalah, Kulonprogo Regency with a large and unknown number. The sampling technique used in this study is non probability sampling by purposive sampling. The respondents who met the criteria were tourists who had visited Tinalah Tourism Village with a maximum limit of the last three months. The research sample amounted to 150 people. The data collection procedure in this study is to use the questionnaire method. The analytical tool used is Patial Least Square (PLS), which is a variance-based SEM, with SmartPLS 2.0 software. Based on the results of the analysis discussed in the previous chapter, the following conclusions can be given: (1) Attractiveness of tourist objects has a positive effect on tourist satisfaction in Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency. (2) Digital marketing has a positive effect on tourist satisfaction in Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency. (3) Tourist satisfaction has a positive effect on interest in visiting again at Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency. (4) Tourism attraction has a positive effect on interest in visiting again at Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency, which is mediated by tourist satisfaction. (5) Digital marketing has a positive effect on interest in visiting again at Tinalah Tourism Village, Kulonprogo Regency, which is mediated by tourist satisfaction.

Community Conflict Resolution Model in Climate Central Sulawesi Investment

This study is based on the view that Central Sulawesi is a region with increasingly rapid development of the Investment Climate. Not only positive impacts that always occur but also negative impacts. The presence of the state to provide security and comfort to investors is one thing that is needed, on the other hand the state must also be present to provide justice to citizens related to the condition of the region that is always explored by certain parties. The state that is present as a manifestation of the mediator between investors and citizens must present a balance. However, the balancing tool used is of course the law, which is manifested in the form of policy. policies often create inequality between investors and citizens, therefore the law of harmony is present in an innovative form as a manifestation that the law is not arbitrary and not a tool of power, and by the Law of Harmony considers that the Law is the Resultant of an agreement on the goals to be achieved. The desired legal study will be poured into the form of a policy pattern. The pattern born in this study is the antithesis of comparative studies.

Thermal Conductivity, Density and Calorific Value of Sargassum Fluitans and Sargassum Natans Species

In this study, we obtained the values of the thermodynamic properties of sargassum that includes S. fluitans and S. natans species, which are the ones that most arrive at the coasts of the Mexican Caribbean. The sargassum samples, collected at the coast, were dried in a direct type of solar dryer and their final relative humidity was 15% dry base. Two physical models were designed to construct biscuits of 0.0127 m in diameter and 0.0063 m in length, which were used to obtain the density and calorific value and those used for thermal conductivity, were 0.069 m in diameter and 0.008 m thick. The density resulted in . To determine the calorific value, a commercial calorimetric pump was used, and the value obtained was . For thermal conductivity, a device that employs the hot plate and guard method was designed and built and its value was . These values indicate that it is possible to use dehydrated sargassum to produce energy, which has approximately a value of 75% of that obtained for sugar cane bagasse. With these three values and using the thermal diffusivity definition equation, this last parameter was calculated in

Crude Oil Price Forecasting Using Hybrid Heuristic Model and Fuzzy C-Means on Type 2 Fuzzy Time Series

Forecasting world crude oil prices needs to be done because it has an essential role in Indonesia’s economy, so an accurate and efficient forecasting approach is needed. This research combines heuristic and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) models on Type 2 Fuzzy Time Series (T2FTS) to forecast crude oil prices. T2FTS, an extension of Fuzzy Time Series (FTS) by adding observations, is used to enrich the fuzzy relationship of the Type 1 model and can improve forecasting performance. FCM is used to determine unequal interval lengths and heuristic models to optimize fuzzy relations by identifying crude oil price movements using up and down trends. The data used in this study is the price of Brent crude oil as one of the benchmarks for world crude oil prices from 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024. Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) measures accuracy in assessing forecasting results. The results showed that the combination of heuristic and FCM models in T2FTS gave accurate results, as evidenced by the MAPE value obtained, which was 1.50%, so it fell into the excellent category.

Effectiveness of Live Selling Marketing Strategies as a Key Tool to Enhance Sales in the Fashion Business

This research examines how live selling marketing strategies can boost sales for a fashion brand. Data was gathered through a questionnaire on the brand’s Instagram, and Smart PLS was used for statistical analysis to understand the relationships between different factors. The results show that live selling significantly enhances customer engagement, sales conversion rates, and brand loyalty. The study confirms the reliability of the research model and highlights key factors that contribute to successful live selling, along with the challenges faced. Practical recommendations are provided to help optimize live selling strategies in the fashion industry. While the findings are specific to the selected brand, they offer valuable insights for other fashion brands looking to implement similar strategies.

Impact of Salary and Recognition on Job Performance: A study of Nangarhar University Lecturers, Afghanistan

Organizations seek to gain a competitive advantage by applying different strategies in today’s competitive environment. Due to intense competitive pressure, organizations attempt to gain a competitive advantage using employee skills, abilities, and expertise. Organizations offer different kinds of incentives, like salary and recognition, to ensure proper utilization and increase employee performance. Satisfied employees become more dedicated, committed, and loyal to organizations than other employees without a proper incentive system. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of salary and recognition on the job performance of university lecturers at Nangarhar University, Afghanistan. The questionnaire method was adopted to collect data using Likert scales ranging from 1 to 5. Data were collected from 210 respondents and analyzed using SPSS version 27. The Pearson product-moment correlation was applied to determine the impact of salary and recognition on job performance. The result of the study showed that there is a significant correlation between salary and employee performance. In addition, it was also found that there was a significant correlation between recognition and employee performance.