Development of Citizen’s Charter to Improve the Service Provision at a Regional Health Services Directorate in Sri Lanka

Introduction: Citizen’s charter is a means to improve service delivery processes and foster greater customer satisfaction. Unacceptable delays in providing services by the Office of Regional Director of Health Services, Kurunegala (RDHSK) and subsequent re-visits had created customer dissatisfaction. A citizen’s charter was developed to improve the service provision at RDHSK.

Methods: Ten services being provided to nursing officers by the Establishment Branch (EB) of RDHSKwere prioritized for incorporating in the charter. The services were mapped and redesigned, and deficiencies were dealt with developing and implementing the charter, its sub-components and supplementary interventions. The charter and sub-components were designed and implemented as per the Public Administration circular issued in 2008, adopting the participatory approach. To enhance the effectiveness of charter, several supplementary interventions were designed. A focal point, a steering committee, and monitoring, review and appraisal mechanisms were established. Documents that need access by nursing officers were kept at their workplaces in addition to RDHSK and its website. New developments were effectively communicated to the staff of RDHSK through training and to service recipients through multiple routes.

Results: The new developments included the citizen’s charter, its sub-components and supplementary interventions.  Sub-components include summary charter and feedback and response system with complaint and feedback formats, feedback box and feedback and response register. The supplementary interventions comprise document submission checklists, compilations of formats to be filled for receiving services with a relevant checklist on the top, guidelines for nursing officers and their work institutions on new developments, and a booklet on work steps for MAs providing services at EB.

Conclusion: The participatory approach, stakeholder involvement throughout, wider publicity of charter among service recipients and service providers, effective feedback and response system, and mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation, review and appraisal of the charter are useful means to successfully develop, implement and sustain charters.

Pedestrian Facilities as the Core of Sustainable Public Transport: A Case Study of Kuta-Bali Tourism Destinations

A tourist destination should be designed to make walking more enjoyable and sustainable. Many tourist destinations fail to provide pedestrian facilities to support sustainable tourism. Recognizing the important role that walking has in creating attractive, accessible, safe, and healthy destinations, it is necessary to develop these pedestrian facilities as a core in designing and evaluating Public Transport systems in terms of mobility and sustainability. The purpose of this study is to improve pedestrian facilities based on walkability indexes. This study uses a mixed-methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data and further information on the topic. The results of this research are in the form of a guide, covering all aspects of pedestrian and bicycle planning in the tourist destination area of ​​Kuta-Bali in the form of basic and up-to-date information about various planning and design concepts.

Aligning PTCI Strategies to Global Corporate Strategies Using Scenario Planning

Profitability and growth are two important and essential measures to a firm existence and survivability. Profitability is critical to a company’s short-term existence, and growth is crucial to long term survivability. Every business wants to maintain its existence and bring value to its stakeholders. Divestment and merger acquisition are part of the company strategy to achieve business growth that fulfil the company objectives, purpose, vision, and mission. In the case of a multinational company, it normally would have a global corporate strategy. Subsidiary companies will follow the strategic guidelines from its parent company. Thus, subsidiary company needs to align its strategy to the parent global corporate strategy.

Scenario planning used to answer the key focal issue about how to align subsidiary company strategy to its parent company global corporate strategy. One option for a firm to cope with uncertainty is scenario planning. Scenario planning is a unique tool compared to other decision analysis methodology. Scenario planning uses information on key uncertainties and certainties concerning the future to assemble an information rich illustration that provides eloquent descriptions of future worlds.

The data collected in this study comes from literature studies, interviews, questionnaires with internal and external stakeholders. External analysis is using the PESTEL framework and Porter Five Forces model. While internal analysis is using Growth-Share matrix, VRIO framework, and Strategic Diamond model. Information is consolidated to give driving forces that would shape up the future. Two driving forces that give the highest impact and uncertainty, Indonesia economic growth and company Product Innovation, are defined as critical uncertainty and used to construct a 2×2 scenario matrix. The scenario matrix, implication, options, and early warning systems are explored for each scenario to align subsidiary company strategy to its parent global company strategies.

Hilarity to Hassle: A Rare Case of Laugh Induced Headache

Headache is the one of the most common complaint with which patients presents in the general outpatient department. There are many rare precipitants for it for e.g. Coughing, straining, exercise, laughing, sexual activity etc[1]. We present one such case of laugh induced headache which was very disturbing for the patient. Laugh induced headache could be primary or secondary. Primary LH (laugh induced headache) are without any apparent cause whereas secondary LH are associated with intracranial lesions.

Customer Loyalty in Airline Industry: A Literature Review

The aviation industry is one of the fastest-growing and highly competitive industries. Managing an airline’s passenger loyalty is essential to a competitive business and airline success. The researcher is interested in studying the key factors that affect airline passenger loyalty, which will lead to the strategic planning of airlines in the future. Therefore, the researcher chose to review the literature and previous research in the study to summarize the key factors affecting the loyalty and development of the research model. The study found that seven factors, directly and indirectly, affect airline passenger loyalty: perceived value, perceived service quality, complaint handling, satisfaction, trust, airline image, and commitment. Therefore, airline executives at all levels should focus on managing these seven factors to ensure passenger loyalty and ultimately lead to the success of their airline business.

Handmade Traditional Kiln Clay Bricks from Tamilnadu, India: Mineralogy, Temperature Effect and Mechanical Analysis

This work shows the changes in properties of industrial clay bricks collected from the traditional kiln situated at bank of Cauvery, Tamilnadu, India. Samples of local raw clay material already in use for the production of bricks and industrially produced fired brick materials were characterized by combined multi-analytical techniques to determine the relationships among chemical, mineralogical, textural and mechanical properties. FTIR absorption spectra of re-fired industrial clay bricks to different temperatures in air in the laboratory supply information about type of clay mineral presence, its original firing temperature and firing atmosphere. The minerals like quartz, plagioclase (albite or anorthite) and orthoclase were identified using XRD. In order to study the quality of the bricks they were submitted to mechanical analysis such as compressive strength, flexural rupture strength, water absorption, porosity and bulk density. The mechanical analysis reveals that when laboratory re-firing temperature exceeds the original firing temperature of industrial bricks, the compressive strength, flexural rupture strength and bulk density increases, whereas water absorption and porosity values decreases. The results showed that there is a drastic variation in the quality of the bricks collected from different parts of the same kiln.

A brief review on Triazole and its Pharmacological Application

The triazole core is one of the most imperative and well known heterocycles which is composed of nitrogen atom which forms natural products with medicinal claims. Triazole moiety is present as a principal structural component in the drug categories such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antineoplastic, antimalarial, antiviral, antihypertensive, local anaesthetic, antianxiety, anti-Parkinson′s, antidepressant, antioxidant, antihistaminic, antitubercular, antidiabetic etc. The broad and potent activity of triazole and their derivatives has established them as pharmacologically significant platforms. The elementary heterocyclic rings present in the numerous medicinal mediators are 1,2,3-triazole and 1,2,4-triazole. A huge capacity of investigations has been approved on triazole and their results, which has proved the pharmacological status of this heterocyclic core. The current paper is an try to review the pharmacological activities reported for triazole derivatives in the current literature with an apprise of current research discoveries on this nuclei.

Proposed Business Strategy for IndiHome Case Study: PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk

IndiHome is a home internet service consisting of landlines phone, internet and TV which was officially launched in 2015 by PT Telkom Indonesia. As one of the programs from Telkom’s main project, IndiHome has shown rapid growth since it was just launched. According to the annual report, IndiHome is the market leader of fixed broadband services, holding 82.3% market share in 2020. However, it is shown that there is a significant decline of IndiHome’s market share of 4.2% compared to the previous year. To analyze the research, both qualitative and quantitative methodology is used with primary data gathered from internal interviews, questionnaire and netnography. The result indicates that to increase market share growth, a customer improvement strategy is needed which is carried out by improving the quality of services that can improve IndiHome’s image in the customer’s mind. The new bundling strategy and good synergy between Telkom and government could make Telkom able to develop and provide services in all regions in Indonesia. Market research to map potential customers based on data usage on cellular phones can also be conducted. Telkom can also carry out internal development in the form of gap analysis between the growth of market trends and Telkom’s capabilities. By doing this, Telkom can continue to keep informed with developments that occur and stay agile with all changes.

Investigations of the Ultimate and Proximate Analysis of Coal Samples from the Singrauli Coalfield, India

Coal is a mixture of heterogeneous sedimentary rock materials; it includes organic and inorganic constituents. The utilisation potential of any coal depends on its chemical constituents, and the gross calorific value defines its usefulness in thermal power generation and other industries. In this study, we collected non-coking coal from the Singrauli coalfields region in India. These coals have been analysed for proximate and ultimate analysis and GCV (gross calorific value). The grade of coal varies from G6 to G9. De-ashing and clean coal technology are required. This study will reveal the reasons for grade variation in coal, which will be useful in thermal power industries.

Accelerating Industry 4.0 for Plant Efficiency Case of PT. Bangun Perkasa

Industry 4.0 buzz has moved from hype to investment and real benefit today. Many companies expect to significantly increase their portfolios of digital products, services, and operations. Hence, the companies have a mission to have highly digitalized horizontal and vertical value chain processes. The cement industry as one of the heavy manufacturing industries a has target to increase plant efficiency. It will include equipment efficiency, energy utilization, productivity, and production maintenance cost by implementing the transformation.
Cement market competition become more challenging and harder in Indonesia with the growth of new cement players. As the result, capacity was getting higher and higher. Even though the demand increase was not significant so the utilization of the cement industry drop to 60% approximately. Therefore, the need for cost efficiency is more urgent for business sustainability and one of the key factors is Industry 4.0 transformation.
This research will focus on the assessment and actual implementation of Industry 4.0 in the cement plant PT. Bangun Perkasa. PT. Bangun Perkasa is on level 3 with the predicate “Company is at MATURE step in Industry 4.0 transformation” by using INDI 4.0 (Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index) tool from Indonesia Ministry of Industry. As a result, most technologies that are considered as important to be accelerated and deliver more benefit for plant efficiency are big data analytics & advanced algorithms and smart sensors.