Development of Student E-Worksheet Based on PBL (Problem Based Learning) to Practice Metacognitive Abilities of High School Student on Reaction Rate Material

Developments in the 21st century is so rapid that innovation in various fields is required one of which is education. Through the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, the metacognitive abilities needed in the 21st century were train. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) model can support students to develop their metacognitive abilities. The rate of reaction as one of the subjects that are difficult to understand can be taught through the PBL learning model. The aim of this study is to develop a Student E-Worksheet based on Problem Based Learning to train students metacognitive abilities on reaction rate material. The Student E-Worksheet development model in this study uses a 4D model. The development of Student E-Worksheet was declared feasible to train student metacognitive abilities. The results of content validity of 94.81% and construct validity of 96.97%. Then the results of practical of observing student activities and questionnaire with a value of 96.37%. The effectiveness of the Student E-Worksheet is seen from the pretest and posttest values ​​which were analyzed using the SPSS Paired Sample t-Test test, a significance value of 0.000 was obtained.

Assessment of Challenges Experienced Among Households on Promotion of Sanitation Practices in Tigania West Sub County, Meru County, Kenya

A poorly constructed toilet may deter its use and provoke open defecation. Globally, 2.5 billion people do not have access to improved sanitation facilities. In Kenya, over 5 million people are forced to defecate in the open due to challenges associated with toilet construction and use resulting in high prevalence of water, sanitation and hygiene-related diseases such diarrhea. This study therefore sought to profile the challenges experienced on promotion of sanitation practices among households in Tigania West, with a view of yielding insights on promotion of safe disposal of human waste. Questionnaires, interview guide and observations were used to collect data in a mixed study design. Systematic and purposive sampling technique was employed to select respondents and the data analyzed using SPSS version 21.0 and audio recordings were transcribed into text and then analyzed thematically.  73.4% of the residents lacked adequate space for toilet construction and (26.6%) who did not. (69.1%) of respondents had limited toilet construction materials, (11.8%) had challenge in toilet construction in rocky soils. Loose/collapsing soils were 9.4% (4.6 %) and financial constrains were (5.1%). 75.3% encountered culture challenges which affected toilet construction. More than half 64.9% had problems with sanitation facilities sharing (n=225).Sanitation practices had a significant positive correlation with cultural practices (0.119 (p=0.003<0.05), sharing of toilets (0.142; p=0.002<0.05), space availability in the household (0.098; p=0.004<0.005) and financial challenges (0.074; p=0.004<0.005). Innovative approaches to toilet construction using locally available materials, training and subsidies together with behavioral change sensitization could improve sanitation among households of Tigania West Sub-County.

How Does ESG Score and Board Structure Affect Financial Performance? Evidence from ESG Sector Leaders IDX Kehati

The rise of sustainable investing, an investing strategy considering ESG (environmental, social, governance) factor of the company has spread worldwide, including in Indonesia. Recent phenomena of minimum percentage of woman on board in state-owned enterprise policy by Indonesia Ministry of State-Owned Enterprise and the new two ESG themed index which consists of state-owned enterprise has intrigued to assess the relationship between board structure towards financial performance of the companies. One of the index is “ESG Sector Leaders IDX KEHATI“ which  comprises of stocks with an ESG performance assessment above their industrial average value. Using ROA and ROE as the dependent variable and ESG and board structure variables and firm size, asset to equity ratio, and firm age as control variables. It is found that ESG has negative non-significant relationship towards both ROA and ROE. Board independence and board gender diversity has positive significant effect towards both ROA and ROE.

On the Concept of Reduplication in Linguistics

This article is devoted to the study of the notion of reduplication in linguistics; the concepts of full, partial are given. marvel reduplication and features of their construction. Reduplication in terms of expression is not limited to repeating the same units or repeating only one basis and syllable. Repetitions are also considered as repetitions associated with the complete or partial repetition of a reductive sound, as well as “repetition of synonymous lexical units, that is, the creation of repeats of a value. Their functional, structural, semantic capabilities are described only in general terms”.

Hygienic Analysis of Micronutrients Consumption Degree in Daily Diet of the Pupils that Live in Rural Conditions of Fergana Valley

The research involves 481 (61,3%) male and 303 (38,7%) female pupils in the hygienic assessment of daily consumption of micronutrients by the children and teenagers that live in rural areas of the Fergana region. The research assesses the conformity of the diet of pupils with the San NandR 0007-2020 requirements of “The average daily diet norms for providing a healthy diet for age, gender and professional groups of the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. During winter-spring and summer-autumn seasons, pupil’s consumption degree of bakery products tends to be 133,7-115,6%, their consumption of mung bean, phaseolus, and cicer of legume products is 2,3 times less in the winter-spring season and 2,1 times less in the summer-autumn season, and their consumption of rice and porridge is 56,6-43,3% in relation with the norm. Moreover, there are not enough fish, dairy, and meat products in their diet. However, sugar, confectionery, and margarine exceed the norm 1,7 times in the winter-spring season and 1,3 times in the summer-autumn season. In the consumption of micronutrients, retinol reaches 79,8-93,8% and 81,1-91,8%, tocopherol reaches 63,8-73,5%, and other vitamins also don’t conform with the physiologic norm and hypovitaminosis causes difficulties in pupils’ growth and development.

Proposed Social Marketing Campaign to Increase Blood Donation and Active Users in Reblood Application (Case Study: PT Gaya Hidup Sehat)

Every five second, people in Indonesia needs blood. Blood donation is essential in every country to helps patients survive from illnesses and injuries. Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) has released the data of blood donation in 2020, there were 3,5 million blood bags has collected across Indonesia. With current situation, Indonesia still needs to fulfil minimum 5,2 million blood bags (2% of the Indonesian population) per year. Those condition that motivate PT Gaya Hidup Sehat to take a part to solve the problem of shortage blood donors by implementing the healthcare technology with Reblood application. Reblood aimed to provide all of information related with blood donation that currently still limited, not accessible and not integrating each other’s. Since it first launched in 2018 until now, Reblood has acquired 60,748 active users with more than 40,000 blood donations collected and transferred to PMI. However, in 2020 until 2021 the number of active users has decreased significantly almost 70% due to pandemic Covid-19. This research was conducted to increase Reblood’s active users and encourage more people to do blood donation in order to fulfill blood bags capacity.  337 respondents was participating on the survey to analyze the motivation, barriers, and knowledge and behavior to do blood donation. The result of those analysis then formulate using Social Marketing Framework by Philip Kotler and Nancy R.Lee. The findings in this research enriches the strategy of behavioral changes with the use of social marketing approach for increasing blood donation campaign.

Economic Growth and Government Expenditure in ASEAN Countries: A Threshold Approach

This study examines the effect of government spending on the economic growth of ASEAN countries between 2000 and 2020, using estimates for panel data. The results show that government spending responds positively to the economic growth of ASEAN countries. Intriguingly, this study finds a threshold level for government spending that reduces economic growth if governments let it exceeds 26.82 percent of GDP. Therefore, this study recommends that ASEAN governments need to pursue targeted and rational spending policies.

Man Wild-Life Conflict in Katra (Jammu and Kashmir)

The study was carried out in two main blocks of Reasi district that is Panthal and katra and few villages prone to man-wildlife conflicts, namely: Manion, Kunya, Manoon, baniya, sool, kakryal, dadoora, Chak Bhagtha. As human population extends to wild animal habitats, Natural life territory is displaced. The population density of wildlife and human overlaps increasing their interaction thus resulting in increase physical conflict. Increase in the population results in decrease of the forest area. Majority of the people are living near the forest area and they are encroaching the area, they directly or indirectly interfering in the habitat of wild animals. Mostly the people of these villages are dependent on the agriculture; few have their owned business like shops. In the study area, the causative factors regarding these conflicts have been identified as natural attraction towards crop and scarcity of food. Monkeys have been found to be the most problematic animals, followed by leopard and bear. 

The Effect of Persuasive Appeals in Building Trust between the Governments and Citizens. The case of Jordanian Defense Orders during Covid-19 Pandemic

Jordan was one of the first Middle Eastern countries to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors of this paper examined the Jordanian government’s persuasive appeals in defense orders issued between March and August 2020 to contain the pandemic. The authors discussed how the focus group responded to these appeals and concluded that this behavior did not halt or reduce the daily incidence or death rates, resulting in a major crisis of trust between the government and the public. The authors also concluded that some measures were not followed by citizens, as evidenced by their failure to follow preventive measures and the timing of the ban, despite the fact that persuasion was used. Overall, these results advance our comprehension of the effects of persuasive appeals on publics attitudes and intentions.

Islamic Religious Education Learning Strategies for Special Need Students in State Special Need Schools Indonesia

This paper aims to investigate the strategy of Islamic religious education teaching to special needs students at a state special needs school in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to understanding the teaching strategies and their impact on special needs students with most of them being deaf, blind, and mentally retarded. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, and written material. Data analysis was carried out using a thematic process through a reduction process, data presentation, and data verification of the validity of the data. The results of the study show that the implementation of Islamic religious education learning for disabled students has been carried out with innovative strategies such as using practicum and role model strategies. The teachers also use interesting media to make the disabled students interesting in learning Islamic religious education. As a result, disabled students are improved in cognitive, affective, and psychometric aspects relating to Islamic education.   This study contributes to academic and to practice that might be implemented in other special needs school contexts.