Optimizing Digital Transformation Initiative to Serve Next Billion Users

Microfinance as one of the working capital providers for millions of micro to ultra-micro business owner is now facing the challenged of digital disruption. Microfinance such as cooperatives, BMT (Islamic cooperative Baitul Maal wa Tamwil), CU, Rural bank, Ventures is no longer compete to each other as Fintech is starting to enter the ecosystem. The existence of microfinance remains valid as institutions offer requirement that easily can be fulfilled by the segment such as non-collateral and easy access to payment but, fintech with the aggressive expansion and strategy for growth would find them as non-threatening value proposition. Hence microfinance need to aware of the level of threat and be prepared. Nonetheless, digital transformation in the institution could be one of the options to stay competitive.

In order to optimize the digital transformation of microfinance, this study is prepared to validate the area of digitalization and its relation to answer the need of the customers and stay relevance to the underserved market.

The Direct and Indirect Influence of E-Commerce Capability on Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Agility

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the business industry, including female entrepreneurs, to remain competitive. With agility, the businesses could develop better predictability and survive in a changing environment. At the same time, e-commerce can also be used as a source of competitive advantage. This study aims to identify the effect of business agility and e-commerce capability to increase the sustainable competitive advantage of womenpreneurs’ business. The analytical approach applied in this research is the Structure Equation Modelling (SEM) with 30 samples of women entrepreneurs in Jakarta. The finding of this study shows that e-commerce capability does not have any significant direct impact on sustainable competitive advantage. At the same time, business agility has a direct impact and acts as a mediating variable for business agility on sustainable competitive advantage.

Factors Associated with Congestion and Overcrowding of Patient in the Outpatient Department and Clinic Department in National Eye Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka

The   National Eye Hospital (NEH) is the largest referral centre of excellence for eye care in Sri Lanka. Patients from every part of the country come to the NEH for treating various eye diseases and the hospital has been overburdened with the problem of congestion and overcrowding.

Congestion and overcrowding of patients are considered as a critical parameter in the evaluation of healthcare quality, safety, productivity, and patients’ satisfaction towards healthcare services1.  This study aims to assess patient congestion and overcrowding in the outpatient department and clinic department in National Eye Hospital (NEH) Sri Lanka.

National Eye Hospital provides treatment, training, rehabilitation and social welfare to the patients.  Medical students, post graduate trainers in ophthalmology, ophthalmic technologist are the main categories of that.  Most of the patients attend to the NEH, at least with one by stander. Prompt   attention, availability of investigation facility, availability of drugs and devices, minimum waiting list for surgery and credibility of service provision are the main reasons for attending to the NEH.

A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2021 to January 2022 in the OPD and Clinic Department of NEH Hospital.

More congestion was seen during morning compared to the afternoon. It is proposed to separate the OPD, Clinic, A&E and investigation area. Also it is propsed to introduce separate entrance to OPD,Clinic and A&E department.

Increasing Order Fulfilment of Spare Parts in WIS and AS/RS Warehouse in PT. KTK Using Operational Excellence to Enhance Competitive Advantages

The research is focused on the inventory storing process and used both generic and thematic framework to gain a better understanding from both perspective between business environment and the operational environment that currently occurred in PT. KTK. Competitor analysis, 7Ps marketing mix, and SWOT analysis are used to gain an understanding of the internal and external situation of PT. KTK and to compare PT. KTK with its competitors. On the operational sides, operational excellence is used to gain a better understanding and formulate a potential solution to improve the existing order fulfillment of PT. KTK. DMADV methodology from Six Sigma is used to gain a better understanding, measure the related metric, analyze the problem, providing a solution design, and implementing the solution in the existing warehouse process in PT.KTK. To align the operational strategy with PT. KTK business strategy, Porter’s Generic Strategy is used to gain and decide the best strategy for them. And the result, PT. KTK should focus on cost leadership by improving the effectiveness and efficiencies of their warehouse process enhance competitive advantages. Lastly, after the implementation is conducted and the result is observed, the solution can improve the order fulfillment of PT. KTK warehouse by 52.5%.

Monkeypox: From Past to Present Outbreak

Monkey pox is one of the most rare disease caused by the infection of monkey pox virus; the source of disease still remained unknown. It was discovered in 1958 where there is an outbreak in small-pox like disease. At that time monkey were kept to further analyze. In 1970, the first instance of monkeypox in a human was noted. Monkeypox cases have now been documented in a number of other central and western African nations. Prior to the 2022 outbreak, almost all cases of monkeypox in people outside of Africa were connected to either imported animals or foreign travel to nations where the illness frequently occurs. There are various symptoms that could be diagnosed as the monkey pox. The most common ones are the rash which is identical to pimples of blisters that appear on our face regularly. However, it may spread towards other part of our body including the hands, feet, chest, genitals, or anus. The monkey pox rash has different stages starting from the ones identical to pimples to the burned out. This illness typically last between 2-4 weeks. SInce the monkey pox disease is not as common, researchers is still currently work on discovering the root cause. In the present, there is still not enough resources available.

Collective Innocence and Collective Guilt in the Persecution of Gypsies: From Deviant-Active Minority to Victimized Minority

Gypsies have been a persecuted minority for more than five centuries. Our paper examines how exposing Spaniard participants to information according to which they personally, or their ingroup collectively, discriminate against the Gypsy minority influences (i) their attitudes toward the Gypsy minority (e.g., experience of collective guilt or support for affirmative action and other forms of compensation)  and (ii) the collective (but not individual) accusation of discrimination against the Gypsy minority transforms attributions of the causes of their marginalization. We discuss the societal ethos that the new victimized minorities have introduced as regards majority-minority relationships.

School and Community Relationship Management: A Literature Review

School-based management (SBM) is a management model that provides flexibility and freedom to schools that are expected to be able to manage and develop education with good education management in accordance with the potential, demands and needs that exist in schools. The management of SBM that occurs in school and community relations will provide a process of fostering and developing the personal growth of students so that it has an impact on improving the quality of schools. The problem is quite complex, one of which is the relationship between the school and the community.

Proposing a Research Model on Factors Affecting Customers’ Trust in E-Commerce Transactions in Binh Dinh

Although online shopping is convenient, has many advantages, and is the trend of the times, consumers still have not put their whole trust in these goods and service providers. It is essential to study the factors affecting customer trust in e-commerce transactions. To have the basis to carry out this study, the authors have analyzed relevant research at home and abroad. On that basis, propose a model to study the factors affecting the trust of customers in e-commerce transactions in Binh Dinh province, which are: website reputation, website design, information quality, transaction safety, and social impact.

Spontaneous Psoas Rupture Due to Anticoagulation in Mitral Valve Disease and Atrial Fibrillation

Iliopsoas hematoma is a rare complication in patients on anticoagulation therapy with coumarins. This clinical case presents a patient with a history of mitral stenosis, valvular prosthesis and atrial fibrillation who presented spontaneous rupture of the psoas due to excessive anticoagulation whit acenocoumarin.

Effects of Replacing Soybean (Glycine Max) with Fermented Sickle Pod (Senna Obtusifolia) on the Productive Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Domestic Rabbits

An experiment was conducted for 56 days to determine the productive performance and carcass characteristics of domestic rabbits fed fermented Senna obtusifolia seed meal (FSOSM)-based diets. A control soybean meal-based diet and diets containing 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% FSOSM as a replacement for soybean were formulated for the study. Twenty (20) domestic growing rabbits with an initial weight range of 605.25 – 662.75 g were randomly allotted to the five dietary treatments in a Completely Randomized Block Design with four replicates of one rabbit each. The productive performance was not significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by the diets. The daily weight gain ranged from 11.11 – 12.09 g/d, total weight gain 622.16 – 677.01 g/d, daily feed intake 55.15 – 61.41 g and feed conversion ratio ranged from 4.83 – 5.02. The carcass characteristics were similarly not affected (P < 0.05) by the dietary treatments. Dressing percentage ranged from 50.05 – 59.70% and retail cuts for shoulder, rack, loin and thigh were 17.73 – 18.99, 5.20 – 6.28, 13.26 – 14.17 and 20.28 – 22.33 percent body weight. It was concluded from this study that replacement of soybean with FSOSM up to 100% had no adverse effects on the productive parameters and carcass characteristics of domestic rabbits.