Factors That Influence the Performance of Saving and Loan Cooperatives in the Banyumas Residency Area with the Quality of Financial Statements as Intervening Variables

This study aims to analyze AIS, leadership competency, and internal control system’s influence on performance with the quality of financial statements as an intervening variable. The research target is savings and loan cooperatives in the Banyumas Residency area (Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap, and Banjarnegara). The samples were 110 savings and loan cooperatives. The data collection method was filling out questionnaires. Respondents in this study were leaders/managers from each saving and loan cooperative. The data analysis technique used is SEM PLS, including the outer model and inner model steps. The results of this study indicate that the use of AIS, leadership competency, and internal control system have a positive and significant effect on report quality. Then the internal control system and the quality of the financial statement have a positive and significant influence on performance. However, the use of AIS has a negative impact on performance and leadership competency does not affect performance. The results of the intervening variable test show that the quality of the financial statement is proven as the mediator, so the use of AIS, leadership competency, and internal control system have a positive and significant effect on performance. This research implies that savings and loan cooperatives can improve performance by maximizing the use of AIS, having competent leaders, optimizing the internal control system function, and improving the quality of financial statements.

Comparative Evaluation of Direct Smear and Culture Methods for Detection of Trichomonas gallinae Infection in Pigeon and Chicken of Assam

A study was carried out in order to compare the detection of Trichomonas gallinae by examination of smears of throat swab and culture of protozoa collected from both pigeon and chicken. In the present study, five culture media viz. Modified Diamond’s Media, Nutrient broth, Medium 199, Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) and Roswell Park Memorial Institute-1640 (RPMI-1640) were used for culture of T. gallinae. Microscopic examination of wet mount/ Giemsa stained smear and culture of the T. gallinae revealed the latter method to be superior to wet mount preparation or staining methods.

Factors Affecting the Developing Speed and Sustainability of Night-Time Economic Services in Bac Giang Province

Until 2030, the province of Bac Giang will focus on promoting the comprehensive development of all economic sectors, with the industrial sector as the main driving force and the service sector as the motivating force. The expansion of concentrated industrial zones, coupled with the formation of new cities, has been a premise that fosters urbanization. These areas attract an abundant workforce of young immigrants and create conditions for the middle class to grow rapidly. That, along with the province’s orientation to develop tourism as an important economic sector, Bac Giang has the advantages and potentials to strongly promote night-time service economy. This article analyzes factors that influence the economic growth of night-time service activities in Bac Giang, establishes a basis for well-planned investment, as well as rapid and sustainable development of the service industry.

Measurement of Background Ionizing Radiation in Kogi State, Nigeria

Radiation is said to be energy that is in motion and manifests itself everywhere we look in the form of waves or particles which can either useful or dangerous. Since radiation has always existed in the environment since the earth’s origin, daily exposure to varied levels of ionizing radiation is inevitable for humans. Therefore, environmental radioactivity measurements are crucial for measuring the background radiation level caused by naturally occurring radioactive sources with terrestrial and cosmic origins because of these effects on living beings. The aim of this paper is to measure and record the background radiation of various locations evenly distributed across the twenty-one (21) local government areas of Kogi State and use the measured value to produce a reliable and easily accessible background radiation contour map for Kogi State using ArcGIS 10.3. Using a portable RDS-31 Multi-survey meter, the dose rate of background ionizing radiation (BIR) was measured in μSv/hr and the result shows that Ankpa LGA has the lowest mean readings of 0.096 μSv/hr and 0.1682 mSv/yr for the annual equivalent dose rates. Yagba East had the highest mean reading of 0.2300μSv/hr and highest annual equivalent dose rates of 0.4030mSv/yr. The result shows that eventhough the AEDE are greater than the 0.07mSv/yr global average value, however they are all below the ICRP’s recommended permitted limits of 1.00mSv/yr. This demonstrates that there are no immediate radiological health effects on the general people as a result of BIR exposure in the examined locations. It is recommended that the various human activities that raise BIR levels in the regions should be reduced and that activity concentrations of natural radionuclides and BIR levels in the state be periodically assessed.

The Role of Community Care Groups in Supporting Community Client Empowerment in the Community

Pancasila is the thought that the function of punishment is no longer just a deterrent, but also an effort to rehabilitate and reintegrate the social inmates of prisons. Prisons have an important role in the justice system. There are 4 main functions of the Penitentiary, namely; 1) Guidance; 2) Assistance 3) Supervision, and 4) Community Research. The existence of the Correctional Care Community Group (Pokmas Lipas) is very important in supporting the empowerment of correctional clients in the community, Pokmas have their respective roles to support the reintegration of correctional clients so that they can return to the community. The implementation of the correctional system which is the implementation of Pancasila values, namely coaching the personality of prisoners, is carried out by a coaching program with forms of coaching in the form of religious education, general education, skills courses, recreation, sports, arts and job training.

Academic Integrity of Senior High School Students at St. Paul University Surigao

 This study examined the academic integrity of the Senior High School Students at St. Paul University Surigao in the new normal. The main instruments used to solicit information were researcher-made questionnaires for the 26 Senior High School teachers and 413 students of St. Paul University Surigao during the school year 2020-2021. Simple random sampling was employed to determine the participants. Data gathered were analyzed using means, standard deviation, t-test, and ANoVa. The teachers perceived that the students under study have high level of academic integrity in the new normal. The students on the other hand perceived that they have very high level of integrity. It was then revealed that there’s a significant difference between the students and teachers’ perceptions on the students’ level of Academic Integrity except for trust behavior. Also, there is a significant degree of variance in the students’ perceptions of their demonstrated respect and responsibility behaviors when considering sex. Despite these differences, it was still concluded that the Senior High School students have demonstrated good academic practices and high level of integrity as they engaged in their flexible learning classes in the new normal. Also, the Paulinian Remote Flexible Learning Scheme of the University is effective in promoting core values in the new normal allowing the learners to still embody and demonstrate the six fundamental values of academic integrity. It is generally recommended that school administrators determine efficient measures to instill to both students and teachers how essential is academic integrity even challenged by the changing times.

Simulation of Mathematical Modeling of Malaria with Vaccination


General Objectives. To formulate and analyse malaria with vaccination.

Specific Objectives.

Formulation of malaria model with vaccination.

Estimation of model parameters

Numerical solution

To clarify the importance of vaccination through model parameters discussion.

Methodology: We build a model through a flowchart diagram. We simulate data which helps to find the parameter values that makes the model to fit to the data in order to verify the validity or adequacy of the model.  We use the least squares method to estimate model parameters and interpretation of it. We analyze the model by computing the basic reproduction number R0, the disease-free equilibrium point and endemic point. And also discuss the behavior of numerical solution.  We solve the model numerically using MATLAB software. Numerical solutions of the model are presented in graphical way that allows to visualize the model predictions.

Results: Model has shown that the vaccination rates reduce the basic reproduction number, which means that the vaccination are involved in eradicating malaria from the population. To control the spread of malaria disease, we introduced the herd immunity strategy which is concerned about immunizing a large number of people in population and take protective measures for the rest including children and also pregnancy women. Thus, we calculated the herd immunity threshold which is 0.0517, this value means that 5.17% of susceptible people has to be immunized to control the spread of plasmodium parasite.  Our model was fitted to simulated data which implies that the model can be used to control the transmission of malaria and to predict the mechanism of prevention by vaccination, it has shown that the vaccination strategy involves in eliminating malaria.

Unique contribution: Malaria is an infectious disease that has become very common and is becoming more widespread in an uncontrolled way throughout Africa, as well as the whole world, due to the bite of the female anopheles’ mosquito which spreads the plasmodium. In an attempt to eradicate this deadly disease, a massive response needs to be mounted by governments to enlighten the public about the prevalence of malaria and also provide remedy for treatment of it. On this issue, over the last few decades there have been millions of dollars and much efforts put into the fight against Plasmodium falciparum malaria but unfortunately there is still no registered vaccine against it.  Is the vaccination the best strategy to reduce the number of peoples dying from malaria? Many researchers worked on different model and they did not introduce the vaccination, in my model Introduce the vaccination to see if it is the best strategies to eradicate the number of people dying from malaria


Immediate Effects of Static Stretching Versus Dynamic Warm up Exercises on Vertical Jump Test in 12 to 16 Years School Students: A Comparative Study

The static stretching has been found to enhance flexibility and reduce muscle tension, and dynamic warm up exercises raises core body and deep muscle temperatures, stimulates the nervous system, decreases the inhibition of antagonist muscles, and possibly reduces the risk of injury. Children are often encouraged to participate in some type of warm-up before vigorous physical activity, Warm-up is one of the most common practices at the beginning of Physical Education (PE) classes in schools. The aim of the study was to compare the immediate effects of static stretching versus dynamic warm-up exercises on vertical jump performance in 12 – 16 years school students. The 100 Participant (Boys and Girls) were taken, aged between 12 years to 16 years in 2 groups as Group A static stretching (n = 50) and Group B dynamic warm up exercises (n = 50). The pre assessment was taken before intervention and post assessment was taken after intervention. The study revealed an improvement in vertical jump performance in both intra groups (group A and group B). However, the results of the intergroup study revealed that dynamic warm-up exercises (group B) are more effective than static stretching (group A) in improving vertical jump performance in school students.

Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability and Market value of the Logistics Industry

A company needs sufficient non-current assets and current assets for the successful running of the business and maximization of the wealth of the firm. Especially, in the short-run current assets or working capital management plays an important role in the success or failure of the firm and its impact on its profitability of the firm. This article aims to examine the impact of working capital management on the performance and as well as the market value of companies in the logistics industry. This study used the fixed effect panel data analysis with a data set covering six logistics companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, India for the period 2013-2022.

To estimate the relationship between working capital management and the performance of companies used Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Market value to Book value (MVBV) as dependent variables in the research models. The main results indicate that the positive relationship between working capital, market value, and profitability is not very clear. Logistics companies’ sales are negatively associated with MVBV and ROE of logistics companies. The cash conversion cycle is found statistically not significant, and the relationship between CCC and profitability is negative. Overall, of the study, it is concluded that working capital has an impact on the profitability of logistics companies in India.

Lead Production in Morocco at the Zellidja Lead Smelter Company

The subsoil of Morocco is marked by a wealth of mineral resources (phosphate, lead, zinc, coal and others). For this reason, the mining sector is still considered one of the main pillars of the national economy. The Moroccan lead deposits are located mainly in the Atlas region and the Eastern region. The Zellidja lead smelter company has succeeded in distinguishing itself and being among the best lead smelters in Morocco. It is known nationally and internationally for its production of soft lead, antimonial lead oxide, fine silver, copper matte and triple alloy concentrate. The majority of its production is destined for international markets such as Europe, North Africa, Near East and Middle East. In addition, it is also recognized for its large capacity of processing lead concentrate from several mines. This capacity has obviously increased and decreased over time, depending on the number of mines exploited, the presence or absence of ore, the quality of the industrial equipment, the number of employees and other circumstances.