A Review on Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Clinical Management and Treatment Modalities

Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for roughly 15% of all lung malignancies and is distinguished by a high proliferative rate, a proclivity for early metastasis, and a poor prognosis. Exposure to cigarette carcinogens is highly linked to SCLC. Only one-third of individuals have earlier-stage illness that is responsive to possibly curative multimodality treatment at the time of diagnosis. SCLC genomic analysis revealed a high mutation load and widespread chromosomal rearrangements, nearly usually with functional inactivation of the tumour suppressor genes TP53 and RB1. The relative expression of prominent transcriptional regulators has been used to identify subtypes of illness in both human SCLC and murine models, revealing significant intra-tumoural variation. Tumor development, metastasis, and acquired treatment resistance have been linked to aspects of this heterogeneity. Despite the fact that clinical progress in the treatment of SCLC has been notoriously poor, a greater knowledge of the biology of the disease has revealed new vulnerabilities that might be targeted therapeutically. Immune checkpoint blockade, which was recently introduced into the treatment of SCLC patients, has given benefit to patients, with a small fraction of patients experiencing long-term benefits. Strategies to focus tailored therapy to the patients most likely to react and to extend the long-term benefits of successful anti-tumor immunity to a larger number of patients are urgently needed and are now being researched.

Stressors, Stress Response and Coping Among Rural School Teachers With and Without Hypertension

The aim was to study the difference in stressors experienced, level of stress and coping used between individuals with and without hypertension among rural government school teachers. The sample consisted of both men and women working in rural government schools, married (with at least one child), and aged between 30 to 35 years, with work experience of at least 5 years. A matched group design in terms of age, number of years of experience, gender, socioeconomic status, salary, number of working members working in the family was considered for the study. Over all 30 each of teachers with and without hypertension consuming medication for at least 3 years and below cut off point on General health questionnaire and gave consent to be part of the study were selected for the study. All these individuals were administered Personal Stress Source Inventory, Stress Response Checklist and Coping styles inventory. The results were analysed using t test to study significance of difference in the means of the stressors, stress response and coping used by individual with and without hypertension. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in stressors experienced between the groups, where as there was significant difference in level of stress and coping used. The group with hypertension had significantly higher level of stress response and significantly less use of coping methods indicating that it is the response to stressors and coping methods used that could be related to hypertension than the number of stressors faced by the individual, indirectly indicating that personality and the responses are integral part of disease experienced.

Unburned Carbon from Bagasse Fly Ash to Produce Activated Carbon in a Single-Stage Chemical Process

Bagasse ash waste is generated in sugar mills from the use of bagasse as a fuel. This waste frequently noticed, its way to landfilled places where it is disposed. The dumping of biomass wastes caused in numerous agricultural processes is usually an environmental problem as odour and pollutes the soil. Recycling these leftovers for the manufacturing of activated carbon, an adsorbent with numerous uses, including the removal of pollutants, was one option for such a problem. In this work, activated carbon was made from Bagasse ash using a chemical activation process at 800 °C. Fourier Transform-Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the sample. The functional groups are confirmed by FT-IR and the existence of hydrocarbons. The SEM and XRD studies show that the generated activated carbon has a low amount of inorganic elements when compared to the precursor. These experimental results suggested that Bagasse ash might be used as a starter in the activated carbon manufacturing method, making it a cost effective resource.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for Ana Tenun Sukarara

Following the implementation of the new norms, such as the relocation of MSMEs, the economy of Indonesia is beginning to recover. Returning to the economy in Indonesia, the implementation of this new normal has caused all nations to recommend economic activities, such as removing social restrictions to encourage people to work. New normal activities are characterized by production and consumption patterns that have an impact on digitalization. This study aims to propose marketing strategies to increase brand awareness of Ana Tenun Sukara, the research method used is non-probability aside from the purposive sampling method, states that non-probability sampling is a sampling technique with a population selected based on its availability or considering it can represent the population while purposive sampling is a sampling technique in which this technique chooses purposive sample that aims subjectively by distributing questionnaires to 200 respondents and processing data with PLS- SEM and analyzing internally with Marketing MIX 4P , STP, VRIO and external companies with 5porter porces, PEST and Competitor analysis. The results of this study indicate that social media marketing has a significant positive effect on brand awareness, and social media marketing has a significant positive effect on purchase intention and brand awareness has a significant positive effect on purchase intention.

The Impact of Spiritual, Social, And Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of SMEs in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are an important part of the economic system in Indonesia, this can be seen from the number compared to large-scale industrial enterprises. SMEs in their position have advantages compared to large-scale businesses, one of the advantages is being able to absorb more labor and accelerate the process of equitable development. However, currently, SMEs are experiencing problems in achieving better performance. These obstacles do not only come from within the SMEs organization but also from outside. Internal factors are factors that come from the work environment such as organizational culture, attitudes, and actions of colleagues as well as the organizational structure of the SMEs. Internal factors include intelligence it has, there are several bits of intelligence in humans, including emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and spiritual intelligence. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of spiritual intelligence, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence on SMEs actors during the Covid-19 period. This research is a quantitative study with a population of small and medium enterprises. The sampling method is purposive sampling, which was conducted using 90 samples. The approach of data analysis with multiple linear regression. The tool used is a regression with IBM SPSS 25 software. The results showed that spiritual intelligence, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence affected the performance of SMEs during the Covid-19 period.

Factor Influencing Fixed Broadband Provider Choice Decision (Case Study of IndiHome Consumer Choice)

Since the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, people’s activities have changed drastically due to quarantine and distance restrictions. Almost all activities from school, work, health consultations, sports and others are carried out online from where they live. This gave rise to a new need for the people of Indonesia, namely a broadband internet connection. The demand for fixed broadband internet service providers has increased since the Covid-19 pandemic and is predicted to continue to grow until 2026. This situation opens up enormous business opportunities for fixed broadband internet service providers or what we are familiarly calling Wifi. The number of newcomer brands of fixed broadband internet service providers has created competition. So far, the IndiHome brand still leads the fixed broadband internet service provider market in Indonesia with the largest market share. However, at the end of 2021, to be precise from October to December 2021, IndiHome experienced an increase in the percentage of churn rate (customers who unsubscribe or revoke services). The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence customer decisions in choosing fixed broadband internet service provider products and to provide recommendations to IndiHome. Choice modeling analysis will be used in this research, which is to estimate the probability that the Greater Jakarta citizen will choose a brand of fixed broadband internet service provider. This research was conducted on 201 The author creates a description of the question or stated preference scenario using D-efficient from NGENE software. The resulting scenarios are 28 scenarios with 3 alternatives and 7 attributes, namely product quality, internet speed, price, customer service, brand image, promotions, and bundling packages. Respondents were asked to answer product choices according to brands through a combination of scenarios. The results show several attributes that have significant values. These attributes are the prices for the IndiHome, Biznet and Iconnet brands. Internet speed on the IndiHome brand, Customer Service on the IndiHome and Iconnet brands and Bundling Packages on the Iconnet brand. There are several recommendations for IndiHome to pay attention to attributes that have significant and elastic value.

Proposed Marketing Strategies for CV. Ganesha Sora to Increase Brand Awareness and Sales

MSMEs are the most important pillars of the Indonesian economy, contributing for 61.07% of GDP or $8,573.89 trillion rupiah. The MSME in the food processing industry is one of the most developed MSMEs. The presence of dairy products produced by these MSMEs benefits the food processing industry. The demand for dairy products in Indonesia has surged by more than 10% each year over the last ten years. Ganesha Sora is one of the MSMEs engaged in the production of dairy products that according to the company’s data is now facing a decrease in sales. Meanwhile, based on preliminary research and problem exploration undertaken by the author reveal that Ganesha Sora continues to have low brand awareness. The purpose of this research is to increase Ganesha Sora brand awareness, identify major product attributes that influence customer purchase intentions, and to design suitable marketing strategies to increase the chances of sales. This study will include both quantitative and qualitative methods. For consumer analysis and hypothesis testing, the quantitative method is used. Data is gathered by distributing questionnaires to respondents who buy mozzarella cheese products in stores and online marketplaces. The output is then processed by SMART PLS. The qualitative method is utilized in preliminary research by interviewing 10 respondents and the business owner. According to the findings of this research, businesses can boost brand awareness by engaging in marketing activities such as sales promotion and advertising, which also have a beneficial impact on purchase intention. The following finding is about important product attributes that influence customer purchase intention, which include convenience, taste, and availability. From those findings, the author makes several recommendations based on internal and external analysis, along with a SWOT and TOWS analysis for Ganesha Sora to increase sales by entering and selling products to tourist attractions, offering testers or price discounts, and providing buy one get one e-vouchers on monthly occasions such as 11.11, 12.12, and so on. Ganesha Sora can conduct advertising activities such as creating an advertising video that highlights the product qualities and campaigns #BanggaDairyBuatanIndonesia to raise awareness. Ganesha Sora can launch a new product in a lighter weight variation and rent cold storage space in numerous potential places to deliver the attributes that consumers value.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for Sustainable Growth of Persib Official Store

PT Persib Bandung Bermatabat is in charge of the football club Persib Bandung, which is one of Indonesia’s teams. The Persib Official Store, located at Graha Persib, 3rd floor, Jalan Sulanjana No. 17 Bandung, is managed and sold by PT. Persib Bandung Bermatabat. The Persib Official Store sells merchandise divided into three product categories: Fashion, Jersey, and Accessories. The issue that arises in this business is that sales fluctuate from January to June 2022. As a result, the purpose of this study is to learn about Persib Official Store’s business situation and to recommend the best marketing strategy for increasing sales and becoming more competitive in the football merchandise industry’s development.The research method uses qualitative research methods. Qualitative methods are used to obtain primary data and make observations from in-depth interviews with Persib supporters. The data collection is then used to make internal and external analysis. Internal analysis is used to gather information about Persib Official Store’s internal conditions using Marketing Mix 4P analysis, STP, and VRIO analysis, while external analysis uses Porter’s five forces analysis, competitor analysis, and customer analysis to determine external factors from the football merchandise industry. Furthermore, after carrying out internal and external analysis, the researcher used SWOT analysis and found the company’s weaknesses, namely the lack of optimal marketing and social media strategies. Furthermore, after conducting a SWOT analysis, the researcher used TOWS analysis and found a solution to present a new marketing strategy by having a team digital marketing and optimizing their social media to increase customer awareness and purchase intention.

Business Process Improvement and Capital Budgeting Analysis to Develop the Digitalization Process of Loan / Financing in Bank Sumsel Babel

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Sumatera Selatan dan Bangka Belitung (brand name: Bank Sumsel Babel) is one of the regional state-owned enterprises (SOEs) engaged in the banking sector. As a local company with a great purpose, Bank Sumsel Babel has a big responsibility to support all industries in the region province of South Sumatera and the Bangka Belitung Islands. This study examines the downward trends in credit and financing activity over the previous five years, particularly in working capital and investment credit at Babel Sumsel Babel branches. These two credits assess how successful regional banks are at boosting the local economy. On the other hand, the Bank has seen a decrease in market share in its multi-purpose credit products to civil servants in the South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung islands, where this credit is the primary source of income for Bank Sumsel Babel. This research utilizes qualitative information to determine the root cause and improve business processes by using the digital revolution of credit and financing to speed up the process and increase microfinance in Bank Sumsel Babel. Furthermore, the capital budgeting analysis to build the digitalization process will be calculated in this study to determine whether the investment is feasible. Based on the findings of this study, it is possible to conclude that Bank Sumsel Babel can use digitalization as a process improvement to secure its niche market and increase lending activities. Finally, this study makes recommendations for internal management on implementing the credit and lending digitalization process.

Proposed Business Strategy for PERUMDA BPR Bank Sumedang to Face Digital Banking Transformation

The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty, which can threaten a bank’s ability and capacity to achieve its objectives. The development of digital technology during the COVID-19 period brought a shift in the behavior of people who tend to spend a lot of time using cellphones in cyberspace, including accessing all banking products, whether making transactions, saving or borrowing. This condition is a challenge for BPR in Indonesia including Perumda BPR Bank Sumedang to follow the wave of change towards digitalization that is happening in the banking industry.  Furthermore, the challenges that are being faced by Bank Sumedang due to the disruption of financial technology is the decline in credit customers every year.

The decline was very significant within a period of 4 years, while the biggest profit of Bank Sumedang was obtained from interest on customer loans. The methodology used is descriptive research using primary data (in-depth interviews and surveys) and secondary data via internet resources. This research is descriptive to explore the problems that exist in Sumedang Bank by analyzing the internal and external factors of the company.  Furthermore, the tools that will be used in chapter four are SWOT, EFAS, IFAS, SFAS and TOWS Matrix. Based on the result that has been formulated, the author will use WO strategy because it has the highest score by Capitalizing on Opportunities to Reduce Weaknesses.