Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Purchase Intention on Tokopedia Package Subscription

Tokopedia is offering merchants a new feature called packaged subscriptions. However, there is evidence of low sales for these paid features. This study creates a marketing proposition to solve this problem with low-purchase packages. The purpose of this study is to identify the top reasons for unwillingness to pay, identify the key factors that motivate sellers to purchase, and identify appropriate strategies to motivate sellers to pay for packaged subscriptions. This research utilizes Triangulation method consisting of internal, external and qualitative analysis to determine that the main drivers of sellers’ purchase intention were price and information quality factors. The study uses the company’s industry environment, competitors, company capabilities, and the user’s analysis to generate recommendations using the QSPM matrix. The most pertinent recommendation is to offer a free trial program and scheduled in-app notifications to boost the seller’s intent to purchase the subscription package.

Empowerment of Women’s Creativity at Dians Songket and Endek Housein the Village of Gelgel, Klungkung: A Perspective of Presidential Instruction

This study focuses on empowering the creativity of the women of the Songket and Endek House Dians based on the perspective of Presidential Instruction No. 9 year 2000. The formulation of the problem is as follows: (1) Why does the empowerment of the Songket and Endek House Dians women’s creativity still exist? (2) What are the implications for improving the quality of life of the population, especially women, in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 9 year 2000? The research method is qualitative in nature supported by bibliographical data sources to sharpen the conceptual, theoretical, and analytical framework. Gender analysis is used as an alternative tool to integrate the aspirations, interests, and roles of the population, especially women who are gender responsive. The findings show that the empowerment of Dians Rumah Songket and Endek has continued to exist through the pandemic period. This is inseparable from internal factors, namely the role of business actors, and external, namely the role of development actors (government, community, BUMN). In accordance with the business vision of Dians Rumah Songket and Endek, which is to develop businesses with positive aims to improve the quality of life of residents, especially women and realize gender equality. This has directly supported the targets that must be achieved in accordance with those set out in the MDGs guidelines, including alleviating poverty and promoting gender equality.

Study of the Properties of the Composition Obtained Based on Mixtures of Polyvinyl Chloride and Ethylene-Propylene Copolymers

The properties of mixtures and vulcanizates of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and ethylene-propylene elastomers (SKEPT-40) with functional group polymers have been studied and it appears that the effectiveness of the application of functional group polymers (FQP) is characterized by the improvement of the complex properties of vulcanizates. As shown, among the FQP, the industrial scale production of PVC and the low cost of its use in the purchase of rubber mixtures based on SKEPT have been developed. In this regard, new composition mixtures were obtained by replacing the main polymers in rubber mixtures with 5÷30 mass parts of PVC based on SKEPT. The physical and mechanical properties of their technological and vulcanizates were studied. Experiments show that the sol-fraction and durability of vulcanizate in gasoline, gasoline-benzene (3:1) mixture, and metaxylol decrease with the increase of PVC content.

The reduction of the sol-fraction of the vulcanizate can be explained by the low swelling of PVC in the above-mentioned solvents. Therefore, the vulcanizate based on the SKEPT PVC mixture has a higher resistance to oil and gasoline than the vulcanizate based on unmodified SKEPT. It is learned that 10 mass. h to SKEPT. When PVC is included, the degree of swelling of the vulcanizate is reduced by 20% in gasoline, in the mixture of gasoline-benzene (3:1), M-xylene, and “, Avtol” oil, compared to the vulcanizate based on SKEPT. 30 c.h. and when included, the degree of swelling of the vulcanizate decreases by 2.7 times in gasoline, 2.3 times in gasoline-benzene (3:1) mixture, and 3.2 times in “Avtol-10” oil.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness of Inagri

The technological developments, population growth and the food needs of the Indonesian people in consuming food. Online grocery stores are growing to meet people’s needs in the digital era. That is what makes INAGRI as an online grocery sales company continue to innovate in agriculture. Starting to change online shopping behavior can be a huge potential market, but INAGRI faces many people who don’t know the INAGRI brand as an online grocery store company, so INAGRI’s sales have not reached the target. Therefore, what factors influence someone to know brand awareness really needs to be known. To create a successful marketing strategy, companies must analyze business problems with internal and external environmental analysis. External environment analysis consisting of; PESTEL (Politics, Economics, Social and Technology, Environment, Law), Porter 5 strengths, competitor analysis and consumer analysis using questionnaires and internal focus analysis on the marketing mix known as the 4P marketing mix and STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning). The root cause of the problem says that brand awareness is not high enough, so purchase intention is also not high enough. This research is a quantitative study using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) data analysis with the help of Smart PLS 4.0 software. Primary data was obtained from distributing questionnaires to 220 respondents. The results of data processing show that the variables Sales promotion, advertising, brand interactivity have a positive effect on brand awareness. Only content quality has no effect, then brand awareness also has a positive effect on purchase intention. Recommended marketing strategy recommendations are Providing product promotions with brand interactivity and creative advertising, collaborating with influencers, optimizing and making Video TikTok and Instagram sales marketing through social media, participating in marketing events to increase brand awareness and improve the quality of human resources by attending training digital marketing for INAGRI employees.

Comparison Study between Orlistat and Moringa Oleifera as an Appetite Suppressant in Case of Obese Patients

Obesity is a disease in which excess accumulation of fat occurs in the adipose tissues of the body. Obesity is the main cause of many diseases such as type- 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders such as depression.  In recent studies, Moringa oleifera have been found to have antilipidemic activity by reducing the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and low density lipoprotein. This review compares the therapeutic effect of herbal drug to orlistat, a lipase inhibitor. The mechanism of action of Orlistat is to prevent the intestinal absorption of fat present in food resulting into excretion of the unabsorbed fat from the body in the stool.

Agroecological Business Model: A Pillar Stone for Women’s Entrepreneurship in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

The current challenges facing agriculture and food systems demand innovations in system design that potentially empower the weakest component in social, economic, and environmental contexts. Recognizing women’s importance in agriculture and food systems, the agroecological business model is one solution for women to gain access to resources (land, finance, credit, etc.), empower their capacity, become entrepreneurs, and improve organic agriculture production and market. This paper focuses on agroecological business models and women’s entrepreneurship in agroecology and sustainable food systems through a scoping review through Google Scholar, Science Direct, and the FAO website. The findings highlight how the co-creation of knowledge between organic producers and female entrepreneurs can increase the efficiency of organic agriculture production. However, women’s entrepreneurship in eco-efficient organic production reinforces participatory guarantee systems, which are crucial for agroecology and sustainable food systems. The conceptual model shows the interdependence between women’s entrepreneurship, organic agriculture production, and food systems through an agroecological business model, which is a key driver for women’s access to resources and guarantees a resilient market for organic agricultural crops. This is a challenging entry point that provides opportunities for co-learning in sustainable food systems that can be shaped for significant positive change. Addressing co-learning food systems through women’s entrepreneurship is an opportunity for all stakeholders to achieve sustainability in food systems. This is critical for those involved in the agroecological transition and the achievement of sustainable development goals.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Customer Loyalty with Customer Satisfaction at Restaurant

The restaurant industry is a highly competitive space, with a large number of businesses vying for customers and trying to stand out in a crowded market. There are several factors that contribute to the competitiveness of the industry, including the abundance of options available to consumers, the increasing popularity of food delivery and takeout services, and the use of technology to enhance the customer experience. In order to succeed in this industry, restaurants must offer high-quality food and service, and also differentiate themselves from their competitors through unique offerings, strong branding, and effective marketing strategies. Additionally, restaurants must be mindful of trends and changes in consumer preferences and adapt their business models accordingly in order to stay competitive. To address these issues, the company must devise a strategy that addresses the underlying causes. This could entail conducting a market analysis and determining the needs of the target customer base. The restaurant’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were identified using a SWOT analysis. Based on this analysis, it was determined that changing the company’s TOWS strategy would be the best course of action. This could be accomplished by implementing a revised service marketing mix. The purpose of this study was to better understand the relationship between the 7P marketing mix, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty in order to retain customers. According to the findings, there are four variables that can influence customer satisfaction (Product, People, Process, and Physical Evidence). Customer satisfaction has a significant impact on customer loyalty and should be incorporated into restaurant marketing mix strategy.

Economic Feasibility Study of a Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Project in Indonesia Based on Conventional Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) And Real Option Valuation Model: Case Study at PT ABC

Indonesia had become an oil exporter that is recognized by the world for many years and joined The Organization of Petroleum Export Community (OPEC) – an organization that controls petroleum production, supplies, and prices in the global market – in 1962. However, oil production in Indonesia has been decreasing from year to year, one of which is due to the lack of investment in the exploration of new oil wells in Indonesia so the majority of upstream oil and gas work in Indonesia is exploiting old wells which will naturally decline steadily. This resulted in Indonesia becoming a net import oil country in 2003. Therefore, additional operations are needed to maximize oil production from these existing wells, one of which is by conducting Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR). The main objective of EOR itself is to mobilize the remaining oil by enhancing the oil displacement and volumetric sweep efficiency. PT. ABC, a subsidiary of PT. XYZ (a state-owned company under SKK Migas and PT Pertamina supervision) which is engaged in the upstream sector in Indonesia, is assigned by the government to carry out one of the CEOR projects that have been determined by the Government. This research covers the economic feasibility of the CEOR Project based on the conventional Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Real Option Valuation (ROV) Model. The revenue-sharing policy used for the project economic calculation is the gross split method. The result of the economic analysis using the DCF method is the project is not economically feasible to run as the net present value (NPV) shows negative which is -2,911 MUSD. However, the real option valuation model helped increase the value to 11,416 MUSD by adopting a strategic option which is an option to delay and time flexibility into the project. As a result, the project could be economically feasible if the operation is deferred to the following year and the oil price is over 85.2 USD/BBL.

A review on Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy

Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is a kind of inflammatory neuropathy that has a gradual start and symmetrical sensory involvement. However, there are several clinical variances, suggesting that CIDP may represent a spectrum of linked disorders rather than a single disease entity. While the prevailing idea of CIDP pathogenesis is that cell-mediated and humoral processes interact in an abnormal immune response to damage peripheral neurons, the proportional roles of T cell and autoantibody responses are yet unknown. T cell responses to specified myelin antigens are responsible in animal models of spontaneous inflammatory neuropathy. Antibodies to Schwann cell, compact myelin, and nodal antigens have been found in different human inflammatory neuropathies. The roles of the cellular and humoral immune systems in the development of CIDP are discussed in this review. It is believed that, in the future, the identification of clinical phenotypes and the underlying disease processes would aid in the development of diagnostic and therapy options for CIDP.

Proposed Marketing Strategy for to Increase Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention is a local men’s fashion brand that sells basic wear products and was founded in 2017. Schouten currently has five product categories: outerwear, shirts, pants, and hats. Every year, the number of MSMEs in the fashion sector grows, resulting in the emergence of many new competitors; however, some old competitors have also become obstacles. According to Schouten’s sales data from 2020 to 2022, sales have fluctuated. The author conducted preliminary interviews with fifteen random people, only two of whom were familiar with the Schouten brand. With these findings, it is possible to conclude that Schouten’s use of social media and promotional methods is still not optimal, resulting in a lack of brand awareness. According to the fishbone diagram’s description of the problem, the fluctuations that occur in Schouten are also influenced by product and place factors. The purpose of this research is to determine what factors cause sales fluctuations at Schouten, what factors influence purchase intention, and what marketing strategy suggestions are appropriate to increase brand awareness at Schouten. To achieve the research objectives, the authors will conduct external and internal analysis, resulting in TOWS as a solution. PEST analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, competitor analysis, and customer analysis were used for external analysis. Customer analysis was conducted by distributing questionnaires at random to 200 respondents, including potential customers. SmartPLS 4 is then used to process the data using the PLS-SEM approach. Then, for internal analysis, VRIO analysis, marketing mix, and STP are used. The TOWS matrix produced 11 strategies, and as many as six of them were chosen to formulate new marketing strategy proposals, which Schouten could then implement based on the implementation plans that had been created.