Piodalan or Odalan is a Hindu religious ceremony known as commemoration of the birth or birthday of a temple. The Piodalan ritual can be performed once every six months (210 days) based on wuku calculations which refer to the Hindu calendar calculations, or every year if based on sasih or month calculations, and if done every year it is called Pujawali. This ceremony is carried out to express gratitude for the abundant blessing from Hyang Widhi Wasa (the Creator)
In its implementation, Piodalan ceremony uses upakara /ritual in the form of bebantenan /offerings of which forms depend on the village/place, kala/time, and patra /circumstances, therefore piodalan is distinguished according to the level of upakara, into alit/ small, madya/ middle, and agung/huge. This research aims to discuss (1) The lexicon involved in Banten Munggah of the piodalan alit rituals, and (2) the morphological forms of these lexicons. The theories applied to achieve these goals are ecolinguistic theory (language use related to the environment), and morphological theory (word formation/lexicon).
This research is descriptive-qualitative field research using observation and note-taking techniques. The results of the analysis are presented using formal and informal methods, with inductive and deductive techniques. This research was conducted in Tabanan and Gianyar Regencies. The results reveal (1) The lexicon related to Banten Munggah of piodalan alit ceremony includes the lexicons on the offerings placed on the individual temple in the compound (banten munggah), it includes Banten Pejati, banten cenik, banten pejrimpenan. (2) the morphological forms of these lexicons are in the base forms, forms with affixations or derived forms, reduplications, and compound words.