Business Strategy for Pharmaceutical Company to Become the Market Leader in the Psychiatry Sector in Indonesia

The prevalence of people with mental disorders in Indonesia continues to increase and its growth has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The increase of the prevalence is also extrapolated to the market for psychiatric drugs in Indonesia which has grown by ten percent from 2018 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020. In the psychiatric market, 12 companies with the highest sales already account for 80% market share. Seeing the psychiatric drug market condition that continues to grow and its market share is still small, the low-market-share pharmaceutical companies must have a new business strategy to seize this opportunity and become one of the market leaders in the psychiatric drug market in Indonesia. This research was conducted to determine the main external and internal factors that affect psychiatric drug business and then provide alternative business strategies for pharmaceutical companies to become one of the market leaders in the psychiatric market. In this study, interviews were conducted with 18 experts in the pharmaceutical field. Data from interviews were analyzed using content analysis. Pharmaceutical market data from IQVIA was used in this study and analyzed using the growth-share matrix. The results of the content analysis show that the main external factors affecting the psychiatry business are categorized into legal, political, economic, market, technological and social aspects. Meanwhile, the key internal factors are categorized into brand, corporate culture, human assets and intellectual capital, organizational resources, originality, physical resources and relationships. Low-market-share companies in the growing market need to carry out an intensive strategy to increase its market share through product development, market penetration and market development.

Proposed Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness for Coffee Shop Business (Case Study on Brand Payu Coffee & Eatery)

The total distribution of Coffee in Indonesia is increasing every year, and it is in line with the growing of Coffee Shop industry in Indonesia, specifically in Jakarta. Payu is one of local SME Coffee Shop brand located in Gandaria, South Jakarta which was established in 2020. Building brand awareness is important for a new brand, particularly for SME company with an existence of less than five years like Payu. According to interview with Payu’s co-owner that Payu brand awareness is very low which in line with the result of questionnaire from total of 202 respondents shows that 68,8% never heard of Payu before. To analyse the root caused more deeply, researchers used Fishbone Diagram and Inter-relationship Diagram and found that Lack of Marketing effort is primary root cause for Payu. The purpose of this research is to propose a suitable marketing strategy to increase Brand Awareness for Coffee Shops like Payu. Researchers use both quantitative and qualitative methodologies in conducting research. Data collection is done by conducting in-depth interview, distributing questionnaires, and conducting a focus group discussion. The collected data is then used to do analysis based on the collection methods. Quantitative results are used to make Cluster Analysis and Brand Awareness Analysis. While Qualitative results is used to make Behavioural Shift analysis and Brand Concept Mapping. According to focus group discussion, customers are like the coffee trends like Ready-to-Drink Coffee and Snapchilled Coffee. After conducting analysis, the proposed marketing strategies are carried out. Based on BCM model, Payu are relatable with associations links “Nyaman” and “Kerja”. There are three new marketing strategies that can increase coffee shops brand awareness like Payu. First, developing Buyer Persona Creation strategy based on cluster analysis. Second, coffee shops can work with influencers who has audience driven from the Buyer Persona Creation strategy. Third, conduct a brand activation based on the association links from brand concept mapping and invite the chosen influencers.

Proposed a Design Company Performance Management System by Using Balanced Scorecard in a Nickel Mining Company (Case: PT Gema Kreasi Perdana)

Indonesia is one of the countries that has the largest nickel reserves in the world. In the Asian region, Indonesia’s nickel laterite reserves are in the third position. Indonesia’s nickel reserves are around 800 thousand tons or about 30% of the world’s total nickel production, so that Indonesia has the potential to enjoy the demand for this stainless metal [7]. One of the companies that carry out nickel mining in Southeast Sulawesi Province is PT Gema Kreasi Perdana (GKP). As a newly established company, a variety of strategies are implemented to survive and maintain its corporate existence in the mining industry. The company needs a method for measuring performance in order to monitor and analyze company performance. Implementing a Performance Management System is one way that can be used (PMS). Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is the employed PMS in this investigation. BSC is a method for measuring the performance of a firm by bridging the gap between strategy and execution. Based on a literature review, focus group discussions (FGD), and interviews with expert practitioners in their respective fields, objective strategies are determined for each perspective. The aims and initiatives for key performance indicators (KPIs) are determined based on benchmarking with other businesses and company interviews. Data analysis and weighting from each perspective will be carried out using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In addition to using goal strategies, the researchers cascaded the process from the Business Unit Level to the Individual Level and limited in the HRGA (Human Resource and General Affair) and Strategic Affair Division of PT Gema Kreasi Perdana. The cascading process is believed important to ensure that the company’s vision, mission, and strategy are communicated clearly to all employees. The cascading process is regarded important to ensure that the company’s vision, goal, and strategy are communicated clearly to each employee. This cascading produced multiple objective strategies and KPIs for HRGA and Strategic Affair Division of PT GKP. As suggestions for future research, it would be preferable for the research to cascade to all levels within each division in the company.

A Brief Review on Solubility Enhancement Techniques with Drug and Polymer

The process of a solid dissolving in a liquid phase to create a homogenous mixture is known as solubility. A crucial factor in getting the right quantity of drug into the bloodstream to show a pharmacological effect is solubility. The main issue in developing formulations for new chemical entities as well as for the creation of generics is low water solubility. More than 40% of novel chemical entities (NCEs) created in the pharmaceutical sector are essentially water insoluble. For formulation scientists, solubility is a significant challenge. Any medicine that is to be absorbed at the absorption site must be there in solution form. The solubility of pharmaceuticals that are poorly soluble can be improved using a variety of approaches, such as complexation, salt formation, particle size reduction, crystal engineering, salt formation, solid dispersion, and the like. The choice of a solubility-improving technology is influenced by pharmacological properties, absorption sites, and the requirements for the dosage form. This review article’s goal is to improve bioavailability and promote effective absorption.

Effect of Nurse Led Interventions on Disease Activity of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Background: Arthritis is an umbrella term for over 100 different types of disease. Arthritis is categorized as either inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Most common inflammatory arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and non-inflammatory arthritis is Osteoarthritis1.Objective of the study was to assess effect of nurse led interventions on disease activity of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Methods: Quasi-experimental non-equivalent time series design was used in the study.

The sample consisted of 106 patients who are diagnosed as Rheumatoid Arthritis recruited by purposive sampling technique.

Results: There was statistically significant difference in the mean pre-test and posttests scores of disease activity among patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the intervention group (p < 0.001)

Conclusions: Study concludes that the nurse led interventions were effective in reducing the disease activity of patients with Rheumatoid arthritis.

Proposed Ideal Business Model of an IoT Online Store (Case Study of is one of the businesses engaged in the IoT industry. It has been established since 2018 and is selling the products via e-commerce (Tokopedia). has three products categories; in-house products (LoRa, and Development Board), resale products (Resistor, Connector, Capacitor, and etc) and custom products or services (Bridge Monitoring System, Temperature Sensor, and etc). Currently, serves 2 segmented customers; B2C and B2B. Both segment give profit to the company, but since the internal resources are limited, then has to decided which segment that the company should focus on, so the company could gain more revenue and have stable revenue for each month. The research objective of this thesis is to discover the ideal model business of, B2B or B2C, therefore they could focus more to gain more revenue for the business. Also, another purpose is to discover whether the existing Unique Value Proposition is still relevant to the target model and what needs to be fixed. The research conducts in qualitative study, interviewing existing and prospective customers, both B2C and B2B customers. During the research, it was found that the B2B segment has a big opportunity for’s revenue streams. It could give more revenue to the business, but some efforts have to be done to reach that market. In addition to that, some parts of the existing Unique Value Proposition are not relevant to the current condition. The end outcome of this study is the focus on B2B customers and the new Unique Value Proposition, which will be applied in this business and is given in the form of OKR and KPI in accordance with consumer needs. It is hoped that and the team would do their best to provide the products that the market really needs and apply the new Unique Value Proposition both for B2B and B2C customers, so that the company will have stable revenue and could be sustained in the future. It is also hoped that could contribute to the IoT development in Indonesia since there are not many LoRa manufacturers in Indonesia.

The Road towards a Resilient Base Petrochemical Industry in Indonesia: A Transformative Scenario Planning Approach

Petrochemical industry is a strategic industry for a nation because it has a big impact on society at large. Petrochemical derivative products are an inseparable part of our modern life. With the development of technology, humans can synthesize innumerable combinations of petrochemical molecular structures to obtain materials with certain properties suitable for the final products to be made, from clothing, packaging, pharmaceutical, households, etc. All these products are mostly produced based on six building blocks of petrochemical, which are ethylene, propylene, butylene, benzene, toluene, and xylene. They, collectively, are called base petrochemical. However, the chemical sector and its derivatives contributed to the Indonesian Current Account Deficit. In 2019, The Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics reported that imports of chemicals and goods derived from chemicals reached USD 21.51 billion. Meanwhile, the export activity of this sector was only USD 12.65 billion. Thus, The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Industry (MoI) pays special attention to the industry as stipulated in the National Industrial Development Master Plan (Rencana Induk Pengembangan Industri Nasional – RIPIN). RIPIN 2015, which is spanned between the years 2015 to 2035, is a guideline for the government and industry players in planning and developing the national industry. Considering the importance of the base petrochemical industry, this research was conducted to find plausible scenarios for the industry in Indonesia. The time horizon in this research is the year 2035 which is in line with RIPIN document. In obtaining possible scenarios, a literature review was carried out and followed by interviews with several relevant and competent sources. This research produced four scenarios namely “The Ruptured SBR”, “The Abandoned ABS”, “The Aromatic Painkillers”, and “The Flying Polyester”. The approach employed is a Transformative Scenario Planning (TSP) according to Adam Kahane’s work. This research does not focus on one particular entity or institution, but on the national basic petrochemical industry as a whole which consists of various stakeholders with different interests. So that in implementing the results of this research, it is important to realize that all parties need to contribute to achieve the desired future.

Career Advancement and Participatory Decision Making of Teachers: Predictor on Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

The purpose of this study is to investigate career advancement and Participatory decision making of the teachers by head teachers as a predictor of job satisfaction in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya .This study was guided by the following objectives: To determine the extent to which head teachers encourage Career advancement influence teachers’ job satisfaction .To determine the extent to which participatory decision making by head teachers influence teachers job satisfaction. A descriptive research design was used. The study was anchored on two factor theory Herzberg-hygiene theory developed by Fredrick Herzberg (1968) and job characteristics Model by Hack man and Oldham (1980).  The target population for the study was 691head teachers and 5470 teachers in 691 primary schools. The total sample was 548 teachers. Multi- stage random technique and Simple random sampling were used.  The data collection instruments were questionnaires. Validity was done through pilot study and content validity was used to check the representation of the research questions in the questionnaires. The reliability was tested using Pearson‘s Moment Co-efficient approach. The results from questionnaires were interpreted and analyzed using frequencies’ percentages ‘and means. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance(ANOVA).The results shows that the null hypothesis H01 was rejected which implies that there was a relationship between head teachers ’involvement in career advancementof teachers and teachers’ job satisfaction. This implies that when head teachers ’involve teachers in career advancementthe teachers feel encouraged and satisfied.Career advancement had an influence on teachers’ job satisfaction.This shows participatory decision making by head teachers had some influence on teachers’ job satisfaction. From the findings, results from testing of the null hypothesis Ho2. The null hypothesis H02 was rejected which implies that there was a relationship between head teachers involving teachers in decision making and teachers’ job satisfaction. This implies that when head teachers involve teachers in critical decision making in schools they feel part and parcel of well being of the school hence feel satisfied. They head teachers should recommend teachers for promotion and mobilize parents by involving Board of Management so as to get resources.The government through the ministry of education should: provide policies on Career advancement are effective and that it does not interfere with the teachers schedule in school. The Quality Assurance Service should ensure they act as key monitors’ especially in supervision and encourage job satisfying practices through collaborative decision making. The government through the ministry of education should: Consider teachers are involved in decision making in school on matters education to ensure participation of all teachers is paramount in order to ensure that teachers are satisfied with their jobs.

Modelling Cyclic Fluctuations of SEIR Epidemic Diseases

Seasonality of infectious disease is an important factor in disease incidence, outbreaks, control and prevention. Many mathematical models that incorporate seasonality in the transmission were formulated and analyzed. In this essay a qualitative analysis is given in terms of the effective reproduction number R0, the existence and stability of the disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium of both the SEIR model and seasonal SEIR model. We perform numerical simulations  to validate the model formulation.

A Brief Review on The Common Defects in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing

Wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) process, which depends on conventional welding arc processes, is a promising option for industries when compared to typical manufacturing processes for assembling large and complicated products. WAAM process attracting manufacturing industries due to its potential to make large and complicated components with real sharp production run time with almost single step process. The process represents greater material savings, higher material buildup rate and speed, cost savings, lower cycle time, less impact on the environment, and capability of producing large size parts when evaluated with other fabrication methods. This paper focuses on WAAM process and reviews some of the common possible process defects found in variety of studies made previously to summaries a guideline for the causes of such defects and provides some prevention methods found by those studies. Of these common possible defects found in researchers works and reviewed in this work are pores, lack of fusion, cracks, and residual stress.