The Effect of Apparatus Commitment on the Relationship of Budget Participation and Internal Control with the Performance of Government Apparatus in the Government of Aceh

This study aims to examine the effect of apparatus commitment on the relationship of budget participation and internal control with the performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh. The population of this research were all Head of Institution, Head of Program Sub-division, and Financial Administration Officer in The Aceh Work Unit which the sampling technique uses non probability sampling with census method. The data source in this study uses primary data that is the acquisition of questionnaires from respondents. Data analysis method used is Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) with the help of SPSS 25. The result of this research shows that (1) budget participation and internal control has an effect on performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, (2) budget participation has an effect on performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, (3) internal control has an effect on performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, (4) apparatus commitment has an effect on the relationship between budget participation with performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh, and (5) apparatus commitment has an effect on the relationship between internal control with performance of government apparatus in the government of Aceh.

Proposed Business Strategy for International Freight Forwarding Company (Case: PT Jahermosa)

PT Jahermosa is an international freight forwarding company established in 2012. This company has experience handling several types of goods with various services and modes of transportation. The services provided include export-import goods delivery using sea, air, and land modes. Due to COVID-19, the company’s sales performance has decreased from 2019 to 2021. However, according to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, Indonesia’s total exports and imports from 2020 to 2021 have experienced a drastic increase. This gap indicates an increase in the market for goods delivery services to and from Indonesia but did not accompany PT Jahermosa’s ability to absorb the market. Therefore, this study aims to provide strategic business proposals for PT Jahermosa in the freight forwarding industry to improve the company’s sales performance.

This research is qualitative research using primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews with several customers and management participants. While secondary data is obtained through company financial reports, websites, journals, and articles. First, an analysis was carried out on the external and internal conditions of PT Jahermosa’s freight forwarding business. External analysis was conducted using the PESTEL Framework, Porter’s Five Forces Model, Customer Analysis, and Competitor Analysis. Meanwhile, internal analysis was carried out using the Resource Based View Model, VRIO Analysis, Porter Value Chain Analysis. After that, the internal and external analysis will be put into the Business Model Canvas. Then, SWOT analysis is used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to assess the condition of PT Jahermosa using the data from external and internal analysis. Evaluation of these four factors forms the basis for formulating strategic alternatives using the TOWS Matrix. Finally, root cause analysis is carried out to find the real cause of the problems encountered using Problem Tree Analysis. Based on the results of this research, the strategy is formulated using the Diamond Strategy Model by considering four factors: vehicles, arenas, differentiators, speed, and economic logic. Value proposition canvas is used to support the proposed strategy.

The limitation of this research is that financial reports need to be explained in detail to keep company documents secret. In addition, this research only covers PT Jahermosa as a freight forwarding and logistics service company. Further investigation can be made based on this research in the supply chain management, human resource management, and marketing strategy.

A Study of Export Barrier in Garut Leather Tannery Industry

The economic development of a country currently cannot be separated from the condition of global economy. Economic relations between country is an influencing factor for the development of both country involved. Therefore, export activity of an industry is very important for the development of a country’s economy. Based on data obtained through the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, export distribution in the form of footwear is 86%, leather finished goods are 13%, and leather is 1%. According to these data, it can be seen that the contribution of the leather tanning industry which is included in Leather Goods is very small in the total export distribution of leather. Meanwhile, by carrying out export activities, the leather industry will benefitted because it will open access to new customers who will have the potential to increase revenue and long-term growth. The data for this research was collected through 52 factory owners in this industry. After the data has been collected, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to see how many factors become the barrier of exporting in Garut leather tannery industry. The result of this research is there are three factors that become the barrier to do export in Garut leather tannery industry, namely functional, international and governmental barriers. Meanwhile the result of descriptive analysis shows that Garut leather tannery industry perceive high cost of capital to finance exports, difficulties in organizing promotional activities abroad, and lack of financial resources to conduct market research in overseas markets as the barrier to do export activities. The findings suggest that the government should support both the knowledge and infrastructure regarding export for all the business owners in Garut leather tannery industry, meanwhile the business owners should also be active in searching for business opportunities in international market. For future studies, it was suggested to consider management’s entrepreneurship capabilities as a factor that can hinder exports.

Risk Identification and Risk Prioritization Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Case Study: Human Capital Management, Procurement, and General Affairs of Holding Company PT. ABC)

Every company will face the fact that there are events that can be predicted or some that cannot be predicted. Companies to deal with these problems need to manage those risk well. According to ISO 31000, the definition of risk management is part of governance and leadership and is the basis for managing the organization at all levels.

Holding company PT. ABC is a non-manufacturing company that is part of one of the largest telecommunications group companies in Indonesia. This company is engaged in strategic investment and holding where the company’s business activities include network development, multimedia services, and investment in other similar companies. This company only has a special unit to manage risk management, the unit was only formed in 2021. Because the formation of risk management in this company is still new, in its implementation it still has shortcomings, which include that they are still lacking in communication with each unit to identify the risks faced and they do not pay enough attention to details such as seeing the score of each of those risks and determining which ones are the most important need to be prioritized.

This research was conducted using Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as a process of identifying possible risks that may occur and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to obtain risk priorities from each of the same risks. There are 11 risks that occur with 4 risks that have the same score at the High level, and 3 risks that have the same score at the Medium level. Priority weighting using AHP obtains a priority sequence for each risk that has a score at the same level.

Omnichannel Business Strategy for MSME to Increase Profit during Post-Pandemic: A Case of Jaya Raya Store

This study aims to analyze business issue of Jaya Raya Store as one of the MSME in Indonesia during post-pandemic, determining what kind of channel can be beneficial, how the channels proposed work well, determining the possible combination of channels as strategies to solve the business issue. The business issue was identified by using 5 why analysis and this study was made by using quantitative data obtained through distributing questionnaire surveys to 203 potential customers of Jaya Raya Store. The data is then analyzed by using regression analysis through SPSS statistics. Result of the research shows that for the business to keep improving especially during post-pandemic, expanding business channels is necessary and it is proofed that some channels such as phygital, digital promotions and digital catalogs have a great influence on customer awareness and their purchase decision. This study has the value that can be seen form the interesting strategies which can also be used for other business that experience the same business issues as Jaya Raya Store. The author has researched through channels as the variables of this study and provided four business solutions with implementation plan proposed for 1 year period. Business stakeholders need to focus on expanding the business channels so that more potential customers can be reached. This study discussed on four variables as the solutions such as phygital, digital promotions, social media, and digital catalog. The findings of this study can be a consideration for other business stakeholder to choose the best strategy for their business and it can be used for those who agree by applying the proposed business solutions and implementation plan to influence the potential customer awareness and their purchase decision.

Influence of Stock Application Attributes on Consumer Choice Decision (Case Study of Stockbit Consumer Choice)

The development of stock investment in Indonesia has experienced significant growth from year to year, according to the President Director of KSEI (Indonesia Central Securities Depository), Uriep Budhi Prasetyo said, “The growth of stock investors is one of the benchmarks for the achievement of the Indonesian stock market, growth occurs significantly during the Covid-19 pandemic, this shows that the Indonesian people are increasingly aware of the importance of investment, especially in the stock market. In the current era of digitalization, almost all daily activities can be done online and most of them can be easily accessed via their personal mobile phones. The number of mobile applications for stock investment has tightened competition. Not only securities from bank companies but also from non-bank companies also enliven the competition in this sector. The many alternative choices of course provide flexibility for consumers in choosing which application suits the needs of each consumer. Through this research, the authors aim to determine what factors influence consumer decisions when choosing stock applications. This study will use the choice modeling analysis method by providing 28 scenario-stated preferences resulted from NGENE software in the form of questionnaires to 200 respondents, in each of these questionnaires there are several attributes of stock applications as consideration for consumers in choosing stock applications including application performance, completeness of features, user security and privacy, transaction fees, and application appearance (UI). The results of this questionnaire are processed using the Multinomial Logit (MNL) method which is run using Python-Biogeme. The results of the study show that in general there are 4 attributes that significantly influence consumer decisions in choosing stock applications, including application performance, completeness of features, user security and privacy, and transaction fees. In addition, this research also shows several attributes that are elastic to consumers in certain applications, namely the user security & privacy and transaction fees in the Ajaib application and in the IPOT application is completeness of feature and transaction fees.

Basic Principles Inspire the Relationship between the Leaders and the Followers in the Physical Revolution in Bali

The basic principles of leadership in Bali have been known since the royal era and even earlier, namely since the community has settled down, gathered, defended the environment, since then the leadership element has entered. Leadership in Balinese society is inseparable from Balinese local wisdom, which is a form of unification of culture, customs, and religion. During the royal period until the physical revolution in Bali, leadership was always based on the philosophy of Hinduism. A leader in his leadership should always be based on the teachings of Asta Brata. In the 1945 physical revolution in Bali, leadership on the part of the fighters was greatly influenced by circumstances and nationalism. To be able to understand the loyalty of the people in war cannot be separated from the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and followers which originate from the teachings of Hindu religious philosophy, especially teachings that discuss the basis of leadership which is always oriented to the nature/gods as a manifestation of God. To support the status of a leader, it is usually manifested in the form of an heirloom keris, the use of titles, troops and so on. Familiarity, the sense of responsibility of the leader with the loyalty that is led melts together. The leader will inflame the spirit of struggle, his followers are always loyal to support him. So that a strong patron-client relationship is established. From this background, this paper reveals the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and followers in the physical revolution in Bali. The main problem: What are the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and followers before and during the physical revolution in Bali? Data collection used the historical method through several stages, namely heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and the stage of writing research results. The limited written data sources that were collected to complete this work used the method of direct interviews with the combatants who held the helm at that time. And supported by a patron-client approach. The results of the study show that the basic principles that underlie the link between leaders and those who are led before and during the physical revolution in Bali are strongly influenced by situations and conditions, the spirit of leadership which originates from the teachings of Hinduism. The link between the leader and the fed is an absolute requirement for the emergence of leadership because there are people who want to follow those who lead.

A Proposed Website Development Based on SECI Framework and Quality Function Deployment Methods (Case Study at Telkom Property)

Employee capability is one of the most important things that can influenced the company’s performance. In an effort to increase employee capabilities, qualified knowledge management is needed to ensure that the knowledge possessed by the company can be formed, used and used appropriately. Telkom Property is one of the subsidiaries of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. engaged in Property Management, Property Development, Project Solutions and Transportation Management Services. In order to maintain its business during the Covid-19 pandemic, in 2021 Telkom Property made changes to its vision and mission which had an impact on digitizing the company’s business processes. As a business enabler, the Human Resources Division continues to strive for the development and improvement of employee capabilities. Some of the initiatives that have been carried out are by increasing the frequency of knowledge sharing events and holding the Innovation Award which aims to be a forum for employees to provide innovation for the company. Based on the observation results, when viewed from the 5 steps of the knowledge management process, Telkom Property does not yet have the means to store knowledge. Therefore, in this research, the development of a knowledge management website at Telkom Property is carried out which aims to be a knowledge repository so that knowledge owned by companies and individuals is documented so that it can be accessed by all employees and helps the knowledge sharing process to be more effective. The development of this website takes into the SECI concept, where the features developed can support the Socialization, Externalization, Combination and Internalization processes. Proposed website development is made using the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method in order to develop the website based on the user requirement. HOQ tools used to support to transform the user needs into technical responses and 14 technical responses should be develop by the company to deliver the user centric website.

Digitalization and Productivity: Evidence on Indonesian Large and Medium Industries

This article estimates the relationship between digitalization and labor productivity in the manufacturing sector of a developing country represented by Indonesia. Literature investigating the effect of digitalization on labor productivity in the manufacturing sector is still rare in developing countries. Thus, the present study contributes to filling the gap regarding digitalization and labor productivity in developing countries. It used data of 33,577 large and medium industrial companies in Indonesia in 2017 obtained from the Large and Medium Industry Survey 2017 database, Statistics Indonesia. This study used econometric regression in cross-sectional data with labor productivity as the dependent variable and ICT asset proportion as the primary independent variable, representing the digitalization variable. The findings revealed that digitalization is positively and significantly associated with labor productivity in Indonesia’s large and medium industries.

The Evaluation of The Impact of Improving GCG Quality on PT Holding X’s Performance

Based on the Decree of the Minister of SOE No Kep-117/M-MBU/2002 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Practices in State-Owned Enterprises it is stated that SOEs are required to implement GCG consistently and sustainably. PT Holding X as a subsidiary of the leading SOE in the field of information, technology, and telecommunications in Indonesia are aware of the importance of implementing GCG. They believes that by implementing GCG, the overall performance of the company will grow positively. Thus, the company decided to improve its GCG quality in period 2021, yet the company has not conduct a full assessment on the impact of improving GCG quality on company performance. The goal of this research is to analyse the impact of increasing good corporate governance practices on performance at PT Holding X. This study will look at good corporate governance practices based on Ministerial Regulation Number Per-01/MBU/ 2011 concerning the Implementation of GCG in SOEs which links the results of the GCG assessment and the company’s achievements to the KPIs previously determined by the company. This study will use performance measurements based on the 4 perspectives of the balanced scorecard. There was an increase in the quality of GCG at PT Holding X by 26.32% and an increase in the performance of PT Holding X by 14.72%. This score indicates that there is a positive impact from improving the quality of GCG on improving company performance, this results is in line with the expectation of the company based on previous research results.