Business Valuation Using Discounted Cash Flow Method in Restaurant Industry (Case Study: Coffee Shop XYZ)

The level of coffee consumption continues to increase from year to year due to the influence of third wave coffee, this also affects the sales of Coffee Shop XYZ which continue to increase. Departing from this success, management wants to open two new branches, namely in Purwakarta and in Subang through raising funds on the equity crowdfunding platform. That’s why Coffee Shop XYZ needs steps for company valuation to find out the business value and share price that Coffee Shop XYZ will provide. Coffee Shop XYZ’s company valuation assessment uses absolute and non-absolute valuation methods, where the absolute valuation method uses discounted cash flow with terminal value, while the non-absolute valuation method uses a relative model which compares Coffee Shop XYZ’s financial ratios with similar companies in the same industry. , namely the restaurant. Based on the results of the study using the absolute valuation method, it was found that Coffee Shop XYZ had an enterprise value of Rp 19.930.457.260, with a share price of Rp 49.706,38 and 390.000 outstanding shares. Meanwhile, based on the non-absolute method, the EV/EBIT, P/E and P/B ratios indicate that Coffee Shop XYZ is undervalued, meaning that the business will generate greater profits, and the business is considered not too high-risk for investment. It also has a fair share price and the ratios show its ability to distribute dividends to investors. In conclusion, based on Coffee Shop XYZ’s valuation, it is known as a declining overvalued company. Even so, Coffee Shop XYZ will still provide positive residual income.


Relationship between Training Evaluation and Perceptions about XYZ Corporate University

XYZ Corporate University plays a role in developing employee competencies, supporting XYZ Corporation performance, and filling competency gaps. One of the performance indicators is the Customer Satisfaction Index. The data shows that there is a gap, where the assessment from the participants states that the average rating has met the target, but the scores from superiors and business unit heads are still far from the target score. This brings forth the question of relationship between elements of training evaluation that influence perceptions towards XYZ Corporate University and how to improve it. Quantitative research methodology is used in this research with primary data gathered from employees of XYZ Corporation who filled out a set of questionnaires. For analysis technique, linear regression analysis is performed. From these results, XYZ Corporate University needs to prioritize Learners’ Reaction and Changed Behavior after Learning, because increasing these two independent variables can affect the four dependent variables, namely positive perceptions of XYZ Corporate University. Of the five levels of training evaluation, Level 5, namely return on Training Investment, does not show a significant effect on perception, so further research is needed to examine its effect on training.


Conversational Implicature in the Webtoon Suddenly, I Became a Princess

In conversation events, sometimes the speech contains a specific purpose that is different from what is said. This condition is done by someone to disguise his speech. This research discussed the conversational implicature contained in a webtoon. The aims of this research 1) to describe the conversational implicatures and intentions contained in the webtoon Suddenly, I Became a Princess, and 2) to analyse the conversational implicatures and intentions contained in the webtoon. This research used qualitative descriptive methods. The data collection technique used the listening technique with advanced techniques in the form of note-taking techniques by collecting data in the form of conversational sentences between characters from episodes 21-41 which contain conversational implicatures. The data were analyzed by classifying conversational implicature using three types of conversational implicature (Yule, 2014) which are divided into general conversational implicature, special conversational implicature, and scaled conversational implicature. The results of the analysis, there were 42 utterances which contain conversational implicature, 17 utterances of general conversational implicature, furthermore 20 utterances of special conversational implicature, and 5 utterances of scaled conversational implicature.

The Analysis of Implicature and Cooperation Principles in Animation Web Drama a Day Before us: Pragmatic Study

This research aims 1) to find the types of implicature and examine the realization of the cooperative principle found in animated web drama speech, 2) to examine the realization of the cooperative principle found in animated web drama speech. The success of communication can be seen in the use of language in relation to context (pragmatics) and it is also not uncommon in films, and there are many implied meanings expressed in the form of implicatures to be conveyed. This research used Grice’s theory (1975) of cooperative principles and implicatures. The data used speech and conversational dialogues that contain forms of implicatures and cooperative principles. The research method used qualitative. Based on the results of the analysis, 7 data of conventional implicatures were found and 14 data of conversational implicatures. The form of the principle of cooperation from the observance of the maxims was found in 10 data 4 maxims of quality, 1 maxim of quantity, 2 maxims of relevance, 3 maxims of manner and the manifestation of the principle of cooperation from violation of the maxims was found in 11 data 3 maxims of quantity, 5 maxims of relevance, 3 maxim of way).

Portfolio Rebalancing with GARCH Model at Jarvis Balanced Fund

With high inflation economy, investors must find another way to minimize their risk, but also maximize their return of the portfolio. Various instruments used for finding the most suitable amount of portfolio allocation. Single instruments, such as stocks, bonds, and time deposits is chosen by investors to secure their assets from inflation. The other investors chose mutual funds to grow their investments. One of the solutions to find the portfolio allocation is to rebalance the portfolio. In other perspectives, time-series model will help investors to predict the volatility that will happen in the future. GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) model is used for finding volatility and generalized it from the ARCH Model. With GARCH Model, the total amount of residual and GARCH has to be less than 1. Either way, it will be categorized as a volatile asset. From the top 5 balanced fund in 2021, Jarvis Balanced Fund is one of the best-balanced funds with return of 55.85%/year. Using Jarvis Balanced Fund (JBF) portfolio from 2021 prospectus as the sample of this research, it is concluded that JBF has to reduce the number of stocks and increase the risk-free assets to prevent volatility that happen in the portfolio. Following with the macro economy of high-inflation economy era.

The Role of Public Accountant Company in Pressing Audit Report Delays for Go Public Companies in Indonesia Through Panel Analysis

This research aims to examine and analyze the role of public accountant company in pressing the condition of audit tenure, company size and financial distress toward the delay of audit report. The research sample was 19 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of 2015 till 2022. The total observation for 8 years amounted to 152. Then, the method of the data analysis is moderated regression panel analysis in the approach of random effect model. The findings show that the audit tenure, and company size do not effect directly on audit report lag directly, but they have a tendency to shorten the audit report lag. Then, the variable of financial distress has a positive significant effect on audit report lag. Further, this results of this study reveal that the reputation of public accountant company has a role in mediating the relation between audit tenure and company size to shorten the audit report lag. Practically, these findings implicate that the reputation of public accountant company be able to pressing the reliability and timelines of financial statements, especially for the companies which are related to the audit tenure and the financial distress condition.

Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales for Distributor Liquefied Petroleum Gas Company (Case Study: PT. Lembang Abadi Indah)

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) demand has increased every year since the government implemented a policy to convert kerosene to gas. It continues to increase in the last 10 (ten) years. from 2011-2021. Increases in LPG consumption signifies that public demand is getting higher, in industrial, commercial and household sectors. However, PT. Lembang Abadi Indah does not benefit from this situation in which the company’ sales volume continues to decrease. This research aims to identify the factors influencing this situation and develop the marketing strategy to resolve this issue. This research is a qualitative descriptive which data is obtained through in-depth interview and literature review. Furthermore, the results will be mapped with SWOT analysis, TOWS Matrix. To conquer this unfavorable situation, the company needs to focus on customer relationship, product diversification and business process efficiency.

Psycho-Social Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Online Teaching of Secondary Schools in Nigeria

COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge challenge to the educational systems in Nigeria. This required a new strategy which guided teachers, institutional heads and officials on how to address the crisis and continuing teaching and learning activities and still maintaining social distancing among students. The study assessed the effectiveness of online teaching; psychosocial effect of COVID-19 outbreak and the relationship between psychosocial effect of COVID-19 pandemic and online teaching among secondary school students in Nigeria. Descriptive Survey Research design was used in which data from 150 respondents was collected using self-administered questionnaire from six selected secondary within Oyo states in Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to sample the respondents. The data was analysed using descriptive and Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis. The result showed that online teaching is not that effective in the study area. Some psychosocial effects of COVID-19 outbreak were discovered among secondary school students in Nigeria in this study such as disturbed education, communal quarantine and difficulty in learning. The result of the hypothesis revealed that there is significant relationship between psychosocial effect of COVID-19 pandemic and online teaching of secondary schools in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that, to teach remotely, schools and colleges should train their staff and take advantage of asynchronous learning, which works best in digital formats. The normal classroom subjects, teaching should include varied assignments and work, also, when constructing curricula, students should be introduced to online assessment to helps students familiar with the effective use of online teaching.

Proposed Marketing Mix Strategy to Improve Brand Awareness of Circum by Mutiara Cikutra Clinic

The clinic growth in Indonesia every year indicates that Indonesia is a potential market for the healthcare industry. However, on the other hand, this also indicates that competition in this business sector continues to escalate. This phenomenon also impacts Circum by Mutiara Cikutra, a circumcision clinic based in Bandung. Competition between circumcision clinics that use either conventional or modern methods and the low public awareness of existing circumcision clinics lead to fluctuation in the number of patients/consumers. This study aims to find an appropriate strategy to improve public awareness of the Circum clinic. External and internal analysis is carried out to understand business problems broadly and deeply. Analysis of the external focus on PESTEL and competitor analysis, while the analysis of the internal focus on STP and marketing mix (7P). In this study, both primary data and secondary data were collected for analysis. Questionnaires were distributed to the target market of Circum by Mutiara Cikutra to obtain data related to the characteristics and preferences of target consumers in considering and choosing a circumcision clinic. After that, the author uses the SWOT analysis to summarize the analysis findings and uses the TOWS matrix to generate the appropriate strategies. The proposed strategies are structured into a new marketing mix strategy which is expected can be a solution to the current business issue at the Circum by Mutiara Cikutra.

Relationship between Promotion Mix and Brand Awareness (Case Study: Dizayn)

Indonesia is one of the most developed countries in Southeast Asia, there are many designers from Indonesia who have achieved success at the international level. The Indonesian fashion industry currently contributes 20% to the creative economy sector. In this case, the government also contributes to developing the country’s fashion industry in various ways by making policies, providing capital support, and carrying out digital transformation. The development of fashion today is quite rapid, various styles of clothing can change quickly. In addition, the use of technology can be said to be inseparable from human life today. Based on data, technology users in Indonesia continue to grow and are expected to continue to increase until 2025. Various kinds of special brands in Indonesia have sprung up to compete with their respective characteristics. Now there are many consumers who buy clothes with various brand choices online, whether in the marketplace or on social media. Marketplace income in terms of clothing is also experiencing a positive impact from sales of fashion products and in 2020, even during a pandemic, people prefer to buy fashion products over other products. Even in Bandung itself, fashion is a sector that contributes to PAD (Pendapatan Asli Daerah). Bandung is also often used as a benchmark for Indonesian fashion, known as Paris Van Java, which on the other hand also attracts tourists to come to Bandung. One brand that utilizes social media and marketplaces to market and sell its products is Dizayn, which was founded in 2018 in Bandung. In running its business, Dizayn experiences problems in terms of brand awareness from the market, this needs to be studied to increase Dizayn’s brand awareness to compete with existing competitors. This study aims to analyze Dizayn’s current condition, propose the right promotion mix for Dizayn and propose an implementation plan for the promotional mix solution that has been made. The promotion mix has 5 (five) variables there are of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct marketing. The hypotheses of this study are as follows: H1 advertising has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H2 sales promotion has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H3 personal selling has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H4 public relations has a positive relationship with brand awareness, H5 direct marketing has a positive relationship with brand awareness. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis to see the relationship between the independent variable, namely the promotion mix, and the dependent variable, namely brand awareness. The results shows that advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and direct marketing have a positive relationship with brand awareness, which means that H1, H2, H3 and H5 are acceptable. The promotion mix that has a positive relationship, direct advertising and marketing has the highest significant value, namely 0.000, where this value is less than 0.05. Meanwhile, public relations have a negative relationship, which means that H4 is rejected or unacceptable, which has a significance value of 0.420. The contribution of this research to science is so that in the future this research can be a reference or reference to see the relationship between promotion mix and brand awareness in different industries and larger companies. So that future research continues to develop according to the times. In addition, the results of this research are also expected to be applied by Dizayn so that he can compete fairly in the fashion industry which in the future can increase the contribution of the fashion industry to the creative economy sector and do not rule out the possibility of adding jobs.