The Relationship between Latrine Ownership and the Incidence of Diarrhea in Toddlers in South Buton Regency, 2022

Background: Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under five years of age, and is responsible for killing around 525,000 children each year. South Buton Regency, Diarrheal Disease is still included in the order of the 10 most common diseases. The coverage of services for diarrhea sufferers for all ages in South Buton Regency was 39.77%, while the coverage of services for diarrhea sufferers in the toddler age group in South Buton Regency was 28.82%. From the results of the above achievements it can be seen that the coverage of services for diarrhea sufferers in 2021 in all age groups and the under five age group has not yet reached the target of 100%.

Purpose(s): Knowing the relationship between latrine ownership and the incidence of diarrhea in South Buton Regency in 2022.

Method: Type of research uses a quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional design. Data collection was carried out by survey method using questionnaires and observation sheets The sample in this study was 2800 houses, with housewives as respondents

Results: The results of the statistical test using the chi-square test obtained a p-value = 0.005 <0.05 because the p-value is less than 0.05, then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means there is a relationship between latrine ownership and the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers in the Buton district. South in 2022.

Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between latrine ownership and the incidence of diarrhea in South Buton District in 2022.

Organic Fertilizer and Technical Efficiency in Melon Cultivation in Wonogiri, Central Java

Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a potential seasonal fruit crop. In melon cultivation, farmers combine various inputs. Combined inputs such as land, seeds, organic fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, labor.  Organic fertilizer is now a promising method for sustainable agriculture where it is most affordable compared to synthetic fertilizers.  The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the technical efficiency (ET) of melon farming, (2) to determine the effect of manure on melon production. (3) To determine the effect of age, formal education and farmer experience on the use of manure. Giriwoyo sub-district was chosen as the research location because it has the largest area of harvested land and the highest amount of melon farming production in Wonogiri Regency. Selection of farmer samples using accidental sampling technique. The number of respondents was 60 farmers.  The conclusion from the results of the study that (1) the average technical efficiency of melon farmers is 96.7% classified as high criteria, (2) manure has a positive effect on melon production, thus the use of manure can increase melon production which will further increase technical efficiency. (3) Age, education and experience have a positive effect on the use of manure. The suggestions given are (1) to increase technical efficiency can be done by adding manure and (2) increasing the use of manure can be done by increasing age, education and experience. Increasing age as a proxy for information, namely by adding information, increasing knowledge with training and increasing experience can be improved by apprenticeship activities with other parties. Experience is a key factor to increase the use of manure.

Politeness Maxims Performed by Characters in “The Magician Elephant” Movie

This study is aimed to observe the types of politeness maxim as well as the most dominant types used which are found in the movie transcript entitled “The Magician Elephant”. As a part of pragmatics, Leech’s theory about six types of politeness maxims was applied in this study. The data were collected using a documentation method and supported by a note taking technique which was taken in the form of utterances in the movie transcript. In addition, the data were analyzed by using a qualitative method, and showed descriptively in form of sentences and paragraphs. The formal method was also used due to the analysis applied in written words instead of numbers. The findings showed that there were 42 utterances of tact maxim, 17 utterances of generosity maxim, 31 utterances of approbation maxim, 14 utterances of modesty maxim, 18 utterances of agreement maxim, and 10 utterances of sympathy maxim.

The Effect of Using Project-based Learning on Improving Self-Regulated Language Learning among English-majored Students at Ba Ria – Vung Tau University, Viet Nam

Project-based learning (PBL) is one of the powerful instructional approaches for students in the classroom (Bender, 2012). PBL is an exciting, innovative instructional approach to motivate students in problem-solving (Baran, 2010). It may be defined as a real world project, based on motivating and engaging tasks, problems, questions to teach students academic content in the context of working cooperatively to solve the problem (Bell, 2010). These authors implied that if teachers utilize PBL, they change their traditional roles into the new mode of teaching. According to Dewey (1959), when students implement meaningful tasks related to problems in real-world situations, they can achieve more profound comprehension. PBL is considered an alternative choice for teaching because it is a powerful tool to encourage students to solve real-world problems (Berger, 1999). It is also believed that PBL assists students to take part in learning activities as active and confident participants (Marx, 1994). This paper examines PBL that influences the self-regulated language learning (SRLL) surveyed at BVU. The study used a quantitative approach with a positivist paradigm. The quantitative approach is deductive because it tests theories, develops models and hypotheses, and collects empirical data (Schunk, 1990). A survey tool was used to collect data from respondents across students of English Studies. The results show that PBL develops the students’ SRLL, and setting goals are the centre of SRLL to help the students study better and better at higher education.

Impact Analysis of Work Environment Mediated by Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance (Case Study Asuransi Siap)

Individual and organizational performance are substantially influenced by the work environment. This paper aims to investigate the impact of the work environment on employee performance at PT. Asuransi Siap, as mediated by job satisfaction. This research aimed to determine which elements of the physical or non-physical work environment had the greatest influence on Employee Performance and to establish the relationship between Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance. On the other hand, Job Satisfaction as a mediator variable has four dimensions consists Compensation, Working Conditions, Relation Within the Company, and Promotion and Development. Employee Performance dimensions consist of Quantity, Quality, Timeliness, Presence, and Ability to Cooperate.

This study uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to collect primary data from companies using questionnaires sent to 110 respondents at the head office of PT. Asuransi Siap, and the author interviews company employees who are considered to be able to provide an overview for the author. In addition, secondary data are obtained from literature reviews from previous studies.

According to research finding, the non-physical work environment has a considerable influence on employee performance. Employees agree that elements such as positive company relations, positive interaction with supervisors or executive management, and recognition from superiors have a greater impact on employee performance than physical aspects like as lighting, temperature, etc. Although it is indisputable that the physical work environment can also influence employee performance.

A Study on Assessment of Teaching and Learning Methods for Secondary School Biology Subject Content as an Approach to Addressing Environmental Degradation in Malawi. Case Study of Karonga District

The purpose of this study was on assessing of teaching and learning methods for secondary school biology subject content as an approach to addressing environmental degradation in Malawi. Case study of Karonga district. The study was guided by the following research specific objectives: to assess how success criteria in secondary school Biology syllabi are framed to address environmental degradation in Malawi; to investigate the appropriateness of the methods of teaching and learning Biology that address environmental degradation and to examine how Biology teachers assess students’ fieldwork that is required by the syllabus. A mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative methods) was used in this study. Sixty secondary school teachers were selected from 40 secondary schools in Northern Education Division in the Ministry of Education in Malawi as research participants. Schools and participants were selected through convenience and purposive sampling techniques respectively.  In this study, data was collected through interviews, questionnaire and document analysis. Data analysis was done thematically and using statistics. The research study found out that the success criteria, content and teaching and learning methods in Biology would not address environmental degradation because success criteria were not framed well and had many action verbs such as ‘explain’, ‘describe’ and ‘state’. In addition, explanation was the main teaching and learning methods used by Secondary school Biology teachers which would not address environmental degradation since they did not encourage learning through practice, The findings also revealed that Biology teachers in secondary schools assessed learners with the aim of passing public examinations and not assisting learners to acquire skills to deal with issues of environmental degradation.

Bioclimatic Modeling of Phlomoides Kirghisorum (Lamiaceae) Species Distributed in Fergana Valley

The article analyzes the natural distribution area of the species Phlomoides kirghisorum Adylov, Kamelin & Makhmedov using the programs of type MaxEnt and ArcGis, the endemic of Central Asia (past, future). According to the results of the study, it is proved that the main distribution of the species coincides with the boundaries of the areali Tien–Shan mountain system (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan). It is noted that the climatic factors that are optimal for the species are sufficient temperature and annual precipitation. According to both scenarios, it was found that the increase in temperature by 0.4–1.6 °C and 1.4–2.6 °C was directly influenced by the main bioclimatic factors such as Mean temperature of coldest quarter (Bio11), Precipitation seasonality (Bio15).

Practices and Challenges of Change Management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court

The current study examined the practice and challenges of change management in the Ethiopian Federal Supreme Court. This study adopted a descriptive design with a mixed approach. The objective of the study is to describe the practice, attitudes, and challenges of employees and leaders in the Federal Supreme Court. Primary data was collected by using a questionnaire and interview on the other hand, secondary data was collected from unpublished materials like reports and manuals of the court. 204 respondents who properly completed and returned the questionaries and five interviewed leaders are involved as sources of data. In order to select respondents, a simple random sampling technique was used. The analysis and summary of findings reflected major practices of change management, perception, and challenges of employees. The organization faces many challenges in the implementation of change management among these, a lack of knowledge about change management, employee resistance, insufficient employee participation in training, and the change management process is the main. The study concludes that the change held in the organization is not satisfactory. It is recommended that for Federal Supreme Court become more successful participate employees in the change management process to reduce challenges and in order to achieve its goal.

The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Global Trade and Commerce

This study aimed to investigate the impact of cryptocurrency on global trade and commerce. The research objectives included examining the extent to which the adoption of cryptocurrency has disrupted traditional financial systems and affected cross-border transactions, as well as investigating the potential benefits and challenges of using cryptocurrency for global trade and commerce. A mixed-methods research design was used, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques. The study involved an extensive literature review, a survey of businesses involved in international trade, and interviews with key stakeholders. The results showed that cryptocurrency offers benefits such as reduced transaction costs, faster settlement times, and increased transparency in transactions. However, there are also challenges such as regulatory and legal hurdles, security concerns, and limited understanding of cryptocurrency. The study also highlights the factors that influence the adoption of cryptocurrency in international trade, including regulatory and legal frameworks, security concerns, awareness and understanding of cryptocurrency, transaction costs, and integration with existing systems. Finally, the attitudes and perceptions of businesses towards cryptocurrency are discussed, with the study showing that confidence in the reliability and security of cryptocurrency is a significant factor for adoption. Overall, the study provides insights into the potential opportunities and challenges presented by cryptocurrency in global trade and commerce, and the implications for policymakers, businesses, and investors.

Analysis of the Development of Financial Management Theory to Support Financial Research

Financial research issues and trends continue to evolve today. Financial management discusses several issues that became a financial attraction in the 1950s related to corporate funding sources. The issue is emphasized on debt funding sources, maturity period extensions, forms of financial assets, increased use of financing sources. The issue continues to grow to this day. Financial management is always concerned with the company’s financial issues that address the financial aspects of the company and also the administrative side during the initial development of the company. Bookkeeping problems are related to the difference between capital and revenue, the administrative side resulting from growth and expansion, and of course financial adjustments are needed to strengthen companies that are experiencing financial difficulties.  The problems raised in this study are how the development of financial management theory and the development of financial research until now, as well as how the application of financial management theory to financial research. This research uses qualitative methods. Data collection is carried out by data collection methods in qualitative research, namely observation, visual analysis, and literature study. The development of financial management theories as well as types of financial management research emerged gradually.  The development of financial management theory has a history of financial thought can be grouped into several concepts that have their own developments. The foundations of modern financial theory stem from the application of neoclassical economic theory which already uses the assumption that individuals behave rationally. Until the1970s, the application of financial theory was growing up to the current concept, namely behavioral finance.