Proposed Improvement of the Contract Award Process in Contracting and Procurement using Lean Six Sigma Methodology (A Case Study of an Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia)

Oil and gas (O&G) production is crucial for Indonesia’s economy, and Company XYZ is actively involved in O&G exploration and production in three operational fields. Effective contracting and procurement procedures are essential for timely access to equipment, services, and materials while minimizing costs, delays, and risks. O&G procurement involves various responsibilities such as procuring drilling rigs, equipment, seismic services, and transportation. Insufficient planning in these processes can lead to project delays, increased expenses, and lower profitability. To address these challenges, the research proposes implementing Lean Six Sigma principles with the DMAIC methodology to improve the contracting and procurement process. In the Define phase, the current state of the contract award process is identified through process mapping. The Measure phase evaluates the internal contract routing approval performances, highlighting variations in completion time for IRS documents. The Analyze phase identifies factors contributing to redundancy, including lack of digitization, absence of a contract control system, time-consuming processes, and a complicated routing process. The Improve phase recommends three solutions: implementing a contract monitoring and control system, streamlining the contract approval routing process, and digitizing the contracting and procurement processes. These solutions aim to improve efficiency, coordination, and decision-making, ultimately enhancing the contract award process, reducing delays, and increasing operational effectiveness and profitability. The Control phase ensures the sustainability of proposed solutions through regular monthly reviews to assess the effectiveness of the control plan and make necessary improvements.

Replacement Analysis for Replacing One of Revenue Stream Fuller Smoketown

PT Mahajana Boga Semesta is a company engaged in the provision of food and beverages as well as hospitality. After the pandemic ended and the people were free to be active, the company decided to expand its t-customer business line by establishing a restaurant in the city of Bandung with the trademark Fuller Smoketown. To bring innovation that is different from other restaurants, Fuller Smoketown focuses on developing food variants whose cooking process uses the smoking method. Apart from that, the company has also embedded facilities that other restaurants do not have, such as VIP rooms which can be used as a place for meetings, meals, and karaoke. This VIP room is equipped with karaoke facilities that are appropriate and equivalent to karaoke places in general. At the beginning of the opening of the Fuller Smoketown restaurant, this VIP room became the prima donna and was in great demand by consumers but in the second month and so on the interest in this VIP room actually decreased and did not show any business growth until in the end after 1 year of operation the company planned to close the business line VIP room and replace it with a new line of business, namely leasing business space to third parties. The company is still hesitant to realize this plan due to considerations of cost and revenue issues whether it is comparable to closing the old line of business and replacing it with a new line of business. In this study the author will try to provide an explanation of this plan by using replacement analysis with the indicator NPV, IRR, and Payback period. so that it can assist companies in making decisions regarding the replacement of old business lines with new business lines.

The Social Impact of Nonviolent Communication

Peace is a human necessity and a pillar of concentration for a prosperous existence. For the purpose of bringing peace, stability, and stability, use a variety of tools and techniques to accelerate and assure progress towards this objective, and make it a regular mechanism. The working factors are arranged sequentially, and the specific objective is reached; sadly, in our country and among our peoples, this has not yet been achieved.

Since the last half century, efforts, plans, and mechanisms for peace and stability have not produced the desired outcomes. On the one hand, the problem lies in the employed mechanisms; on the other hand, it has been observed in the correct and appropriate operation of all aspects of these mechanisms; one of these aspects is the use, promotion, and spread of nonviolent language.

There will be peace and stability among people if peaceful language and literature are used in all aspects of human existence, from school to college, from community to government, and from home to home. The user has contributed, and future generations will inherit a legacy of a tranquil literary and social language.

Investigating Factors Influencing Customer Churn in the Online Bill Payment Services

In Indonesia’s growing digital economy, the high churn rate in online services, such as bill payment platforms, is a critical concern. An example is BillsXYZ, a pseudonym used in this research for confidentiality, where similar services are readily available, and customer switching is effortless. The study conducted an analysis of the external environment to gain insights into the competitive landscape of the market. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, a framework including key elements like customer experience and satisfaction, price and promotions, service quality, social influence, brand image, ease of use, and features of the service. The research involved 110 survey participants and four detailed interviews. Key findings from the analysis indicate that while there is moderate satisfaction with the online bill payment service, there are areas that require improvement, including recurring payment failures, limited availability of certain payment methods, and insufficient awareness of certain features. To address these issues and enhance customer retention, recommendations were put forth, such as increasing feature awareness, improving service quality, and implementing strategic promotions. This study provides valuable insights for online bill payment services to improve customer retention strategies.

Proposed Strategy to Increase the Number of Digi Users from Customers of Pt Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat Dan Banten, Tbk.

PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk (BJB) is one of the largest regional development banks in Indonesia. One of the banking services offered by BJB is DIGI. DIGI is a mobile banking service provided by BJB for customers to access banking services provided by BJB through cell phones. Based on BJB’s annual report for 2022, the number of DIGI users in 2022 reached 849 thousand users. Even so, this number is still far away when compared to the number of accounts from BJB’s third party funds which reached 5.2 million in 2022. If we compare the number of DIGI users with the number of accounts from third party funds, the number of DIGI users is only 14.97 percent of the number of accounts from BJB’s third party funds. The purpose of this research is to increase the number of BJB customers who use DIGI. In this paper the author uses a mix method by mixing qualitative methods in the form of interviews with 10 customers and the BJB digital banking team and quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to 230 BJB customers via google form. Smart PLS 3 is used to process data and test hypotheses that have been built based on the results of interviews and questionnaires from customers. The methods and hypotheses built in this study are based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology proposed by Viswanath Venkatesh in 2003. Based on the results of the study, it was found that Performance Expectations and Effort Expectations affect a person’s intention to use DIGI. This study also found that Facilitating Conditions and customer intentions affect the likelihood of customers to apply DIGI in reality. Based on these findings and some internal and external analysis of the company, the author provides several strategies that can help BJB to increase the number of customers using DIGI using SWOT and TOWS tools. The strategies offered in this paper are building QRIS-based financial services in the DIGI application, collaborating with various e-commerce platforms by providing special payment services, building DIGI account activation services via mobile phones, and providing education to customers regarding the services and benefits of using DIGI.

Analysis of Public Perspective on Oil Fuel Prices Increase and Factors Affecting Intention to Visit Tourist Destination. Case Study: Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark

Tourism is a phenomenon with a growing sector in many nations, including Indonesia. In 2022, Indonesia experienced a considerable increase in the price of oil fuel (BBM). The rise in oil fuel prices might impact people’s intentions to visit Indonesian tourist destinations. Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark (CPUGGp) is one of Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia’s natural tourism spots. Its location, which is quite far from larger towns such as as Bandung and Jakarta, may be a factor in people visiting in this situation. The purpose of this study is to examine the public various perspectives or points of view on the 2022 oil fuel prices increase in Indonesia, as well as the impact on everyday life and intention to visit tourist destination. This study employs 7Ps analysis, PESTLE, Porter’s Five Forces, and qualitative and quantitative customer analysis. Interviews with respondents were done as part of the qualitative research. In quantitative research, questionnaire was distributed with the requirement that respondents be Bandung City residents between the ages of 20 and 40. The variables included in the questionnaire are based on Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) by Ajzen, which are Attitude, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Subjective Norms. The questionnaire data were then processed using the SmartPLS 3.2.9 program. According to the findings of this study, attitudes and perceived behavioral control have a positive and statistically significant effect on the intention to visit CPUGGp.

The Influence of Different Ratio of Goat Dung and Lontar Shells (Borassus Flabellifer Linn) Charcoal on the Biochar Briquettes Properties

Research goals was to determine the physico-chemical and burning propersties of biochar briquettes with different ratios between goat dung and lontar shell charcoal. Material used were goat dung, lontar shell, tapioca as binder and water. The equipment were kiln drum (pyrolysis drum), grinding machine, hydraulic pressor, briquette stove, infrared digital thermometer, digital hanging scales, digital sitting scales. Variables measured were density, moisture, ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon, calorific value, burning rate and burning resistance. Analysis of variance was applied to determine the influence of treatment on the variables measured. Result of analysis showed that treatment had a very significant (P<.01) on moisture, ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon, calorific value, burning rate and burning resistance, but no significant (P>.05) on density of biochar briquettes. More proportion of goat dung charcoal generated the biochar briquettes with properties more ash content, lower fixed carbon, higher volatile matter, reduced calorific value, faster burning rate, shorter burning resistance. It can be concluded that the physico-chemical and burning properties of the biochar briquettes generated in this study did not meet the standards according to SNI 01-6235-2000. In this case, however, the best ratio is 25% of goat dung charcoal and 75% of lontar shell charcoal.

The Impact of Slow and Circular Fashion Concept on Consumers Purchase Intention

: Slow and circular fashion concept is a concept that used in fashion industry referring to company or brand that produced clothes in sustainable practices, including reducing waste, extending lifespan of products, and priority responsible manufacture. As the textile manufacture is one of the biggest industry that producing waste, many people start to aware of this problem, especially millennials and gen Z. Many fashion brand are starting to apply sustainability process on their manufacture, including applying slow and circular fashion concept. As a sustainability brand, they tend to use value-based pricing on their pricing strategy, so the price range is middle to high. The brand wanted the value they offer to the consumers is delivered well and they tried to encourage people to be responsible consumers. However, the one who have awareness of environment concern are millennials and gen Z who have middle to low purchasing power. This generation sees the value that sustainability brand’s offer is not appeal to them even though they know the brand mission and vision. This study aimed to identify factors that influence the consumers purchase intention on slow and circular fashion concept. This study using quantitative methods and descriptive statistic as data collection methods. The data were obtained from questionnaire that were distributed to 200 respondent.

Propose an Optimum Stocks Portfolio Using Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory in Educational Endowment Fund Management (Case Study of XYZ Institution)

XYZ institution is a Public Service Agency in Educational Sector, focused on giving the scholarship in master and doctoral programs level domestically and abroad, also in many affiliated researchers funding programs. The effect of granting scholarships and research funding produces an extraordinary output for the country. It was successfully increased the quality level of education in Indonesian society, also with the Indonesian Human Development Index. With a great accumulated amount of asset under management in fiscal year 2023, XYZ institution have a really big opportunity to maximize the investment return and give all Indonesia’s citizens an equal chance of pursuing the higher education.

Markowitz Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is utilized to construct an optimal stocks portfolio for XYZ institution. The proposed stocks portfolio seeks to find a combination between high-growth stocks that have the potential to increase in value and stable dividend-paying stocks that provide income stability. The goal is to maximize the overall investment portfolio returns while taking its risk tolerance and investing objectives into consideration. Diversification was done by investing in a diverse range of companies across sectors and asset classes, reducing exposure to single asset risk. The proposed optimum investment portfolio provides XYZ institution a diversified allocation of assets, consisting of a portion in Time Deposits at 36,68%, Government Bonds at 34,10%, Corporate Bonds at 27,21%, and Stocks at 2%, which is constructed in a form of Aggressive Strategy, Moderate Strategy, and Defensive Strategy. The stocks selection resulting the best five stocks composition in Moderate Strategy which consist of BBNI at 20,17%, BJBR at 19,54%, PTBA at 20,15%, ADRO at 19,67%, and INDF at 20,47%, projected could give a return contribution at 6,60% with the lowest given risk of 26,83% from the stocks portfolio and could generate a 7,15% to the overall investment portfolio return.

Marketing Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness: A Study Case on Digital Loan Application

Indonesia’s fintech industry has continued to experience rapid growth and will emerge as a key participant in the country’s financial sector by 2022-2023. Fintech is an abbreviation for financial technology, which refers to the use of technology to improve the efficacy of financial systems and provide financial services. Indonesia is an ideal environment for the growth of fintech companies due to its large population and swiftly expanding middle class. The widespread adoption of smartphones and internet access has contributed to the expansion of fintech in the nation. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has implemented measures to promote innovation, safeguard consumers, and maintain financial stability. These rules have facilitated the operation of fintech firms and attracted investment. In Indonesia, mobile payment solutions are one of the fastest-growing areas of fintech. In banking industries, technology is beginning to transform the banking process from traditional banking to digital banking, in which consumers must deliver through innovative technologies such as mobile and internet banking (Abbasi & Weigand, 2017). This issue may be remedied by the emergence of fintech lending. This was bolstered by the high mobile subscription and internet penetration rates relative to Indonesia’s population, which subsequently presented a tremendous opportunity for fintech lending platforms.